I see the problem alot of you guys face or have faced.
you get told that looks don't matter, only to put your newfound game on a woman, and she still leaves you or ignores you for the guy who looks like he was chizzled out of stone to perfection.
In my line of work, one of the things it has helped me in everyday life is understand all of the varables that goes into every damn thing that happens every damn day.
Say you walk down the street. You see a girl, talk to her, and she rejects you. You see her the next day and she is talking to this hot guy, or at least a guy you presume to be hotter then you.
You have to understand what's going on.
you aren't saying the guy is hot.. you are saying he is better than you.
So yes, DUH, if YOU think he is better than you, she is going to as well.
I don't want a girl that is going to say "yeah, I'm okay, but (comes closer and wisphers) that girl over there is sooo freakin hot and she is a great person as well, she has me beat!"
I have never MET a guy, at least in the last year, that I will say looks better than me. I meet guys that are good looking, I have no problem calling a guy good looking, but I will never say a guy just flat out looks better than me. I take care of myself, I'm in shape, I can dress my ass off, and I have great hygine.
So with that said, yes, looks matter, but hot is hot.
Let's get on the varibles.
Girl talks to the hot guy and not you.
Well let's see why all of the possible reasons that could be:
a) you aren't as good looking as you think (i.e out of shape, can't dress, stink)
b) your game wasn't right and his is
c) She just doesn't like a physical aspect about you. I'm naturally stalky, it's just how I'm built, not fat at all, I'm actually pretty musclar now, but I have broad sholders.. I have had a girl tell me she was into skinny guys.. to each his own
d) She was in a hurry that day and isn't now
E) She was on her period than and isn't now
F) She might have already known the other guy
point is, I can rail off about 100 things that can go wrong in each interaction with a woman. The point is, she isn't feeling you, not why she isn't feeling you.
Guys who complain about hot guys getting women, is the eqiuvlant to overweight girls getting mad at guys for being to "one minded" and not liking girls for "their minds" or the equivlant to a 35 year old woman, getting mad at her male constuiences for dating hot ass 22 year olds and saying they "are scared of real women"
The problem isn't the hot guys.. the problem is you are too lazy to do something about the way you look.
As a matter of fact, the way you look is the EASIEST thing to change, however unless all you want are immature little girls or women who add no value to your life, you need to work on improving all facets of your life