what you need to do right with AWs


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Rowland Heights, CA
alright ill keep this brief. i need some advice regarding AWs since I don't think there's a lot of posts on gaming them properly

most average guys would bow down and give them all of their attention as we all know. As a DJ i would give them no attention and that confuses them so they end up bumping past me or other sh*t like that

since most DJs say avoid em i find it weird since most of the HBs end up being AWs anyways and a girl that isnt is pretty rare...so looking for some advice on what you guys did to be successful with them
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Rowland Heights, CA


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Well, tonight I got an AW back in the palm of my hand after she flaked on me. It took an hour and no more.

Basically this HB9 (stunning looking!) had been flirting with me for a while, we'd built a rapport and last week she asked me out. I accepted and yet she flaked out last minute without explanation.

I saw her tonight and addressed her in a polite manner, then turned my attention to others. I asked her the odd polite question and comment as not to look like I was intentionally ignoring her, but I gave her less attention than anyone else. She got into a sulk and kept looking at me, then started flirting with other guys, while looking back at me. I gave her nothing though and she left. She later sent me a text message asking if I wanted to go out tomorrow. For the record I'm not interested, she blew her chance, but it's nice to have the control back.

So basically, attention wh0res want guys who don't give them attention and who don't fawn all over them. They basically want what they can't have, so to "game" an attention wh0res you have to be totally cool with them and make them earn your attention. They'll use their womanly charm, they'll use jealousy and will sink to the lowest form of guilt, but you MUST resist falling for any of them and remain very cool and detached. Show them enough attention to perk their interest, but keep it ambiguous and uncertain, and keep her guessing.

Personally I think attention wh0res are too much work and trouble, but once you learn their game, they're easy to control. What's more, they deserve to be gamed and manipulated since this is exactly the sh1t they pull against us.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Alright, here's the deal about Attention Wh0res...

I'm actually surprised I haven't posted about this earlier.

Most women who are what we call "Attention *****s" are the way they are because we have CAUSED them to BECOME "Attention Wh0res".

Actually, I'll even go out on a ledger and say that most of the time when situations like this come up, we've TURNED them into Attention Wh0res.

Attention wh0res are women that seek out attention from you, and as soon as they get it they end up leaving you.

This behavior from women can be avoided if you don't allow it to manifest itself later. It's usually a result of you spoiling her with too much of your attention.

In almost all cases where the woman is being an attention wh0re, it's because she's so used to you focusing all of your energy, time, and attention on HER, treating her like the center of your universe and not enough attention on YOURSELF. So therefore, she EXPECTS for you to keep on doing it. She's gotten SPOILED to it. Although your behavior is making her lose attraction for you, she might as well at least keep you around for attention (this is the reason they leave you as soon as you have given them the attention). Afterall, I'm pretty sure she'd rather feel desirable with your attention than go through the difficulty of breaking your heart.

Now I'm not saying never to pay attention to a woman, but don't pay more attention to her life and what she's doing MORE than YOUR life and what YOU'RE doing. An Attention wh0re is usually just women who has lost attraction for you and is now just living off of the attention that you're spoiling her with.

Remember, in the beginning, think of YOU and YOUR life first. Not hers.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
I find the best trick with the AW is to make fun of her in a playful way.

For example, there is a girl at work that I laugh at every time I see her eating. I even joke about her being fat or putting on some chunk. The reality is she is a very attractive and thin girl. She finds this rather amusing and says that I'm really bad". One day I said, “hey if you eat a few more of those burgers your butt will look even sexier.” As a result, this girl is now talking to me all the time.

Basically, making fun of them is your best trick in the book. Just make sure you don’t insult her.

Also keep in mind that AWs want sexual attention. They don't give a damn for nice guy attention.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by Craig Reeves
Alright, here's the deal about Attention Wh0res...

I'm actually surprised I haven't posted about this earlier.

Most women who are what we call "Attention *****s" are the way they are because we have CAUSED them to BECOME "Attention Wh0res".

Actually, I'll even go out on a ledger and say that most of the time when situations like this come up, we've TURNED them into Attention Wh0res.

Attention wh0res are women that seek out attention from you, and as soon as they get it they end up leaving you.

This behavior from women can be avoided if you don't allow it to manifest itself later. It's usually a result of you spoiling her with too much of your attention.

In almost all cases where the woman is being an attention wh0re, it's because she's so used to you focusing all of your energy, time, and attention on HER, treating her like the center of your universe and not enough attention on YOURSELF. So therefore, she EXPECTS for you to keep on doing it. She's gotten SPOILED to it. Although your behavior is making her lose attraction for you, she might as well at least keep you around for attention (this is the reason they leave you as soon as you have given them the attention). Afterall, I'm pretty sure she'd rather feel desirable with your attention than go through the difficulty of breaking your heart.

Now I'm not saying never to pay attention to a woman, but don't pay more attention to her life and what she's doing MORE than YOUR life and what YOU'RE doing. An Attention wh0re is usually just women who has lost attraction for you and is now just living off of the attention that you're spoiling her with.

Remember, in the beginning, think of YOU and YOUR life first. Not hers.
keep in mind however, that here in the US, we have a massive abundance of AW's. A vast majority of all the hot girls I interact with are AW's to varying degrees. So in a way, we need to adopt this persona when dealing with all girls because they get so much damn attention anyways.

I dont know if you guys have witnessed this scenario, but ever see a hott girl with her fanclub? How all the guys just lavish attention on her, and you notice how she returns it in the form of friendly smiles and hugs?

And then you see that same girl with this really cool fycker who does not even pay attention to her, and watch how she IS ALL OVER HIM.

That is part of the jerk appeal, which is what american girls want.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Can you even have sex with AW when she has displayed the AW's characteristics to you?


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
los angeles
Making fun of them is tricky. Problem is they are extremely insecure inside despite what they show on the outside.

I had a crazy ah girlfriend and i constantly joked being ****y and funny, bagging on her....but they take things too literally. They get easily offended, so be careful.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Quit using the term "attention" hors - they are just hors and are only good for sex!!!!! Throw them away if these hors don't comply with your dictates!!!