what's she gettin at


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
So there's this chick in one of my classes at school who sits right beside me. She's always eyeing me up, always talking to me (which can be frustrating but the attention's nice :D) and always flirting with me/asking me if I'm free on Thursday night or if I want to see a movie with her on Saturday. When I see her in the halls she always giggles and bumps into me or something like that. Anyways, I finally got a chance to be alone with her, and I thought it was gonna be great.

It was afterschool, I went over to her house to study Chemistry ('study' haha) and her parents weren't home, it was just me and her sitting on her bed. I thought, Awesome, this is better than I thought. She was being really flirty with me again, touching me and stuff. We were talking and she asked if I was going out with anyone at the moment, to which my answer was no (I was in December - long story) and she's like Aww we'll find you one. Then I said Well maybe you and I could go out. Then she's like Oh sorry, I'm taken. !!! :cuss: Then the rest of the time I was there she was still flirting with me a lot, but I didn't want to move in because I wasn't sure of what she would do.

I'm a little confused as to the whole 'come-on' play she's giving me if she has a boyfriend...?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
"well maybe you and I could go out"

Seriously? Not only are words weaker than actions, those were some seriously weak words. Shut up and kiss her. Reactions be damned.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
Okay, bros, so first of all I forgot to say I haven't even really got to know her personally other than just who she is. This was basically the first time I hung out with her. She's super nice, fairly tall, slender, curly blonde hair, decent chest, about an 8 overall :) My plan was to at least kiss her, and I was hoping we could get something started. After I found out she had a boyfriend, and who he was I decided to play it safe for our first little meeting. Hope that doesn't sound too lame. Next time it's balls out haha.

Amo - I chose to use those words just because of the context our convo was in, which was pretty casual. I used those rather than something more formal sounding (and stupid sounding for that matter) because it was a little more playful and was more likely to get her engaged in what I was going for. If you knew the situation I was in you'd also know those weren't too weak of words.

Anyways, it just seems like this is how my luck is going lately. All the good ones are taken! The ones who aren't taken aren't worth putting the time into (or other things for that matter :D). I had such an amazing one for about 4 months, lost her in December and have been sort of lost since. It's not that I'm ugly or anything, I'm a tall, slender-built guy with dark curly hair and a square jawline who people say is good-looking, and I don't act stupid or desperately around girls, so I think I'm just too late or out of luck. But I doubt this isn't the last you'll hear of me and this chick. The thing that was just gettin me was how she was giving me the 'come-on' thing and then she tells me she has a boyfriend, but keeps flirting me up! So seeing she's my next-door neighbour there's a whole lot of possibilities right outside - literally :D