alright so lately my gf has been acting rather strangely.. for example last saturday we were leaving from the walmart parking lot but she was gonna leave with her friends and she didnt wanta make out with me or anything before we left.. i thought well maybe cuz her friends were there but still... i havnt talked to her for two days and she keeps on saying she's gonna get married to one of her best guy friends (btw were just 17) so i know its like a joke and i know her best friend guy pretty well and i highly doubt they're doin anything at all.. and on myspace she put her status as "All i can say is (RUN,RUN) UR A JERK!!! LOL &i hope ur happy cuz im gonna MARRY LUPE&IM SO EXCITED
" Now im not sure if it was intended for me but it kinda seems like it is intended for me...
We've only been going out for 5 weeks so my thoughts are.. this is just a **** test to see how i react.. but then again idk maybe she actually is pissed off cuz i havnt txted/called her.. So wut do you all think.. should i just be say like "hey babe wuts up" or should i just wait it out like if nothings bothering me at all?...opinions?
We've only been going out for 5 weeks so my thoughts are.. this is just a **** test to see how i react.. but then again idk maybe she actually is pissed off cuz i havnt txted/called her.. So wut do you all think.. should i just be say like "hey babe wuts up" or should i just wait it out like if nothings bothering me at all?...opinions?