Whats my attraction level?


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2006
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GO ahead

Go ahead and be my guest try to brainwash yourselves into thinking your the best if you dont have any reedeming qualities to back your statements up. Your mind is only going to really believe that your just a babbling defense attorney who has no proof that the crime was not commited. You ego, the judge will sit there and listen but will not believe.

You see yourself in the mirror and you see that you are a rare commodity, in looks, career, sports hobbies, personality. = value

Telling yoursel your are the best ten million time to yourself...give me a break.

If you look GREAT and you cant feel confident then work on some of your other qualites, but honestly there has to be something about you that you feel is great other wise your affirmations are baseless.

Good looks wont provide as much confidence as a toned body or what not, because you didnt work for your face, but the muscles and abs YOU did, you deserve to feel proud.

Thats why a DJ unites day and dream.

What you are trying to acomplish is something else. Looks are a part that can be changed more easily than personality, career, etc.

Looks add to your confidence period.

Sorry bro, but this ain't so. If that's the case, women who are already thin wouldn't become anorexic or bulemic. It is easy to see someone and think they are good looking, but people often have a skewed perception of themselves.

It has to do with self image. Just because you are good looking to other people doesn't mean you acutally think you are. Everybody has insecurities and feelings of inadequacy deep down. It's how we confront and challenge how we feel about ourselves that determines success or failure.

There is no magic bullet to become a real man. You must face your issues and conquer your fears.

Thomas Edison failed thousands of times at trying to create the light bulb. I am glad he didn't have most of you guys' attitudes, or else we'd be in the dark.

If your desire is to bed a 10 then don't let anything become an excuse for you to fail. And most threads here lately are about excuses.
what you siad is also true if you have good qualities and you cant appreciate them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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atl, GA
All of you are wrong.

Genetic "pretty boy" looks don't matter. Its all about the body. Most guys here are decent looking but they can definitely up their overall attractiveness by having a proportioned muscular body.

Generally speaking, women tend to be more attracted to men with broad shoulders/chests and small-moderate waists. That V-shape has a widespread appeal.

I would much rather date a curvaceous average looking jane than a wire thin supermodel. Most women feel the same way towards their men

Overall physical attractiveness matters so much TODAY because few men have that "ideal masculine body" In fact, most guys are either high in bodyfat or too skinny or just average.

A strong masculine body has shallow benefits:

1. It triggers lust in most females, all you need to do is strike while the iron is hot
2. Coupled with social proof, it demonstrates high social status. You are essentialy ahead of 90% of the competition.

Girls don't judge just based on "good looks"
Its how masculine looking you are that matters

More masculine=higher status, less competition from weak beta males


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
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theapprentice said:
Then why wont the hot blondes show me any attetnion when the good looking guy they fawn over?

Oh no its just his alphaness right?
The hot guys get the attention for the same reason you give attention to the hot blonde.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
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sstype said:
All of you are wrong.

Genetic "pretty boy" looks don't matter. Its all about the body. Most guys here are decent looking but they can definitely up their overall attractiveness by having a proportioned muscular body.

Generally speaking, women tend to be more attracted to men with broad shoulders/chests and small-moderate waists. That V-shape has a widespread appeal.

I would much rather date a curvaceous average looking jane than a wire thin supermodel. Most women feel the same way towards their men

Overall physical attractiveness matters so much TODAY because few men have that "ideal masculine body" In fact, most guys are either high in bodyfat or too skinny or just average.

A strong masculine body has shallow benefits:

1. It triggers lust in most females, all you need to do is strike while the iron is hot
2. Coupled with social proof, it demonstrates high social status. You are essentialy ahead of 90% of the competition.

Girls don't judge just based on "good looks"
Its how masculine looking you are that matters

More masculine=higher status, less competition from weak beta males
I agree. Body is more important then face.


New Member
Aug 2, 2006
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theapprentice said:
Its wierd but looks help you which ever way. A ugly guy has to convince himself that he is the sh*t and other girls will shrug him off and he will have to push through it, but his affirmations and beliefs will not be based or grounded in anything secure, but just statements to himself that he unconsciencsly knows are false. "I am the best"
I see you've been reading KoalaKing :crackup: ;) :D

When a guy looks in the mirror and see's that he really does look good it gives him ammo, solid concrete reasons to back up his affiramtions.

If a girl turns him down, he most of the time will say its the girls fault "Thsi bi*tch is crazy she turned such a hot guy like me down"

But if a ugly guy gets turned down he can say "Man that bit*ch is crazy, I am way cooler or smart, or ****y than she ever deserves" - this is a guy who doesnt have any girls currently and is caught in the vicious cycle of improvement.

change your looks which changes your attitude about yourself and your worth which raises your confidence and worth level and you treat Hb 9.5's like sh*t. You win the game.

Looking good is the easy way, I mean unless your avg and you have other talents or you have a great personality which HAS been confirmed by others, you subconsciensly take a self esteem hit.

Using yourself as evidence to prove to yourself how good you are is not a good source or credible to your subconscience. Other people matter more to some extent believe it or not.

If other people kept calling you things like Sh*t face or w/e after a while if nobody told you that you where good. Your opinions about yourself would change.
I agree :up: Self-delusions only goes so far. At the end of the day, you got to have your sh it backed up :rock:


New Member
Aug 2, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
1) Of course, Brad Pitt. I don't want kids to run screaming from me as I walk down the street.

2) I have absolutely no game, bro...why make things harder than they have to be?

3) Here's a scenario for you:
HB 9.5 standing at bus stop.
3.5 guy standing at bus stop.
9.5 guy sitting on bus bench.

3.5 guy walks up to 9.5 acting like he has a 15" c'ock, introduces himself, neghits, C+F's a bit, then asks for the number. 9.5 guy overhears, laughs out loud, and says "You're not seriously going to give that freak your number are you, baby? You don't deserve to be with a piece of s'hit like that, you need to be drinking some come that's actually worth a damn. So what's your digits, sweetheart?"
Lol :crackup: I agree with you. The 3.5 freak lose to the 9.5 every time. Why? Because regardless of what some guys have trained themselves to believe, hot girls want hot guys. It's that simple.

Although I admit I would probably pay to see the 3.5 willingfully humiliate himself like that lol If you want to take the hot girl you need to be prepared to faced the big guys first :D