Originally posted by unistork
See the only reason why I said that was because that's what I learned from the DJ bible on approaching somebody.
You approached and no one can take that from you. Lots of stuff in the DJ Bible is JUST to get people to the stage where they CAN approach. Doesn't matter if you go up to her and say, "I like sex with gorillas!", the fact of the matter is YOU TALKED TO A GIRL! You're not living in fear of them any more.
But now you've come to face the dilemma most people do when they educate themselves with the material on this site. They've learned they CAN approach, they've DONE it, but once the approach is complete (once they've gone up to her and gotten her attention), they have no idea what to DO!
Approaching is just opening the door. It's going up to the arcade game and dropping your quarters in. NOW you have to start developing some skill at PLAYING. THIS is where you make your mark on the girl, not just in the approach. You don't beat the game just from dropping your quarters in, even though it's a start. The REAL substance of your encounter comes AFTER the approach, and THIS is where you're lacking now.
Way to go on Chapter 1 of your transformation. On to Chapter 2.