taiyuu_otoko said:
AFC started as an acroynm describing a certain type of male. When did it become description of a mindset? Who made the decision? What type of mindset? Did the mindset conventiently spring up as the term did?
Fair enough. The term AFC was coined in the early days of the PUA community to describe an all too common observance of conditions amongst guys without a natural ability to attract women, and/or they were unable to maintain interest due to those same sets of common circumstances. Average, meaning common or a norm, Frustrated meaning the condition these guys find themselves in, and Chump (being subjective) would mean a guy unaware (willfully or not) of his own disadvantages due to his inability to acknowledge his own conditions and clinging to outmoded ideas that provide little or no reward while believing they should in spite of realities that prove the opposite.
However, rather than becoming preoccupied with the semantics of AFC as a definition, lets look under the hood for moment. As I stated prior, what are the characteristics, beliefs and resulting behaviors that guys WE would define as AFCs share in common? In other words, what is their perspective? How was it that they came to this? Why do they think (mindset) as they do?
Read these threads:
Qualities of the AFC
AFC Social Conventions
The Self-Righteous AFC
The AFC C0ck Blocker
The 'Mature' AFC
None of the material covered in these threads precludes a man being a
loser. Despite what anyone else wants to redefine the abstract of what an AFC is, an AFC is NOT exclusively a stereotypic nerd. As I stated prior, there's a popular trend to think of an AFC as the new Geek or Dork, but it's not a category or type of person. Rather it's a mindset; a collection of common beliefs and characteristics that make an AFC. This can be completely apart from a man's outlook on other aspects of his life. There are a great many successful men, model quality good-looking men, celebrities, and a majority of mPUAs who are consummate AFCs.
To be an AFC is not a position of status, it is a condition in thinking.
taiyuu_otoko said:
For the term "AFC" for example, I like to be better than average (in whatever particular goal I'm shooting for), and not frustrated (happy with what I"ve achieved so far). I'm still not sure about the Chump part, though.
In this example it's very easy to define your own degree of progress when you hold to the grammatical, and somewhat ambiguous definition of A.F.C. But the terms are not concrete; what makes you average, what makes you frustrated, what makes you a chump? This is why I would argue that AFC is an abstract for the qualities I described in the above threads. This is where the work is done. It's not enough to entertain this "hey, make it a great day, be the best you YOU can be" motivation. As I said, you must look under the hood and look at the parts that make a guy an AFC.
Nothing annoys me more than reading a kid in the High School forum or the AE forum asking "If I do this, is it AFC?" as if that one action will determine the outcome of their success or failure with a particular girl. The behavior is the result of a mindset, but behavior can be mimicked while no genuine changing of ones outlook ever takes place. This is precisely why Mystery falls apart as an abject AFC with Katya (?) in the Game. He reverts to AFC behaviors because he hasn't killed the inner AFC; he hasn't changed his genuine perspective and belief. Mystery went to the point of being suicidal because of it. One very common (i.e. average) tendency for guys aping PUA behavior is them reverting to an AFC set of behaviors in an LTR once they've secured that ONE girl they were after. They do so because that mindset is still ingrained. They haven't fundamentally changed their minds with regards to that strongly internalized AFC default beliefs.
You want to stop being an AFC? Look under the hood and see what it is about yourself that's contributing to an AFC mindset. Do you have Cap'n Save A Ho tendencies? Look into why you do, why you think they'd ever be productive, and why they are a hinderance to your maturation. I'm not trying to devalue the ideas GURU stated, that degree of positive confidence is important, but not at the cost of understanding the dynamics of what makes an AFC.