Its always painful in the beginning, than you jungle between the "should" and "i know" to finish in Cruise control: mastery
Progress isn't linear but it always go up when you keep working on it.
How old are you ? It might help us situate you on your life behavioural cycle.
I would recommend to walk in it... it's a marathon not a race... you jump in it, you start slow, build resiliance, than speed up.
Give yourself clear goals... on 90 days basis, 1 year, 5 year.
Remember: Do more you do, the more you can take.
So start with 1 thing, than 2, than 3, 4, 5
(Personnally: i always go with a 5 items agenda, goal, things i am doing, focus).
I would say when you got your stuff written down. Like 5 items : Social life, studies, athlète health, business, dancing
You have to frame it, and do it with "what makes me feel good"... see me the athlète health = run 5km in 2018, 10k in 2020.. do 200 rep à session of all my exercice.
I found that going to the gym at 6am, was the best for my spirit/motivation/health.. cause than i go this out of the way and dont stress about not filling the 4 other points. So I make time, no matter how hard it can be.
My motivaiton comes: How good i feel when I do it!
Than office from 9am to 10pm (except on study days and dance days)
Study days are entire friday,saturday,sunday... 5pm monday-tuesday-wednesday.
Dance are: Thursday - Friday from 8pm to 10pm.
I give myself à 20minutes a day for stretching and personal reading.
I unplug from cellphone/computers 1 hours before bed (to have a direct sleep)
I repeat that nonestopp... Social life is saturday night... Sarging/pickup are everywhere i walk and go where i see a fun girl (or good look to me) even sometimes i just talk to the girl to talk to them... it keep me warm and trained.
Goal is 2 pleasure book à month (it include self-developpement/sales/spirituality/fantasay/economic)
How i deal with stress? Really badly... that's why i adopted the progressive method. I start small, Master that, than go médium, Master médium, than go big, Master big.
Also, always keep clear of your goal/objective... give yourself time like 40minutes à day to relax and thing about "how" to overcome.
Lastly: In life, including pickup... rejection is never personnal... the more you get rejected means the more you progressing, and use that to improve your skills/stress resistant/soul... after 200 rejections you will never be afraid of anything.
If you have friends.. play game with them that force you out of the confort zone.
Ex: Your friend point at à girl and give you the opening line.. if you dont go.. you owe them 20$
Ex2: Same game, but with the line "girl, reject me the hardest way you would reject a guy approaching you"
Ex3: Give yourself an objective to do random talk to strangers... first week is 1 stranger per day, 2nd week is 2 stranger per day.. you increase your approach per day every week.
Last comment: Never feel bad because you aint doing or going according to "plan" or your "expectations".. keep following your plan but dont worry if you miss "1 thing or 1 day"... always go back to your referal point which is your starting point: "AM I BETTER NOW THAN WHEN I STARTED"
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