whats the best thing to talk about on msn with a girl you like

lil hooligan

Don Juan
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
so what are the best thing to talk abot i need to know


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
Maybe what you guys have in common, something funny that happened between you two, something you two did together, or you could try and get her number.


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
If you've already got some rapport with the gal, I've found keeping the conversation sexual in one way or another gets a very good reaction. Keep the convos short and sweet if you can help it; save your best 'material' for face to face conversations..


Don Juan
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Seriously. Stop it. Read the dj bible before you post. You over-analyze things wayyyyy to much. It seriously doesn't matter. But because you've got hardcore oneitis, you think you've got to make everything perfect for this girl. Read the bible, or at least some solid posts and stop asking for people to hold your hand. I mean whats next? If you can't even hold a solid conversation with this girl there is NO way she's going to "go out" with you.

Sorry everyone. Bit of a rant, but i feel quite strongly about getting out there and just letting things flow. You can't use canned lines for everything.

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
hyphy101 said:
Sorry everyone. Bit of a rant, but i feel quite strongly about getting out there and just letting things flow. You can't use canned lines for everything.

You can't plan for EVERYTHING.
Jesus man, its all about trial and error. Stop worrying so much about EVERYTHING you do. You WILL psyche yourself out!! :nono:

:nervous: Worrying wont attract the girls. It'll only scared them off.

Trust me I've been there.
Just RELAX and BE CONFIDENT in yourself.
Those are very important.
If you are relaxed and confident, you won't worry about things.
When you don't worry about things, you aren't nervous.
When you aren't nervous, you dont F*CK things up!

Have a positive mindset, don't always think your going to screw up or that she'll not like you for talking about the wrong things on msn!!
If you have a positive mindset, everything will fall into place. You'll see the world in a whole new light.
You'll notice things you never saw before.
People WILL NOTICE, and will gravitate towards your fun and positive energy. :yes:

Read the bible. It'll answer many of your questions.

Good luck bro. We'll be here for you, but we can't tell you what to do for everything single thing.
Don't worry so much, your a stud. :up:
Keep that mindset. The mindset that it doesn't matter if you fail or not. Then you won't physce yourself out.
Keep Positive :rockon:

3T :cool:


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Get off MSN, and start talking to girls in person. MSN is great to establish initial contact because in high school it comes off as non-threatening way to communicate, but often many guys spend too much time talking to a particular person on MSN, and things become awkward once you meet them in person because you are so used to chatting with a computer screen! Don't make this same mistake.

Use MSN + the phone as TOOLS to talk to women in person. You aren't going to get any action staring at a computer screen 24/7. Have a simple 5 minute conversation with a funny story, than close immediately using a time restraint (so she anticipates to talk to you again.) Before you close, established to plan a "get together" with her in a few days or so, and make sure she has the time of her life IN PERSON. As long as enough rapport has been made, this should work. Don't over analyze things, because once you start to do that you come off as nervous and as we all know, women like a CONFIDENT guy.

Hope I helped,

lil hooligan

Don Juan
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
i made this post because im now in the summer holidays and i prob will talk to her most on msn but from there we can arange to meet


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
I say just ditch the msn talk as a whole.

I used to think "oh man i gotta get every girls msn then we can talk over msn and it will be awsome"

Think about it
1)She can basically ignore you at any second and any comeback message might sound creepy/annoying.Hell she might even BRB without telling you and you might freak out on her for not responding.
2)You cant truly get laughs over the net much.I mean girls for understanding jokes over the net are borderline retarded.I mean Ive gotten "wow you are funny" <THAT is a good sign but if you just get "lols" and "lmao" or "haha" you cant really tell if your doin a good job being funny
3)Always having to wonder when both of you are online WHO WILL INITATE FIRST?Especially if your online lots it really is awkward.
4)You cant tell her emotional state over msn.She could be giving you one word answers only because she might be busy having important discussion with friend about something highly important,girl drama,etc.

So many factors come into play.Just facebook her for a meeting.I mean if you do set up a meeting via msn, my 3) rule kinda comes into play and then it gets wierd.
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
I gotta agree with the post above. A while back I had really bad oneitis for this girl. I used to talk to her on MSN like 2 or 3 times a week, but I had no idea how to talk to her in person. To make things worse, she would initiate at least half the time online, and then completely ignore me in person. This used to drive me insane, because I had no clue how to strike up a conversation with her in person. Don't fall into the same trap.

I've made a lot of progress since then though, I'm not a total dork anymore and I really could care less these days about the girl in question.