What's too young?


New Member
Nov 15, 2007
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I'm in my mid fiftes. Opinions please. How young can a woman I'm pursuing be before the age difference is just too creepy?



Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
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Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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haha. it all depends.

if you have status - ie. your super fit, rich, or have some impressive job - people will look at you and think you're just an silverback gorilla that is still ruling the pack. they will envy you.

if on the other hand you are just your average 50 year old (ie. overweight, balding, ho hum job, etc.) and you are with some hot little 18 year old, people will assume you are her sugar daddy - and as such you will get looks of 'you disgusting perv'.

your geography also matters. im sure there are TONS of places in the world where a 50 year old man banging an 18 year old would not be shunned. but it ain't in america or canada.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
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I may be going a little politically incorrect here but think of this way. Black guys date white girls. It happens. There a lot of close minded people out there that give them dirty looks about it too. But still it happens. Same thing for an older guy and younger women. You'll get some dirty looks or whatever but if you don't mind dealing with it then it's not a problem. The question is do you care if people think you're a creep for dating younger women or are you just asking somebody, in this case us, for permission to do it to alleviate your own self doubts?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
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I was considering a nineteen year old, but I'm backing off not because of her age, but because of her situation, which is related to her age.

The attraction is there, mutually. We've spent time together with no gaps or lulls in the connection and conversation, no problem.

But the logistics don't work out. I can't easily isolate her from her family and
I don't want to deal with them.

I've missed some "windows of opportunity" because of hesitating with younger women. I've found that I need to (quickly) get to a place where I'm either going for it 100% or else just drop it and move on, not waste time and energy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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can i be honest?

do you guys in your 50s really find a lot of 19 year olds are 'in' to you? or is it just that they are friendly and you take this to mean they are in to you?

i mean, are you meeting these women at work or at a strip bar? in both scenarios women will be tempted to flirt with you due to the environment.

unless you look like pierce brosnan or have the potential to be a sugar daddy, i just can't imagine an attractive 19 year old taking an interest in a 50 year old + man.

i dont mean to be rude, its just that most 19 year old would be "like, ewww, he's like oh my gawsh, like my dad like."

anyway, share your insights. it will be sweet if when im 50 i can look forward to scoring some 19 year old *ss now and then ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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How old do you THINK is too young?

I remember a chick that I fukked once (a stripper, btw) when I was about 21 met my dad. I guess he would have had to have been about late 40's at the time, and she made a comment on how he's a good looking guy. And he was pretty damn bald and he even had a nice little beer belly goin on.

Fact is there will ALWAYS be 19 yr olds that will bang a 50 year old guy. Some of them might be a couple bottles short of a six pack, maybe some "daddy issues" going on, but they will fukk you nonetheless.

I'm hoping that since i can pass for mid 20's now that I am 36, that I will be able to pass for my 40's when I get into my 50's. It does make a difference how old you look. When I'm that age though I think I'll will have graduated to the 30 somethings ;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
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I once got into a hot and heavy deal over a summer with a woman 'cause she thought my dad was hot. Same kinda story. She was 30. I was 18, then. Dad was like 40, then.

I might have been just a surrogate for him. (At this point, I wish HE'D have gotten to nail her. Too bad. I almost feel guilty.)

I didn't complain, though.

There's more to the story, but I don't wanna go on about it here.

I REALLY believe you, man.



Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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As young as you can get legally.

I don't care if you are 50 or 100 if you can somehow manage to get an 18 year old chick interested in ya go for it and don't let anyone stop ya.

Though keep in mind if you are really old she is probably just out for your money but thats not a big deal so long as she is giving for whatever she is getting.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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as long as its legal (because nobody wants to go to jail)

who the frig cares....

when you're on your death bed thinking back on your life you'll defenitly be
thinking about that time you nailed that 19 yo..


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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joekerr31 said:
can i be honest?

do you guys in your 50s really find a lot of 19 year olds are 'in' to you? or is it just that they are friendly and you take this to mean they are in to you?

i mean, are you meeting these women at work or at a strip bar? in both scenarios women will be tempted to flirt with you due to the environment.

unless you look like pierce brosnan or have the potential to be a sugar daddy, i just can't imagine an attractive 19 year old taking an interest in a 50 year old + man.

i dont mean to be rude, its just that most 19 year old would be "like, ewww, he's like oh my gawsh, like my dad like."

anyway, share your insights. it will be sweet if when im 50 i can look forward to scoring some 19 year old *ss now and then ;)
My dad is 51 and all my girlfriends/friends who are girls always think he is hot. He is in good shape, he lifts weights and runs three or four times a week. He still has almost all of his hair as well. He has a decent job, but I don't think that has anything to do with it.

That said, I could never see any of them actually having any sort of a sexual relationship with my dad. Anytime they call him cute or hot, it's more just to mess with me than anything else.

Then again, my dad doesn't sit on the internet and read about picking up younger chicks. So who really knows?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
MikeYikes122 said:
That said, I could never see any of them actually having any sort of a sexual relationship with my dad.

>>>> Why not ? he knows more that you and has more sexual experience than you and has more maturity, commonsense, coolness and money - so tell me again, why do you think that chicks would NOT be interested in him over you ?
Ha ha , gotcha kiddo !


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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jophil28 said:
Ha ha , gotcha kiddo !
You're probably right. My dad could probably take any girlfriend from me if he wanted to. I have a feeling he had some game back in the day.

James Bondage

Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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No offence to you man, but are you sure you'd be happy with a 19 year old? It's not the age difference so much that would be a factor for me, but the difference in maturity.

I'm 27 now, and to be honest I wouldn't really go much lower than about, say 22? (Depending on the person of course). Most girls I've met who are 19/20 can quite often be pretty immature and spend their whole time texting ppl, attention-seeking and going 'So I was like, OMG!!' and stuff like that.

I just find I don't have a lot in common with them, and I'm 27.. so I can't imagine what a 50-something would. But everyone's different of course.

Not saying you shouldn't go for a younger woman, of course that's always a good idea.. just I feel 19 is a little tooooo young.

(I assume you are talking from a dating perspective, however if you are just thinking of banging her then go for it!!)

EDIT: OK just re-read the topic and realised that the OP didn't actually mention anything about a 19-year old. OK so this comment goes to all the older guys who were talking about 19-year olds..


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Go as low as you can within legal state limits. Artificial rules are for the weak, unless its your preference.

I'd have a maturity requirement, but not an age requirement. I wouldn't be interested in a child, mentally speaking. Women can mature pretty quickly though, and you will meet the rare, very mature 18 year old.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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ducaro said:
If she is young enough to be your daughter.. then I think its pretty crap and dysfunctional for you to be ploughing her.:trouble:
Bull$hit. At 57 a 40 year old could easily be your daughter. You're gonna tell me that you wouldn't fukk a 40 yr old? Yea, that's pretty disfunctional.

So if I'm 36 a 19 yr old could be my daughter. I'm not gonna let you are any of the rest of our head-up-their-ass society tell me that's "wrong", cause it isn't.

I suppose you could hit up the nursing homes. I hear the women there are pretty frisky these days.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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ducaro said:
I am just a lil concerned that slowly people will start to say that its ok to 'date' your daughter - do you see what I am trying to get at?? (they are even capable of justifying that by saying we are animals after all)
That's completely different from what you said the first time. Dating someone that's young enough to be your daughter is a far cry from actually dating your daughter.

In any event, if you want to make some arbitrary personal rules and follow them, have at it. Just don't impose them on everyone else or dillude your mind to believe they're absolute truths.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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There is nothing dysfunctional about it in any sense of the word.

I don't care if you're 16 or 76. You are genetically programmed to have desire for women of reproductive age. And that might even be BELOW the age of 18.

That doesn't mean you should be doing anything illegal, of course.

Fact is, anything someone claims that goes against nature is purely opinion based upon what their interpretation of what society deems appropriate.

Me? I prefer women mid 20's, but I will never say never to getting with any girl of any legal age.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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STR8UP said:
Fact is, anything someone claims that goes against nature is purely opinion based upon what their interpretation of what society deems appropriate.

So simple, yet 4 out of 5 people are oblivious to this truth. And for the remaining 1, some of those are confused as to what nature says (LMS)