Whats up with these new people?


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
I just read two post and both of the ppl tried to crack little joes so that they think that we'd accept them more than if they didnt. They also asked question that shouldnt really be asked. So many of these kids come here looking for a quick fix but are in for a lot more than they expected. The calibur of the question shock me when its basic and simple stuff. Common sense is just what it is, but it seems like a lot of people dont use it. They just type something just so they can have some attention. You all might not like more for having said this but i dont really care. Half of you wont reply and i dont know why. But what ever it is it doesnt matter. Think what you want, be who you are. I hope some how on some higher level you learned something from this but i doubt it. Anyone who has a problem with this say it and we'll see how it goes. Im just goin on and on but its ok...you dont know me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by oakraiderz2
...you dont know me.
I know you ;)

People are just like that, they have a question in there head, and its much easier to post and wait for a reply than look it up.

Plus they have a lot of troubles applying broad articles to specific situations. They also have a hard time letting go of their over analyzing. they're just not looking at the big picture.


I know its hard oak, but its just time. More will come and more will go, but there will always be stupid questions ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
heres another possible reason, if you needed help when you where new would you look for a genralised post or would you ask some one for help who you asume is an 'expert' its because they do not tihnk that the bible will answer there questions, and one other thing, the bible is a mess theres no logical order no real contents page, i think that if some one would put the posts in a sensible order with a contents page with subjects rather then titles as its often hard to know the subject by the title, then a lot of new guys would read.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Generalization: nowadays people don't like to read as much as they did, say, 30 years ago. The new people you are speaking of are often my age, and books in my generation are not popular. The point: the bible is big. Very big, and when you tell someone to 'read the bible', they think of reading every article, and that simply overwhelms them.

No one likes to improve, because improvement signifies change. Change of personality is the hardest one of all, since man attributes highest value to his self. A Chinese proverb went something like this: A man can easily take a slap to the face; it is his ego that can't (I have seen it tested. An arrogant kid with a bloated ego got punched in the jaw over some stupid matter. The punch wasn't hard. He didn't have a bruise afterwards. But: he broke into tears and ran directly to the principal's office. My guess is pain didn't play an imortant role.)

However, establishing an identity is the primary achievement in the teenage years. Funny, how everyone I know tries so hard to preserve it.