What to do after NC works?


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
After months of constant contact and hanging, the girl I was seeing was losing interest cause she knew she had me. So I went NC and it has worked like a charm. Now she is contacting me and responding extremely quick and trying to get reactions out of me. I have just been playing it cool and indifferent. Waiting awhile to respond and not giving her the answers she is looking for. I still like this girl, but how do I proceed from here?


Nov 4, 2010
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Kbish828 said:
After months of constant contact and hanging, the girl I was seeing was losing interest cause she knew she had me. So I went NC and it has worked like a charm. Now she is contacting me and responding extremely quick and trying to get reactions out of me. I have just been playing it cool and indifferent. Waiting awhile to respond and not giving her the answers she is looking for. I still like this girl, but how do I proceed from here?
depends what you want? you need to be very very honest with yourself and us.
have you really learned/developed? or do you think if you got back with her you would revert back to AFC isms?
do you just want sex?
as it is, keep playing it cool and indifferent, she will tire and move on.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
Well the entire point of NC is to shift the power back into your hands. It allows you to get to the bottom of things and learn the TRUTH about her. The harder she chases you the more invested she is/was.

Once you have succeeded with NC the next step is to continue the relationship strictly on YOUR TERMS. You will simply live as you please and let her come along for the ride. If she can't accept your terms.. there's the door.

Any women you're using NC on has already "blown it" with you and can never be fully trusted again. If she was right for you, then you wouldn't need to use NC. So the only real point is power/revenge to allow you to use/bang her on your own terms and throw her away like trash later.

Never totally take back a woman after NC.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Nothing is more important to women than attention. To most women, ignoring them is more offensive that punching them in the face. :crazy:


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
Well the entire point of NC is to shift the power back into your hands. It allows you to get to the bottom of things and learn the TRUTH about her. The harder she chases you the more invested she is/was.

Once you have succeeded with NC the next step is to continue the relationship strictly on YOUR TERMS. You will simply live as you please and let her come along for the ride. If she can't accept your terms.. there's the door.

Any women you're using NC on has already "blown it" with you and can never be fully trusted again. If she was right for you, then you wouldn't need to use NC. So the only real point is power/revenge to allow you to use/bang her on your own terms and throw her away like trash later.

Never totally take back a woman after NC.

There may be exceptions to this rule, but for the most part I sadly agree with this. My last NC went exactly according to this script. At the end of the day she was still unsuitable for me and I ended up letting her go. Only after she acted a bit off did I just let the cat out of the bag to ensure maximum emotional damage.

The other girl I was seeing, I never had to go NC on and we're still together.

At the end of the day I was curious to see what would come of girl #1, but ultimately I knew I needed to get the goods and then bounce because of her attitude.

Like what was already said, if you have to go NC on someone there is very little chance she will EVER be right for you in the long run.