What's it like to be in a fight?


New Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I think training a fighting sport is important for everyone to do. Even a one-two night a week commitment to a boxing gym, in time, would be a huge advantage over someone who fights on their instincts. You stay calmer, you sense fight dynamics, and you use timing.

and if you are trying to avoid a fight, your talents give you total control over the situation whether it ends in a fight or not.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2008
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I don't know about the other guys, but I pretty much go blank, don't feel punches or kicks or being hit or hitting unless it is in a vital area like my nuts, the adrenelin and anger are really something else at the fight or flight level, this is very basic instinct reptilian level survival...heavy ****. I avoid fights if at all possible, some bone heads want to kill you if you kick their ass, ain't worth it


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
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San Francisco, CA
When you're young, brawling seems cool and you want to prove to yourself you can, it has a 'mystique'. The adrenaline rush feels really good, speaking from my 2 experiences.

After I got in my one "serious" fight, my thinking changed. I don't believe in all this 'manliness' stuff anymore, sure you have to stand your ground and not let yourself get pushed around. But there are maniacs, drug dealers, people with nothing to lose, people with weapons, people with 100 friends, people ready to commit vendettas, walking around out there on the same streets as you and I do.

I will do anything to extricate myself from a fight situation, short of abandoning a woman to be raped or a friend to be beaten, I dont care about appearing to be a coward, this word doesnt have any meaning. I will rejoice in being a coward while I am three streets away, no smashed windpipe, no brain damage, no knife wounds, no internal bleeding, no police report and jailtime if you "win". I'll be the fvcking happiest coward this world has ever seen. I dont believe in this stuff.