Anyone who thinks not having feelings is a good thing is delusional.
And being ****y/funny when your woman is relating to you something very difficult and tragic and hard for her to cope with is badly socially miscalibrated. Like telling some racist joke in public in front of the very crowd you're making fun of.
This reeks of social maladjustment, and insecurity, since it demonstrates the man simply cannot handle difficult emotional circumstances.
(this is bad news for any men here who want to be fathers, own their own home, business, get married, and take care of their families....)
The Man is the "Rock".
But he's not dead inside...
It's VERY IMPORTANT for the grown men and all men here to realize that even though they've been rejected, and 'hurt' by their Oneitis, and/or a woman who was never really attracted to them , NOT go off to extremes.
There are two sides of emotional maturity.
On one side there is having a Conscience.
The other is Shrewdness.
(Most of the time we must be shrewd and have a conscience. AND, we have to be SHREWD about WHEN to listen to our conscience.)
MOST men here advocate EXTREME shrewdness which turns out to be negative CYNICSM.
This is an IMMATURE manner of 'self protection'.
And the AFC starts out at the other end, with TOO much Conscience. Wherein he is always worrying about everything. Nothing is ever good enough. And he is never secure.
And the unfeeling, uncaring, and/or 'hurt inner child' will go to extremes and act TOO Shrewdly,he will become cynical, he will manipulate people around him to his whims,make preemptive fear based decisions and judgements, and create a paranoia that all people are not to be trusted, evil, will stab you in the back, etc....
Always remember, that when you hear someone talk about how 'you cant trust anyone these days. ALL people are untrustworthy.'' he's TALKING ABOUT and including HIMSELF.
People who do not trust, are NOT trustworthy and DONT TRUST THEMSELVES.
Please,do yourself a favor and remember that.
The MIDDLE path is the path of maturity.
And only when we operate from LOVE, and NOT FEAR, can we make decisions CORRECTLY and take action sliding a little to the left and a little to the right when it is NECESSARY, not out of IMPULSE or "waaaaa! I've been hurt by females!!! Waaaa!I hate them!!! Waa!All women are b*tches! dont trust them! They will hurt you too, like me! See?? So now I have to get back at them for hurting me and not validating my narcissistic Ego!" but out of sense of boundary respect and respect for oneself and humanity.
All actions are either based out of Love or Fear. Only truly emotionally healthy and mature persons can make their decisions using this as their criteria.
ALL of this stuff we are talking about is MERELY ASSERTING YOUR BOUNDARIES.
You are either acting out of FEAR, or out of confident LOVE.
You tell me which one a MAN with RESOURCES will act with????