In my experience, women want guys that are similar to them in totality of value, being, and disposition.
A hot dominant woman who likes attention will seek out a dominant guy. He doesnt have to be physically dominant. It could be social dominance or even mental dominance. She just has to feel a sense of dominance from him. The mentality is “us against the world” ala Bonnie and clyde.
Similarly, a woman who feels sh1tty about herself will somehow end up with losers, manipulators, dirtbags, etc, no matter how hot she is.
I call it “wavelength theory.” People are attracted to those that are on similar wavelengths.
I have found the most pleasant wavelength of women are the ones that are pretty but have no need to dominate socially and attract endless attention. Instead, they downplay their looks and seek a life of comfort and are able to enjoy the simple things in life. This is also MY wavelength. I can socially dominate but I choose to sandbag myself. I am more of a quiet confidence guy and so women who are subtly beautiful, yet seek no attention stand out to me. These types of women make the best gfs and even plates.
The opposite- the hot and socially dominant women, have gotten me into many fights in bars. They somehow always attract drama. Their wavelength is the douchey guy who wouldn’t mind getting into fights. When I was young and thought it was all about “what women want from me”, I conformed to the stereotypical alpha male image and actually thought fighting was normal. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized conforming to hot and socially dominant women did not best serve my greatest intentions.
So it’s not just “what women want from you.” It’s also what YOU want from women.
Attraction theory only addresses what women want from men. But I think this is missing half of the picture in romance.
Wavelength theory addresses the full spectrum of romance and states that it is the chemistry between people that brings them together.
Wavelength addresses all the anomalies you see in the dating world (hot girl with loserish guy, hot girl with abuser, etc) and does not fall into dogmatic traps like red pill, black pill, etc.