When there’s a good kissing scene on, you can usually take advantage of it. I do it all the time when I invite girls over--girls that I haven’t yet kissed. It’s derived from the seduction concept of “show-and-tell”.
When you’re watching TV or a movie with a girl and a kissing scene comes on, say something about the kissing, preferably something that would easily lead into talking about how good you two can kiss. I play out similar scenarios to the following quite often:
Me: “Now that’s how you kiss!” [Here I put out some bait to work up a reaction from her. They’ll usually take it and say something to the fact]
Her: “That’s nothing special” [She’s now in the position of pursuer]
With more daring girls, they’ll usually follow with “I can kiss better than that!”
Me: “Oh yeah? Well what makes you such a good kisser?” [That line’s a classic]
Her: “I’m soft and sensual. I’m not a sloppy kisser” [You want to get them to try to qualify themselves to you somehow like she just did. It makes it easier for you]
Me: “Is that right? Why don’t you show me how good you are then.” [That’s the hook. The kiss usually comes immediately and sex usually follows]
It’s as simple as that. Quick and right to the point. Sometimes it isn’t this easy and you’ll have to work at it a bit harder. You can do this by teasing her about it. Here’s an effective way to handle a potential scenario such as that:
Her: <shakes her head>
Me: “So you’re not as good as you say you are”
Her: “No, I’m good. I just don’t think it’s the right time to kiss” [This is what we call anti-slut “resistance”. Take it for what it’s worth]
Me: “Well you were talking about how you’re such a good kisser and all. I like to hold people to their word when they brag about something” [the clincher]
Her: “Okay, I‘ll show you”
See it might take a bit more work but it’s usually worth it. If anything you get to do some good quality flirting while you’re at it.
-Jake Stevens
The Pickup Master