whats the importance of school?


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2003
Reaction score
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Let me break it down for you.

I slept through highschool, got c's and b's, and had an attitude that I just didn't see the point in things. And the fact is that many if not damn near all people in High school will feel this way a few times.

It has to do with how your mind is changing. Trust me guys, you may have finished growing on the outside, but you are FAR from done growing as a person. School is part of that. On many levels, and let me explain them to you so you can appreciate the depth of how far you can take your life when you control it.

As has been said, there are no barriers you can not pass if you are dedicated and believe in your goals. There are some people who drop out of school, or never attend college, that become madly rich and/or famous. It happens because of dedication and motivation. These are two facets of a person that can be natural, or be learned.

And anyone of you can learn these skills. As we see on this site, we are dedicated to sheding out AFC former selves, and we are motivated to accomplish them by seeing success stories from other guys who applied this knowledge. Some needed little, some became DJ's in merely a few weeks, and yet others struggle.

The information and guidence is the same for all. Yet some learn and apply it faster than others. Dedication and motivation.

As you get older, as your grow internally, your focus on life will change. And it will happen like this: one day, you start thinking in a whole new paradigm, the proverbial "when did i start sounding like my father?". It will happen to YOU, it happens to every man as he matures. Some guys feel this not long after high school, others don't change course until late in their 20's.

You might be thinking "How does this pertain to school, blah blah blah." I'll tell you. Intelligence. Knowledge. Power. The things that can improve you as a person beyond the cookie cutter life so many adults in this country share.

I used to subscribe to the theory that you went to school to get a slip of paper to get a job, and you really learned about life out there. Well there is some truth to this, but what you will learn outside of school is common knowledge, the stuff everyone learns. You are going to learn it anyway.

But if you listen, and I mean really LISTEN to teachers, to what they are saying, lock it away, know it, understand it; this will become fuel that will power you for the rest of your life. Do you understand how respected you are when you can enter into any conversation and talk about damn near any topic, subject, event - in the past or present, and not come off as some dipshyt?

You know how hard it is to have a successful career (in anything) if you didn't learn how to LEARN, because guys, throughout life you never stop learning. Why mess it up when it is the most important? At your age, you are still growing mentaly. Would you intentionaly stunt your phsyical growth by not eating right and suffer the reest of your life because you didn't see the point in a "healthy diet"?

This is what apathy does to people. Take a good look at the world my friends, it is full of people full of apathy. You want to be motivated, I say to you, look at your past mistakes. I'm quite certain that you have made many already and they are fresh in your mind. Now add all of those up and multiply that by 100000. That is the scale of mistake you will make if you are not DEDICATED and MOTIVATED to improve YOURSELF. You are not doing schoolwork and getting an education because you HAVE TOO, you are not doing it for OTHER PEOPLE- you are doing it so it expands your mind and builds character that will make you a master of your own fate.

I made many mistakes. I worked right out of highschool, for 9 years. At 27 I have started school, and I regret at the lost time but I know that I will never achive the level of self control and confidence unless I get a proper education and land a great job in a career I like.

And unless you hit the lottery guys, or have the same kind of odds in your favor, you will not have a career you like that pays well unless you - DEDICATED, MOTIVATED, EDUCATED.

Sorry for the long rant. Don't waste your life. Don't miss out on college, don't let your life slip past you, you will hate yourself for it later.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California

i been really depressed and i ran into this site searching things and i can say im damn impressed. So many people here are so mature and blunt, to the fact its sick. Im in my early teen life and i can say i been really depressed. Ive read post about people like me; relationships, girlfriends and parents, and the constant thinking. Ive been surrounded online with many other discussion boards, but i come across immature people and it makes me disgusted to know people can be so ignorant. But ive come to see this site and i just want to say this is BY FAR the best and most useful site.

Well in relation to school, i think ever since my 8th grade year, life has just sucked so much. That was the year "i fell in love" and since its 8th grade year and you move on, the girl i "loved" decided to end it. Her parents didnt want us together for obvious reasons, i.e. school, focus. I respected that, but i thought we had a understanding that we would wait and be patient. I wait patiently and she calls me about 2 months later after graduation after not talking her since then and tells me i dont think it will work because of her parents...click. that was the most hurtful and juvenile thing ive ever experienced...she didnt even give me a CLEAR, reasonable reason. I call back - no response. Now me at heat of the moment, i wanted to get revenge, then i realized i shouldnt stoop to her level. It was her birthday today and i gave her friend a letter just telling her happy birthday and leaving this all in terms of friends; nothing else. I still gave her the satisfaction im here, but i made it as how i felt, i dont need her anymore and ive moved on. Now im not going to lie, im still growing and im still trying to understand, and many times i still get "depressed" which lowers my values for school. I attend an all boys "top" school called Loyola here in LA, CA and i got a full scholarship. Its 3/4 through semester and i just realized how lucky i am. Its rare that anyone gets this 7k scholarship, and to have the honor to get this to save my parents from grief means a lot. In reality, i wanted to go to the same school as that girl, but then thats 7k+ on my parents, and as act of un selfishness i declined. With that, i been blaming it all on my decision for this school. I tell myself i couldve been with her and f.ck school and all that good stuff. Yeah it is all boys i had that same mindset no girls wtf? Its true you get really eager to see girls and your values lower towards physical attraction, but i still maintain contact with girls. I could be making more contact with girls, but i hate too because i think of what the girl i "loved" did to me and it makes me want to grow away. It isnt till a week ago i see my gpa has immensely dropped to a 3.14, and i need a 3.5+ to keep that scholarship. Im at the verge of losing my scholarship if i dont work my ass off and focus. This resulting in grief and pain in my parents, and more blame to myself. I guess what i wanted to say is school opens the gate to everything. Yeah, some of the material taught might not pertain to everyday life, but to prove you are capable of learning various things and that one day you will be able to provide for your own family should be really motivating for yourself. All the people who doubt you, or those people who support you, prove to them that you are a capable person. Do it for yourself, be open there is so much potential to a day its exciting. Socialize and talk to people, you will be surprised how people are alike and can help u grow and change your negative perspectives on things. What i definetly learned is, ONLY YOU can really learn something. No matter how many times we tell you its so you can be successful, you WILL NOT truly understand until you experience it. You wont ever know how it is to lose someone or break up with a "loved one" unless you experience it, just how u wont realize how important school is till you mess up and have nothing to stand out or support yourself when you are grown up. Im the biggest pessimist, i need to stop and maybe you should too. Dont be so angry at yourself you are only making it worse. "The world is beautiful despite the sham, drudgery, and broken dreams."

Sorry this is my first post, i hope i made some difference in your outlook.:cool:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
Uneducated people feel inferior to educated people. I'm in the middle of a year off from school. I have to get up at 4 in the morning to get in the belly of an airplane and throw around everyone's luggage for 9 hours. And the pay is just barely enough to pay the bills. All these people I work with envy the people who don't have to have jobs like this.

Right now you probably live at home, don't have to really pay for anything (no rent, bills, or any of that.) You might have some sort of part time job to buy beer on the weekend (when you can find a guy to get it for you.) I mention this to let you know that your attitude is the result of you having absolutely NO experience in the "real world" as they call it.

If you do bad in school, you won't get into a good college. I've been to one mediocre state school, and one specialized, small private school. Its like two different worlds. In the state school kids drank all the time, barely got by and generally didn't do anything with their lives. At the small school all the kids kicked ass in school. After they finished up their schoolwork for the day they would go out and play gigs. A couple of my friends have dropped out because they have big touring gigs now.

If you get crappy grades you'll be content to sit around and drink and waste your life. If you do well and go to a good school you have a shot at going to a school that will help you do something with your life.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
yeah, i see too many kids who drink instead of studying, then try to show off by saying "oh i havent been to class in weeks!".


****ing a.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
I hear you about the drinking thing. I just finished high school, a few days ago in fact, and drinking is a huge problem for some kids. Even my a few of my old friends (old meaning, I don't hang out with them anymore due to excess drinking and drug use) did not make it through the last two years of their schooling. They will have to come back next year to complete classes until they have enough points to gain a Yr. 12 Cert.

But back on topic, school and education in general "grooms" your personality. You will find, and sorry if this sounds discriminatory to some, that those who completed High School to a medium level will be quite different to those who didn't. They speak differently and act differently. They have a certain polish to their spoken words. School is good for you regardless of what anyone says. If you don't give it at least a good try, you're an idiot. Some people just don't like school, whether it be the environment, the rules, the format of classes...whatever! But trust me, school is very important if you want to have a better life.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
I'm with Dilly.

And also, if you can't finish high school, you're an idiot.