Whats the best way to go about this?


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
So i kinda of suck at this kind of stuff but anyway i just started talking to this girl that used to like me. In the past we've hooked up and have had sex, but nonetheless we stopped talking for about a month. We started talking again last friday when I saw her out and we decided to discuss why we had stopped talking in the first place. She had said that she felt that I didnt really talk to her much ( which is true to a certain extent). Anyway we exchanged numbers and she seemed really excited to be friends again and she insisted that I hit her up to chill. So monday rolls around and she intitates the text, we text 10 texts back and forth the conversation seems to go fine but eventually dies out. Anyway the following day since I was going to be going out by her that night I decided to hit her up to she what she was doing. Anyway she responds with the name of the bar followed by a period. Just a one word response with a period, which seeemed odd, but I tend to overthink these things. Anyway I said that I'd probably come by later on, to which she didnt reply to. I never made to bar because it turns out none of my friends wanted to go out. So this was the last I heard of her, anyway I still want to take her up on hanging out so I was thinking of texting her friday something along the lines of "Hey are you free today?". What do you guys make of this? What would be the best way to go about asking her to hangout?


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah i would totally phone her a couple days in advance but since friday is tommorow I dont really see the point of calling her tm to ask her to hangout the next day. I also dont want to wait to long before hanging out with her so she doesnt lose interest. I see what you mean if I text her the day of if she might have plans already, but I just figured since she seemed so down to hangout it wouldnt be a big deal. So given that I dont want to wait to long it would be a bad move to hit her up early friday to ask her to hangout in the afternoon? Im thinking of just asking her to go to happy hour with me. something casual like "yoo happy hour today?"