Just checking in:
So glad there have been so many responses to this thread! It's amazing how unaware of these mistakes we can be when we think we're doing everything the "right" way, or the way we've been taught (i.e. "I have to
text her all the time - girls like hearing from their guy and being reassured of his like for her, right??").
Another example of a mistake I used to make was thinking I had to take girls out on expensive outings and/or spend lots of money on them to get them to like me. In college, I remember this one girl mentioning how much she loved Disney on Ice. When the show came to town, I surprised her by getting tickets and taking her to it as our second date. I spent close to $100 on tickets, and yet the whole time we were there she had a look of boredom on her face, as if she'd rather be anywhere else than here with me at this show.
Fast-forward years later, and in the last few years I've banged some pretty hot chicks, most of whom I've taken on first dates to the coffee shop, a picnic, or an inexpensive restaurant that I only took them to because
I was hungry, not to impress them. Saved a lot of money and got waaaaay better results than when I was spending money to (not) end up in their pants, lol
Keep 'em coming, fellas!