What to take from this..


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Okay well I went out with this girl when I was a senior in HS. I'm now going into my junior year of college. Me and her talk every so often and a few weeks before I come home form school for each break I try to initiate some conversation so I can have a booty call ya know. However we haven't really hooked up at all this year. So I just got home from school for summer this past Friday.

I texted her friday saying whats up I'm home lets chill later. She ends up coming over my friends house during his party. We talked I was tryin to mac it for an hour or so. Ended up gettting NOTHING. She did however tell me to come over the next day because all of her friends will be hanging by her pool.

So Saturday comes, myself and 3 of my frineds go over to her pool. I'm kinoing her throwing her in the pool, splashing her, pretty much doing some playful things to her to get some kino going. Leave there then Saturday night she shows up at my friends.

This is where it gets funky...(2 of her friends from school were visiting her the whole weekend). Anyway, they show up to my friends house in sweat pants and sweat shirts. And it wasn't even like they just wore that out. They got dressed up for dinner then proceeded to go home change then show up.

On top of that, it was understood that we were going to drinking and having a good time at my friends house. NONE of these girls were drinking. They came over with the sole intention to smoke pot. On top of that they formed their own little circle and just smoked and hardly talked to any of us (we were literally sitting right next to them). So I'm sitting there thinking to myself why would she /them even show up when they could just sit at their own houses and smoke there in their sweats.

So now I'm thinking what is this girl trying to get across to me? Not interested? I mean other than last night I was getting IOI's like crazy and then last night came along and here I am second guessing myself...whats going down here?

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
I think she just lost interest in you after one year. (I'm assuming you haven't met her in person since last summer)

And now she's keeping you around for attention. Plus, don't forget that she was probably showing off herself to her friends by displaying you. Meaning she subconsciously is sending a message to her friends that, "I know I'm hot and sexy because look I have this guy, who I have no intention of doing anything with him anymore, who is still willing to hang around me and shower me with attention".

Follow me?

Sucks though. What I would do is just withdraw my attention away from her. Keep it on the down low. If she invites you to friend gatherings next time, then just tell her you have something else to do. PLUS, this is important, tell her that she should call you after she's done with the friend gathering. This will eliminate giving attention to her AND it will let you know if this girl still has interest and wants to continue hooking up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
"I smoke two joints in the morning, I smoke two joints at night..."

Tell that pothead she's missing Bonnaroo.

Nothing about the situation you described sounds like it could have a positive outcome. NEXT!


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
Since the OP and I have discovered we have a ton in common, I will dole out some advice for him.

My advice on this girl is to pull off her. Don't contact her for a while. In fact, don't initiate any communication with her at all. Give it about three weeks or a month, meet some other chicks who live in your hometown, spin some plates if you can, then get yourself in a situation where you'll run into your ex-girlfriend. I'm talking, show up at a party where she is or go to a bar where she is going to be. The lack of communication between you and her should be enough to make her sweat a little and question whether or not you're really interested in her. And, if there is alcohol involved at this party or place of chance meeting between you and her, I think you could swing an ONS out of it if you play your cards right.

Whatever you do, don't continue to contact her. I think, the more you contact her, the more you are going to drive her away and head toward the LBJF zone. It also sounds like she is using her friends as a crutch and maybe some anti-slut defenses are being triggered.

Either way, just ignore her completely and forget about her for a month. She will either contact you or you will run into her at a party, and her interest level will be much higher in you again. It sounds like the attraction is still there, but she is just having some second thoughts about you.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
i def. feel you guys on that. I was definately planning on not talking to her for a lil. Only problem with that is 1) She will 100% be contacting me if I don't contact her and 2) My friend is trying to pull one of her friends so whenever he invites them over, she ALWAYS comes.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Well, if you want to stay social with everyone else, just avoid her and act like she isn't there -- or better yet, bring a new girl around if only to get her wondering...