what to do..


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
ok well ive been liking this girl now for quite some time, ive been getting so many mixed signals from her, it just frustrates and depresses me, i never knowing what to do and how she feels,

the other day, i brought it up with one of her friends, and was like "what if i told you ive been starting to really like "girl1" " ( her best friend )

im really good friends with her tho also, i told her not to make a big deal about it and dont say anything unles its for the better... but i kind of want her to talk to her about it... iono

but the other day i asked her if she ever brought it up with "girl1" and she said,"no, blah blah, want me to? blah blah"

I would imagine she told "girl1" the day i told her i was startin to like her even tho she tells me she didnt say anything

but do you think she did tell her or what?

cause now... im getting mixed signals X3... its not makin me feel good, 1 day she seems way into me, the next, she doesnt call back, she doesnt want to do anything...

my head is spinning.

( yeah its in the other forum too )


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
I already replied, no worries, try and stick it only in one, the most relevant one. Well do not discuss girls with their friends, its badform, cos then girl1 thinks you can't hold confidence and will speak to her friend. Plus its kinda goin behind her back annd thirdly she will tell her anyway.

Best advice, just assume shes into you and approach, whats the worst that could happen, you could get some more practice at handling rejections. Either way its a plus side, if you sit there are don't ask her, you will always torment yourself with maybes. Even worse if you wait too long and find out she was interested but no longer is, it will kill you. Trust me, iv done that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
ask "what do i want?" not what does she want


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
One-itis? You've already failed with this chick holmes.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
I don't mean to start a flame-war, but LikeRetsam is getting very annoying. He is always putting everyone down, telling them how they have failed, etc... He is using destructive criticism, what he should be using is CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

Here is how I believe one should react to this guys scenario:

I believe that it is obvious she has some attraction for you. In fact, I would guess quite a bit!

She is showing interest one day, then none the next day. She is playing some sort of game with you, and you should be careful with this one.

While I believe you should have reacted sooner, not all is lost. You might still have a chance with her if she still sending some positive signals. I recommend showing attraction for her in some way, I personally recommend using Kino.

If all fails and she rejects you, no biggy. You are the better man. You tried and you gave it your all. There was nothing else you could do.

I recommend that you don't become totally infatuated with her either. Keep your options open, you never know... she may be hot, but you might be so blinded by her that you don't realize that the hottest girl in the entire world is staring at your ass :)


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
yeah i understand, its kind of hard tho,
cause i do not want to just go COMPLETLY for it..

because we have been "friends" for awhile... which is hard cause she may think were just in the LJBF zone =\

but arggg... the other day, she was at my house, we were just like talking and messing around, i was messin with her lipstick crap and putting it on her, and then she kissed my hands and stuff to leave the mark... i dont know if shes just doing this or what... but i believe she does have some intrest,...

its just every other day! god :(


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
jeez, even when a girl gives me some iffy kino like touching my arm i take it as a good sign, but for her to kiss your hands... well, up 2 u man


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by unknowntim3
yeah i understand, its kind of hard tho,
cause i do not want to just go COMPLETLY for it..

because we have been "friends" for awhile... which is hard cause she may think were just in the LJBF zone =\

but arggg... the other day, she was at my house, we were just like talking and messing around, i was messin with her lipstick crap and putting it on her, and then she kissed my hands and stuff to leave the mark... i dont know if shes just doing this or what... but i believe she does have some intrest,...

its just every other day! god :(
ie she has a high IL in you, go for it, it appears likes she likes you and if not so what. Just enjoy yourself and be who you want to be. Maybe shes givin you mixed signals becasue she does not know which signals to give you to get you to be attracted becasue you are not responding. Then again she could be an attention wh0re but it doesnt sound like it.

Supero Masculus

Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
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In reality
I've always been one for being straight forward so i'm gonna suggest that you go for it! Trust me, it doesn't hurt as bad as you think! I shall share a true story with you.

There was this chick i liked and she was a fine hot bytch with an a$$ a huge rack not to mention one of the hottest princesses of the school, so i talked to her alot and i wasn't all that close to her but one day she had my lunch and i felt frisky, so i asked her out just like that and she thought for a quick second and then rejected me real easy. And she got up a second later w/freind and walked away. I felt like, "Hell ya, who got balls!?"

The point being that even though i got my a$$ rejected, she wasn't a psyco bytch about it and i was feeling great! so if you know she wont be a bytch about it then go for it! and if she goes phyco on you then forget about it, she wasn't worth your time.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
ok.. well what would be a nice key line i could use to telling her.. shes been a friend of mine so i would like it to be nice and good...

what would you suggest i say about telling her how i feel or asking her how she feels about me, but really, something that i can say that she KNOWS i have intrest.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Just like in the matrix 1. The oracle told neo exactly what he had to hear. That is how I work ministered. Stop reading my posts if you don't concur with it.

You are in the friends zone. It's that simple. You one day decide to go for your friend but she is still looking at you as a friend. My female friends touch me, hug me massage me etc... That doesn't make me see them as anymore then friends because they are just that.

This chick is prolly not worth getting your pencil wet over. You are great friends leave it at that.

She shows positive signs in you? obviously, you're "good friends" .
Now, she may think there is something more but only you can know that. We can only take guesses. In my experience, she will eventually spill the beans if she really wants you. Till then play it cool. If she doesn't, then she doesn't see you in that way, period!

Use her to practice your DJ skills. That's all. **** buddy if you want. For the moment, I don't think she sees you as more then friends. Even though she "kisses your hand to leave the mark" and stuff like that.

If there are feelings on her par, she will make it undoubtedly obvious. Always.

Should you move in, you will lose. I am willing to bet alot on this but keep us updated, eh?

In the end, do what you feel is right. Is this chick worth losing as a friend? Is this chick really all that? Imagine her on the ****ter constipated. Should help hehe



Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by unknowntim3
ok.. well what would be a nice key line i could use to telling her.. shes been a friend of mine so i would like it to be nice and good...

what would you suggest i say about telling her how i feel or asking her how she feels about me, but really, something that i can say that she KNOWS i have intrest.
Tell her with your actions if you must.... Never spill it out verbally.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by TheMinistered
I don't mean to start a flame-war, but LikeRetsam is getting very annoying. He is always putting everyone down, telling them how they have failed, etc... He is using destructive criticism, what he should be using is CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
He only points out the truth, the truth hurts but it is facts, destructive criticism can be the best form of constructive criticism.

Here's what you do mate:

1. Grow some balls and stop tryin to get her friends to do your **** for you, it never works. Why? Because only insecure people with no balls have to ask their friends.

2. Forget about her and go and hook up with 10 other girls and then come back and tell me you still want this one.

good luck


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2003
Reaction score
sammos idea is the best.

I think the reason you think you are gettin mixed signals from her is because you think she might know you like her and since she might know, you act differently around her, and therefore she gives you mixed signals. I dunno, just a guess. But ya, try as much as possible to not go to friends. Even though it seems like a good idea, it never really works, it just creates awkwardness between you and the girl you like

Supero Masculus

Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
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In reality
Originally posted by fezz
sammos idea is the best.

But ya, try as much as possible to not go to friends. Even though it seems like a good idea, it never really works, it just creates awkwardness between you and the girl you like
Dude, i know its a bad idea and it is really stupid but i has worked for me before. But other than that i totaly agree. Be freinds with her freinds but don't use them to set you up. it will only work about 1 outa 10 times at the most.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
yeah i see alot of sides to everything...

but again, how would i just "ask her out" knowing we have been good friends for awhile, in what way could i do it without completly scaring her off if she doesnt feel the same and in a GOOD way, not just "would you go out with me", thats like.. (middle school style, spoken to them once), but ive known this girl for awhile and have been good friends.. so...

I need a nice good way, of either asking her how she feels or a way i can tell her how i feel, even tho your not suppost to verbaly say it... how eles can i do it, with out just kissing her, which i will do for sure when the right time comes.. IF

¿ ?



Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Ok let me clearly explain to you.

When you are friends, good friends or whatever with a chick, it's just that. You have all that ****load of fun and that's all. She loves you for it. It's what they want. Fun! Humor! etc...

When you start questioning your relationship with her, you change. She noticed. Point blank. This is a huge turn off. When the guy you have so much fun with since forever would throw that away because he's desperate.

Is it not just that? You want poon so you go for your friend cause it's the poon you have to work least hard to get... But it's really the most difficult poon to get (Side note: If she is really as great as you say she is. I'm not talking about little girls who have no idea what's going on around them).

Back to the point, the fact you are getting mixed signals even more now is because you turn her off. But you're also a great friend. But you've changed. But arn't you mostly the same?

It's just not cool. After all you've been through you're busy jacking off to her naked image at home.

For future reference, it's a HUGE turn off to chicks. And why I say you've already failed is not because of whatever she has been told or what you think, it's because of your change of act.

There is no asking her out or finding out how she feels. Let me tell you: She doesn't.
I doubt she would even accept to go on a friendly date with you.
You need to have seen this before to comprehend it, words from others will only take you so far.



Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
ahh man yeah i understand... its just so hard for me to forget about the feelings i have for her if we were to be just and only friends

and shes not the type of girl im going for just for the poon, i really like her and just would like to hold and kiss and have a good relationship with

well im going out with her somewhere today, probably the beach or something, not sure...

but if im going to do anything, im going to do it today, so ill keep you updated later

=\ wish me luck

Supero Masculus

Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
In reality
Ok i'm wishing you luck right now...WISHING ACCTIVATED>>>>ERROR OCCURED>>>ABORT_PROCCEEDURE...

No not really just go for it.