okay, you're going to need to read more of the literature!!!
this girl is growing impatient with you. it sounds like you've missed a lot of opportunities to round the bases on this one...
ANNND you're leaving for like a month.. would YOU start dating a chick if you knew she was going to be in europe for 3 weeks in a matter of days? well that part might not matter as much, seeing as you may have already blown it...
Originally posted by godjwood
Should i bother calling her today...say hey wanna hangout Sat. then if she's like i'm busy or w/e be like ok well i'm leaving Tues. if u wanna hangout u know how to reach me. ??? That good
where is the power here? you shouldn't be ASKING. you should be TELLING.
you've gotta remember that you're the man. you have to tell this chick that you're GOING to be meeting with her on (insert day) at (insert time)... when you want something to happen with a woman, you need to LOAD your "questions" ... if you've ever taken anything to do with surveys in university, it lays it out, you want to always load your speach with slanted q's that don't present options, or only present favourable options.. the key is not to ask questions.
Do you WANT to come over on monday? MAYBE we can cook dinner?
come over to my house on monday, we'll make dinner. (notice the lack of question marks, and wussiness)