Firstly kudos bro on being out there cold approaching in the trenches. It's a tough gig but you are as you train and that's really builds a DJ.
The guys have been on Point here with some great advice. Keep the frame that's girls are wonderful silly random creatures you enjoy the interactions and are amused by the whole thing.
The science is pretty well proven attraction is a 10% chance on average. That all said there's a few variables you can play with.
For a walk up cold number pull I disagree with playing it too cool. I
text the girl if you can refer to something in your conversation and ask her out for that night or the next day. Happy to hear other guys opinions on this that's what used to work best for me.
Definitely at least Kino with touches on the arm. Work high fives fist bumps side hugs and little push aways into the conversation anytime she says something you like. Obviously spend a few minutes building comfort her first but it sounds like you're pretty good at that. you get any iOis hold out your arms for a hug. If she gives you a proper hug she probably won't Number flake. If she gives you the flippers on the back hug you're probably out of luck. So prioritise your follow ups accordingly.
Try and go on insta dates if the girl is looking receptive that totally moves you out of the random guy category.
Going down to the mall specifically to approach is a bit of a tough mindset to master. So if you have decided that's going to be part of your long term game I would invest some time in Scouting the terrain and really owning the space.
Every DJ should have a local Cafe and Bar they are well known at. Local markets are also good for this. So you're staking out your turf and effectively you're saying I m adding the mall to my turf.
Get known at the mall if it's going to be 1 of your standard hunting grounds. Stake out some shops that are close to woman's shops or the food court. Do some window shopping in the shops and get to know the staff. Talk about how their week has been, the new stock that's coming to the store, who's on roster blah blah.
Then you can go to a clothing store on an instadate, pull the whole I'd like a woman's opinion on the shirt type move and when you go there you get social proof.
You should be warming up with the hired guns before you go into your sets.
I'd also suggest working on your indirect approach. The reason is that is easier to integrate into your day to day life.
It's probably better that you just stay busy getting on with your day and approach woman that you bump into. Check out the search here too.
@Desdinova has some great threads on mall game. Hope this helps. It will be like any other Skirmish in the dating Arena a sense of fun and persistence will carry the day.
@guru1000 likes cold approach to so if you're lucky he may drop by. And please repay the guys who took time out of their lives to post here by at least trying this stuff. It drives me nuts when I see guys posting the same mistakes again and again. Might as well go back to the blue pill you'd probably be happier. Not saying that about you just a general vent. Happy hunting bro.