What's too young?


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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I actually agree with a lot of what you just said duraco, but from a different viewpoint. I'm reminded of the Star Wars series where George Lucas explained that there were always only 2 "Siths" because if there were more, they'd all just end up destroying each other. Or another example, Machivelli's The Prince goes into an explanation about how being an effective prince necessitates that the masses are followers with limitations. Much of that book is spent on how to impose societial guidelines to maintain that delicate balance (the balance being, the majority weak so that the minority can be strong).

So, yes, we can't all "have it all" because there very much would be chaos. There simply isn't enough to go around for us all to have more than "our fair share". There is no karma, and there is no balance. You can have more than your fair share, but mathematically it much come at the expense of someone else's fair share.

So, quite frankly, i'm glad that you and many like you choose a variety of forms of self-depravation, duraco. If it weren't for people like you, most of the advantages I have simply couldn't be realized for logical reasons. Its not what I do that gives me more than my fair share of power, its what you don't (or won't) do that gives it to me. And since you're the one that's choosing to be in the position you're in, my hands are clean of it.

So, anyway, my limits are easy to figure out. They consist of whatever State and Federal laws are that are currently being enforced. I certainly don't want to go to jail.
Mar 18, 2006
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oldguy said:
I'm in my mid fiftes. Opinions please. How young can a woman I'm pursuing be before the age difference is just too creepy?

These hors nowadays are sucking balls at 10 years old -- by the time they are 15 they have had more sexual experiences then a woman of 80!! Get the youngest hor of legal age!! A woman's beauty is strictly tied to her age - the younger the better!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
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Another angle:

it would be easy to dismiss folks who, rather than work out their sexual terrors/hangups/fears/obsessions in psychotherapy and counseling, project their unresolved issues by trying to regulate the sexual behavior of other people.

But, being open-minded, I take every opportunity to benefit from the contributions of those more Puritanical among us.

For example-

I am currently pursuing a young lady, safely above the legal threshold, who is Midwestern, Catholic, Church-going, conservative, Asian (sense of propriety), etc. etc.

Oh, and she's very hot, which I 've verified with extended massages.

This woman is a volcano primed to burst, and I will be there when that lava
blows, bathing in the glory of all the sexual repression now gratefully unshackled.

The Churches' and society's centuries-old focus on being sexual regulation organizations has been internalized by many among us and the damage has been great, but the flip side is the incredible payoff that comes when nature's call unlocks not only the natural urges but also the pent-up artificial pressure created by so many prohibitions just waiting to be thrown overboard in the heat of the moment.

Again, no need to break laws- there's plenty of non-juridical taboos and restrictions provided for us to enjoy breaking.