What women want? (For women members only)


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2022
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If you want a woman's perspective, as pointed about above, why not go somewhere you're more likely to find it?

A more obvious place to look is YouTube, specifically female dating coaches for men.

This is meant to more quickly filter out what some here refer to as "blue pill" advice, which Reddit would be more likely to offer you.

Discern which YT coaches sound like they have a good understanding on dating/relationships. Find their videos on this topic and topics adjacent to it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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If you want a woman's perspective, as pointed about above, why not go somewhere you're more likely to find it?

A more obvious place to look is YouTube, specifically female dating coaches for men.
Indeed. I looked at this coach this morning:

While I may not completely buy what she is saying, she is hot and was a treat watching her talk on my bed this morning. I might listen to her other videos later.

Wingmam - https://www.youtube.com/@YourWingmam

Is another nice channel. I don't watch allot of her videos, but might on occasion see some if it really grabs my eye.

Canadian_Man said:
Discern which YT coaches sound like they have a good understanding on dating/relationships. Find their videos on this topic and topics adjacent to it.
Yup. There should definitely be allot of choice out there when it comes ot videos. We are no longer in the 00s or early 10s. These days you have a tonne of content creators playing glossy HD videos and finding videos of women coaching for dating is just part of the staple of what is out there.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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The vast majority of young women marry a high school or college beau who is of similar age and usually of similar social background. Then they "do life" together.
The average age of marriage for women in the US is 28 years old.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I'm aware it's known as a mans forum, but i have learnt a lot from be excellent. Some members dont like that
Even more reason to approach BE directly with your question. Threads can be responded to by everyone. If you don't like that, go private.

Sega Genesis

New Member
Sep 9, 2024
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What a woman will say she wants when she thinks about it logically versus what a woman actually responds to are often two different things.
Yup and this may be the biggest issue I see on the ladies' internet advice forums. They give advice from the logical side of their brain failing to actually place themselves in the same situation as the OP and empathize. And understand that when feelings and emotions are involved, it's not always so easy to be so logical!!

I have sometimes asked them, imagine yourself in that same situation, totally digging on a man, emotions in high gear, would you follow your own advice? Which is usually "Just next him"! "Run for the hills"! "Kick em to the curb"! After he's done something *horrid* like didn't call three days in advance for a date or something silly like that lol.

That's one example it could be anything not to her liking.

I have found when a woman is *really* into a man and feels that intoxicating chemistry, the logical side of her brain typically isn't even functioning! And she will tolerate just about anything, or most things.

Doesn't matter what age she is. I have read about and talked to women 50+ with kids! Women with successful careers, lawyers etc., who tolerate the most horrendous shyt, no disrespect to any of you lovely gentlemen.

But yet her advice to other women experiencing same is only coming from her logical brain.

Edit: I actually feel better after venting about this! One of my peeves with those forums.
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DJ Novice

Don Juan
Jan 8, 2023
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All romantic relationships are transactional at their core but people don’t want to acknowledge this reality.

People only enter these relationships to meet certain needs and if their needs aren’t met the relationship will end. Needs can vary - s*x, security, companionship, raising children etc. Generally (but not always) men trade their money, energy, attention and time in return for s*x, companionship and/or raising a family (I am sure there are other needs, this is not an exhaustive list). I can’t talk from the female perspective.

If the value of what you believe you are giving does not match the value of what you believe you are receiving then the relationship will have issues.

Over time hedonic adaptation, boredom, the need for s*xual variety (for most guys), laziness and selfishness creeps in to all relationships. Desire usually requires mystery, insecurity and distance and these factors are much more difficult to maintain in a live in relationship or where the parties see each other frequently.

These are all fundamental aspects of human nature and most of the time you’re fighting a losing battle. Which is why the vast majority of relationships do not last or if they do the long term dynamic is not a happy or passionate one. Exceptions do probably exist but I am yet to see any of substance. Just being in a relationship for x number of years is not the definition of success or happiness.