What to make of this??


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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Theres this chick I've hooked up with a few times (gone out 3 times nothing too serious). Anyways, I rang her on Friday to see if she was around for the weekend, she was busy, going home etc. I suggested getting something to eat on Tuesday and she wasn't sure about it but said she would give me a call next week. No plans were actually made for Tuesday, she just said she would give me a call.

I thought this was a bit odd so just left her be and went on a date with another girl on Sunday night (just showing I'm not hung up on her). On Tuesday I get a text from the first girl saying can she call me that night. Didn't bother responding. Later that evening, she texted me again asking if I wanted to go for a drink that evening. In hindsight I shouldn't have agreed to go for a drink at such short notice but I think she's busy on Wednesdays, I have a christmas party on Thursday, want to plan another date with girl B on Friday, plans with friends on Saturday. So if I rejected those plans, the next day would be Sunday and I already hadn't seen her in 2 weeks.

I say meet me at a bar near my house and she does. She seems in a decent mood but is not being as touchy feely as before. Conversation isn't exactly flowing. Btw. thanks to that guy who tried to pick her up by saying she had a shiny watch! Shiny, just sounds bizarre. That reignited the convo somewhat.

After one drink, we decided to leave. She gave me a lift back to my house. I figured she was coming in as she had the previous two times. But she wouldn't kiss me at first. I pushed her asking whats wrong and she went on about how we have nothing in common and that this can't be a serious relationship. I actually agree, we have very little in common but have similar personalities if that makes any sense.

She was also after getting a letter from her ex in Spain (a girl:yes:) who said she was emotionally retarded and distant. I'd agree on the distant part. I suggested we could just have fun you know, no pressure and she seemed happy with that. We made out for a while but she wouldn't come in. We kissed goodnight and I went in home.

So I'm guessing (hoping :woo: ) that she just wants a fling without anything serious. I did ask her a few times did she just want to stop seeing each other (a mixture of confusion and insecuriy on my part) and she told me she'd be direct about that if that was the case.

Is there any particular difference when it comes to casual dating. Just continue going out and stuff but no expectations? Personally, i'd be quite happy with this arrangement. I too wouldn't see it as potentially serious but we get on well enough to hang out.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Is there any particular difference when it comes to casual dating. Just continue going out and stuff but no expectations? Personally, i'd be quite happy with this arrangement. I too wouldn't see it as potentially serious but we get on well enough to hang out.
So just keep hanging out, I don't see the problem...

Does sound tho like you need to raise the sexual tension, friends hangout, potential lovers "HANG OUT" get it ?? Don't let another time hanging out past without your toung in her mouth or your hand on her boobs bro. As long as your upping the ante everytime you hang out you're fine, if you aren't moving forward you're moving backward, no such thing as neutral in this game



Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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we have had sex and I was actually playing with her boobs when she was going on about this stuff :D

The only difference was that she didn't want to come inside.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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So again, wat the hells the problem ?? Keep fvcking her...:crackup:



Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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seems to be rapidly heading downhill now. texted her today with the following
"I think you're probably nuts but you're honest. How are things? We have our christmas party tongiht but I have to drive."

Probably a little harsh but some of the texts between us have been like that.

She responds.
"Nuts, hmm? Maybe. I think maybe we just don't really get each other, probably never will. It happens. Have fun drinking juice all night!"

Not too good :confused: Ah well it was nice while it lasted. Is this a case of ignoring this stuff and just try to set up something or actually respond to it. I'm trying to get this back on the casual footing that I thought she was down with.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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Still in odd territory with this chick. She sent a text after the one above that was more normal. Last night I was out on a christmas pub crawl and she came along for part of it (she was there for her roommate's birthday). She sought me out when she arrived and showed good interest.

At the next bar following that, she bought me a drink and I stayed in that bar talking to her and her roommate for a while. (I was after 7 drinks in 3 hours so needed a break!) Chat was the usual and I talked to her about the text messages when the roommate went to the bathroom. She said something didn't feel quite right, I asked her if she still felt that way and she said yes?? Her roommate came back then and we just started chatting about other stuff.

At the next bar, I went over to some friends to chat and she went over to the roommates friends. After a while they decided to go home, she came over to me before they were going to say good night, she still seemed quite into me but wouldn't kiss me in the pub (kinda expected that, since it was a pub full of people we both know.

So talk wise, it seemed grand last night but still we've gone from hooking up to not even kissing! Still though last night wasn't a date as such as she wasn't there to see me. Is she playing some sort of game? She's fairly confident so she's be fairly direct if she didn't want to meet up any more. I wonder if the age thing is an issue. I'm 24 and she's 28, she's never said anything about it though.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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not been a good week on the chick front. This one is a wrap. Was out last night with her, she was as flirty as ever (lots of eye contact) and laughing a lot at my jokes. However, at the end of the night, she wouldn't kiss me and repeated the stuff about not seeing it going anywhere.

I could have played it a bit better as I got a bit disappointed when I heard this. She now just wants to be friends :box: I think the key issue was the sex, it was awkward (for some reason I was very nervous. bizarre as with other chicks I didn't get the same nerves)

The annoying thing was that during the night, she was sitting close, didn't mind me touching her leg, shoulders, she was even returning some kino (hitting my shoulder to make a point). I'm not worried about it "not going anywhere" but would have liked to keep her around for casual sex (I'm such a romantic!)

Still though I reckon its beyond that now so the best thing is to find a new plate.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2006
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In the middle of a cornfield
identical situation

I had the same problem with a girl. Ended up getting dumped. i know the only way to recover is to get laid with a different girl; i can't get myself to do it...

I will post my complete story in a different post.