what's the m ost AFC thing you have ever witnessed firsthand?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Just wondering... Ihave seen some pretty AFC stuff in my time, even though I am still pretty young.

I know this one guy who called this girl while I was having sex with her....16 times in 1 hour, and when we finally got done she picked up the phone and listend to him CRY, litearly, on the phone, and when he got done, she made HIM apolotigze for intruppting him, and not only did he do it, he bought her flowers the next day.

They weren't even dating. Not even talking, just a guy that happens to be very good looking, ,that she told hse doesn't want to date but he won't go away, hasn't had anything more than a peck on the cheek but yet you are crying on the phone.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
LOL thats pretty funny... I saw a guy crying in a bar one time because his GF was talking to another guy. She wasnt even flirting with the other guy just chatting with him.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
I knew this dude that started dating my ex and changed his WHOLE personality for her. He was a skater who listened to rock and **** and he started dressing like g unit because of her. HAHA, it was funny ****, she cheated on him with me and broke up with him for me. Good times.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by oakraiderz2
I knew this dude that started dating my ex and changed his WHOLE personality for her. He was a skater who listened to rock and **** and he started dressing like g unit because of her.
:D :crackup: :D He went from Steve-O to Young Buck huh? :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
lol, there is a dude, his real name is preston, but we call him "the drifter" because he always changes his personality to be around whoever he is around

Me and and the girl that took my varginity broke up one day at school because she got into it with m ybest friend, and my best friend told her she was going to be a bomb becasuse she had no dreams, ,and he called her a "streetwalker", and she got mad at me because I was on the floor crying laughing


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cougar10033
LOL thats pretty funny... I saw a guy crying in a bar one time because his GF was talking to another guy. She wasnt even flirting with the other guy just chatting with him.
that is funny.

well the AFC thing I have seen is my sisters b/f mostly every week they fight about dumb **** and he starts crying then the next day he buys flowers. also I have heard him cry on the phone and he is 26 years old.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Originally posted by avrilishot
that is funny.

well the AFC thing I have seen is my sisters b/f mostly every week they fight about dumb **** and he starts crying then the next day he buys flowers. also I have heard him cry on the phone and he is 26 years old.
She'll probably leave him for that 300 pound dude who you saw kissing the hottie at the movies.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
Ultimate AFC'dom; NEVER AGAIN !!

I know this dude, Dino Cassanova :eek: and when he was in the lowest pit of AFC despair he was talking to/dating this BIT** who worked as a beer tub / "shot" girl at this nightclub he frequented at the time. And anyway she told him she'd like a dozen roses, to be sent to her work. She told him what time her shift starts , etc. So , he had them sent there. She really liked it of course (value-proof to all of the other broads working there no doubt) and they kept talking, hanging out, etc. AFC was thrilled.

She told him, after like the second time they went out somewhere, that she'd like another dozen roses, this time pink however. So the AFC bought them. Had them sent to her grandma's house in fact, per her request, which was where she was staying at this time. In the course of dating her, and constantly standing around there every weekend night like a pathetic moron loser at the club, listening to the annoying songs that were hot at the time like Macarena and What is Love, nursing a beer or two while she stood there in her "tub", one night she mentioned that she'd really love a Furby doll. You remember those damn things right?? They were really hot and hard to get at the time. So he ran to hell and highwater and got one for her. Brought it to the club the following night. She was very appreciative of course, but still, no F-close ending any of these nights.

Yes, this guy was living in the heart of the capital of AFC city. Her dumb pet rabbit escaped, or died, or whatever the hell it was. He actually went out, this AFC did, and looked around pet stores all day one afternoon till he found an identical one and surprised her w/it. At which point she threw a tantrum that it actually WASN'T the same as her "Lucky", and she didn't want it. "Well what should I DO with it then???" AFC asked BIT. "Take it back ! I don't want it. I want one more like Lucky or I don't want one at all. Find one like Lucky or just forget it ! " Door slam. No date at all THAT night. AFC was never able to find her one that was suitably "like Lucky".

Then she calls AFC and tells him that such and such a place has these very rare (and very expensive) silver roses. She'd love a dozen of them. AFC goes to said such and such a place and buys not one dozen but TWO dozen of them, brings them to her, to make up for the whole unlucky Lucky thing. There's a lot of warmth and kissing and hugging and touching and loving and all that on that particular night, but when it comes time to hit the skins (AFC is strapped of course with a couple Trojans in his pocket , figuring tonight is his big night for sure now), she just "can't do it yet". She's sorry. "Come hang out at the club tomorrow night though. I want to see you there."

So of course AFC , who has now BECOME , it seems, the BIT** himself , goes over there, and stands around and watches her "work", if you want to call it that. During AFC's great-grandmother's funeral procession the following week, while he's actually driving in it, she calls him up on the cell and says they have to talk. She's got big trouble. A g/f of hers got thrown into Cook County Jail the other night on some kind of drug charge. She needs 2 g's flat to bail her out. AFC tells her, "Let me call you back for Christ sake I'm at my great grandma's funeral !" She calls continuously throughout the whole thing at the mausoleum until he has to shut the phone off. She calls AFC later that same night at home, not letting up the pressure at all, "I know you've got it AFC, just give it to me. Pleeeeeeze!! I really need this!! I can't let her just sit in there. I'll pay you back I swear. " Finally, AFC relents, pulls together 2 g's, and takes it over to her place. There are of course lots of the usual kisses, making out, c*ck teasing, etc etc. Then she says, "Ok I've got to go get her now." So she goes.

AFC doesn't hear back from her for awhile. He hears a few days later, from the club manager, who's perhaps feeling pity by now for the AFC, that the person she actually bailed out was her "other b/f", and the reason he was in was because he'd hit her and she'd had him arrested. AFC's stomach sinks and he feels pretty ill; even though it was about , oh, 7, 8 yrs ago now, he still hurts really bad recounting this tale of ultimate AFC'dom.

He DID however get his money back, well, about 3/4 of it at least, but only after he had to go through the drama of sending an uncle of his over there to her place , with some thug his uncle had with him I imagine, to confront her about it (and she was actually in there with the guy who she'd bailed out, the one who'd hit her). Apparently, from what AFC was later told by the collector/relative, she was even being her usual charming self to them, and didn't want to pay them anything, but the male there, the former jailbird, decided it would be best to scrape together all they could and give it to these guys, and so AFC settled out of court with 1750. Having recounted that tale to you all, I will now bid you all good night, and go out to the garage where the car has already been running for the past 10 minutes or so. :eek: :down: M-BARE-ASSED !!


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Wow Dino... that was pretty bad. Well, as long as you've learned from your mistakes I guess :p


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Just wow Dino!

My former friend gave roses to a girl he loved in the bar which he had talked to a couple of times. He asked her out to dinner and she told him she would reply later if she wanted to go. She didn't reply. Next week he asked her about it and she said she didn't want to go.

Next week he came in and asked her to marry him. He had already bought the rings. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
too much

Well, I think doing nothing is probably the worst AFC symptom but.....

Tonight I did see some guy rub his hand on a womans crotch and then lick his fingers out of the blue.... didn't go over real well. lol..


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Re: too much

Originally posted by everywomanshero
Well, I think doing nothing is probably the worst AFC symptom but.....

Tonight I did see some guy rub his hand on a womans crotch and then lick his fingers out of the blue.... didn't go over real well. lol..
Ewwww, that's kinda grosteque! I'm not sure if it's the worst AFC but it is pretty pathetic.

No offense to Dino, but I think he's probably the winner so far at least for AFC who bought waaay too many things for some girl he had a crush on. That event really sucked man, I hope you never have to go through that again.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Well, uhh...

I dunno if this fits, but my DJ apprentice bragged about how charming he was being able kiss close (after 4 days of work) this one girl.

:-/ Problem is: she's a total wh0re/nympho/slvt. Call her whatever.


Ignorance is bliss.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
I met a guy last night, it went ok but he was no good at the DJ stuff at all, he left and within a minute texted me to ask if he'd pissed me off and said he was sorry if he came off as rude (he didn't) then proceeded to tell me what he'd would have liked to have done to me (I replied 'well that didn't happen so I don't care) and asked me if I like him. I think that's a bit AFC. What is it with the sudden influx??


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Re: Ultimate AFC'dom; NEVER AGAIN !!

Originally posted by DinoCassanova
I know this dude, Dino Cassanova :eek: and when he was in the lowest pit of AFC despair he was talking to/dating this BIT** who worked as a beer tub / "shot" girl at this nightclub he frequented at the time. And anyway she told him she'd like a dozen roses, to be sent to her work. She told him what time her shift starts , etc. So , he had them sent there. She really liked it of course (value-proof to all of the other broads working there no doubt) and they kept talking, hanging out, etc. AFC was thrilled.

She told him, after like the second time they went out somewhere, that she'd like another dozen roses, this time pink however. So the AFC bought them. Had them sent to her grandma's house in fact, per her request, which was where she was staying at this time. In the course of dating her, and constantly standing around there every weekend night like a pathetic moron loser at the club, listening to the annoying songs that were hot at the time like Macarena and What is Love, nursing a beer or two while she stood there in her "tub", one night she mentioned that she'd really love a Furby doll. You remember those damn things right?? They were really hot and hard to get at the time. So he ran to hell and highwater and got one for her. Brought it to the club the following night. She was very appreciative of course, but still, no F-close ending any of these nights.

Yes, this guy was living in the heart of the capital of AFC city. Her dumb pet rabbit escaped, or died, or whatever the hell it was. He actually went out, this AFC did, and looked around pet stores all day one afternoon till he found an identical one and surprised her w/it. At which point she threw a tantrum that it actually WASN'T the same as her "Lucky", and she didn't want it. "Well what should I DO with it then???" AFC asked BIT. "Take it back ! I don't want it. I want one more like Lucky or I don't want one at all. Find one like Lucky or just forget it ! " Door slam. No date at all THAT night. AFC was never able to find her one that was suitably "like Lucky".

Then she calls AFC and tells him that such and such a place has these very rare (and very expensive) silver roses. She'd love a dozen of them. AFC goes to said such and such a place and buys not one dozen but TWO dozen of them, brings them to her, to make up for the whole unlucky Lucky thing. There's a lot of warmth and kissing and hugging and touching and loving and all that on that particular night, but when it comes time to hit the skins (AFC is strapped of course with a couple Trojans in his pocket , figuring tonight is his big night for sure now), she just "can't do it yet". She's sorry. "Come hang out at the club tomorrow night though. I want to see you there."

So of course AFC , who has now BECOME , it seems, the BIT** himself , goes over there, and stands around and watches her "work", if you want to call it that. During AFC's great-grandmother's funeral procession the following week, while he's actually driving in it, she calls him up on the cell and says they have to talk. She's got big trouble. A g/f of hers got thrown into Cook County Jail the other night on some kind of drug charge. She needs 2 g's flat to bail her out. AFC tells her, "Let me call you back for Christ sake I'm at my great grandma's funeral !" She calls continuously throughout the whole thing at the mausoleum until he has to shut the phone off. She calls AFC later that same night at home, not letting up the pressure at all, "I know you've got it AFC, just give it to me. Pleeeeeeze!! I really need this!! I can't let her just sit in there. I'll pay you back I swear. " Finally, AFC relents, pulls together 2 g's, and takes it over to her place. There are of course lots of the usual kisses, making out, c*ck teasing, etc etc. Then she says, "Ok I've got to go get her now." So she goes.

AFC doesn't hear back from her for awhile. He hears a few days later, from the club manager, who's perhaps feeling pity by now for the AFC, that the person she actually bailed out was her "other b/f", and the reason he was in was because he'd hit her and she'd had him arrested. AFC's stomach sinks and he feels pretty ill; even though it was about , oh, 7, 8 yrs ago now, he still hurts really bad recounting this tale of ultimate AFC'dom.

He DID however get his money back, well, about 3/4 of it at least, but only after he had to go through the drama of sending an uncle of his over there to her place , with some thug his uncle had with him I imagine, to confront her about it (and she was actually in there with the guy who she'd bailed out, the one who'd hit her). Apparently, from what AFC was later told by the collector/relative, she was even being her usual charming self to them, and didn't want to pay them anything, but the male there, the former jailbird, decided it would be best to scrape together all they could and give it to these guys, and so AFC settled out of court with 1750. Having recounted that tale to you all, I will now bid you all good night, and go out to the garage where the car has already been running for the past 10 minutes or so. :eek: :down: M-BARE-ASSED !!

now THAT is AFC.

however, you live and learn.

Even in my REALLY AFC days, besides one girl who I was just infactuated with, even then I got the fact that "hey, you can only ****tease me for so long until you have to do something about it"

This is something I actually did when I was younger to this one girl who I was head over heels for, ,and we weren't even dating...

* I used a $50 GAP Certificate for my Graduation to buy this girl an outfit (i hate the gap and wasn't going to use it on anything else... wasn't the most AFC thing I have done, but it's still AFC nevertheless)

* Got stood up on a date on my 18th Birthday

* Once she called me at 5 in the freakin morning and asked me to take her to school, and I not only jumped out of bed to do it, I was happy she asked :rolleyes:

* I went out and bought a $200 DVD player, back when they were that expensive, just so we could watch a movie over my house, that we never watched.

* I picked her up everyday from school (she was a senior when I was in my first year out of school)

I remember one day, after coming to this forum, I felt so used and so bad that I didn't want anything to do with her... not because I didn't like her, but I had become embarassed at what I was doing for this girl and why.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
If we're going to talk about ourselves.

I was never much of a sucker. AFC - average and frustrated yes. But not a sucker. I think about the worst thing I did was buying flowers and a soft toy for a girl I was into on Valentines, and they were about 40 dollars together. Reason being we'd discussed this damn toy for months, and then the flowers seemed natural at the time. I hand chose them, at least, and they weren't roses. I made sure there was a thistle in it.

The most AFC thing I've seen is a guy who drove nearly 400 miles every week to hook up with his girl, yet they were not an item. It wasn't exclusive. In other words, it was a 400 mile booty call. This being in Europe, where the gas for the round trip must have cost about 300 dollars, and was 6 hours one way.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
he could have gotten a hooker cheaper than that.

My Ex GF, who is 25, has an EX BF of 6 years that is 31, they dated right before I met her. Anyway, they broke up 2 years ago, and to this day he still texts her and crap talking about he loves her.

One day I made her play a prank on him, and she told him that she left me and wanted to get back with him, and he almost kicked the girl that was staying with him out so she could move in!


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by 007~JC
I'll tell you when I meet Friv and his g/f. ;)

007 ~ JC :cool:
LMAO Ya, he has changed....

I gotta good story though,

When I was in 8th grade we were at a school dance and a slow dance song came on and we were one of the many groups of guys just standing around talking.......All of a sudden my buddy walks over to the group and says "You HAVE to see this!" So follow him through the crowd and he points to this kid I used to be friends with (but left because he was such a *****) and he was slow dancing with this girl with his ARMS OUT TO HIS SIDES.... We just stood in the corner laughing, he didn't see us but I felt sooooooo bad for the kid, the girl was clearly uncomfortable cus she had her arms around his waist but his was too afraid to touch her, I'll never forget that. He had a strong christian upbringing and I guess it really must have screwed him up. Godam........


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
This guy is married, so it may not count, but:

I know a guy from work and we often compare Netflix queues. The other day, I noticed his queue had DRASTICALLY fewer movies on it than the last time I saw it.

ME: Wow, so you took a lot of stuff off your movie list?

HIM: Yeah, my wife and I sat down and went over my list the other night. She made me take off all the R-rated movies.
