"whats going on with us then/do you like me"


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
what should you say to a girl who asks you something along the lines of "whats going on with us then?" or "do you like me?"

background: both still single...been meeting each other...shes come round to mine a few times...going out for meals...suppose you could say we have been on a few dates...sleeping together.

It was actually her friend who said to me today that the girl in question really likes me but shes unsure if I like her, dosent know how to feel or what to do about the situation!

My reply was something along the lines of: Well she hasnt said anything to me so I assume she is still happy with the way things are. I dont think theres a problem with continuing how we are for the time being...i dont like to rush anything and its still early days. She seems nice so far!

Would you say that was the right thing to do?!

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
Well she hasnt said anything to me so I assume she is still happy with the way things are. I dont think theres a problem with continuing how we are for the time being...i dont like to rush anything and its still early days. She seems nice so far!
I would've left out the bolded, but that was a good response anyway. But it's up to you, brah. What are you looking for out of this? Don't get into a relationship if you just want to eff.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
I dont really know what I want at the moment. In the past I've known deep down when I wanted to be with someone because I didnt really have the urge to chat up other girls or pull e.t.c. but at the moment I still like to do that. I do like this girl though!

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score

They are not asking to help you. Girls are jealous and will use any info you give to them against you in your quest to get a girl. Plus, it's really none of their business - here's how that convo should have gone:

GIRL'S FRIEND: So, this girl really likes you, but isn't sure if you like her (which, by the way, is stupid especially if you're doing all this stuff together you mentioned... but hey, that's how girls are)

YOU: Oh, really? Interesting... anyway - (switches to another topic altogether)

Never take second-hand information as truth - got it? Now, let's move on...

Despite giving her an answer, at least you were smart enough to not say anything too committal. You never want a girl to assume she has you in the bag so quickly, especially if her emotional state and/or view point of you isn't there yet. No verbally expressing your emotions to her (or any of her friends), no trying to rush to become the boyfriend (if that's where you'd like to be with her). As long as she's constantly saying "yes" to dates and sleeping with you, you're good.

The best way to play it is to keep doing what you're doing until SHE brings it up to you directly. How will this go? Easy: after about 2 to 3 months of sleeping with her, she's going to start wondering if you're just doing these things 'cause you like her or just want her for sex. And, at some point, if a woman likes you, she's going to want to be claimed by you so she won't feel so dirty about doing the things she's doing with you. That's when she'll come to you one day and says to your face, "whats going on with us then?" or "do you like me?"

Now, when she asks these questions - particularly the "what's going on with us" question - DO NOT GIVE A DIRECT ANSWER RIGHT AWAY. This is the time where you go into negotiations with a woman - if you want to make her your girlfriend, there are things you need to make sure are NOT going to happen during the relationship before you get into it. 'Cause once you make her your girlfriend, it's going to be harder to negotiate the things you want.

Here's an example of a conversation that might take place:

HER: So, what's going on with us?
YOU: (Playing like you don't know what she's asking) What do you mean?
HER: You know - we've been out a few times, we've slept together... does this mean we're in a relationship?
YOU: I don't know... do you feel like we're in a relationship?
HER: Well, kinda... I don't know... I just want to know how you're feeling about things...
YOU: Well, how do you feel? Are you saying you want to be in a relationship with me?
HER: I mean... it depends on how you feel... have you considered it?
YOU: Hmm... well, that depends. Am I currently the only guy you're seeing?
HER: Yes
YOU: Do you currently keep in contact with any exes?
HER: No...
YOU: Okay, that's good... well, you don't seem like the clingy or jealous type, but are you okay with me having alone time with myself sometimes, or times where I go out with friends when you're not around?
HER: Oh, absolutely!
YOU: Okay... so, what about sex? I like how often we're hooking up now, is that going to suddenly change if we become official?
HER: No way, I love being with you...

And so forth and so on. Then, after you've exhausted your list...

YOU: Hmmm... well, let's give it a shot and see what happens! (Best response to give, as it gives her the indication that you hope it works out, but won't stick around if things go sour, thus psychologically making her feel like she has to work hard to keep you.)

In the meantime, though, you're doing most things correctly. Don't try to rush it and be confident that she wants you - like I said, after a couple months she should be asking to make things official; in the meantime, just enjoy the ride!