what. the. HECK. is going on here? very tough situation


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
Fenix94 said:
I know, right? DERP DE DERP.:crackup:
Bwahaha! yeah crackup.

But what exactly do you find "dumb" about my post?

Is is the fact that I have the balls and courage to go against conventional left-wing pandering to Islam, and thus putting myself at risk of the violence which is often perpetrated against those who criticise Islam?

I like muslims, but I don't like Islam. I don't like any organised religion actually, but I have a sliding scale of what I believe is the least worst religion to most worst religion, which is, in order:

Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, and finally Islam.

But even within each religion there is variability, for example in Buddhism, Zen is much closer on the continuum to Taoism than to Hindusim, whilst Theravada is the opposite

Within Christianity there is huge variance, from the liberal Episcopalians to the hard-core Opus Dei Catholics, along with many numerous Christian cults which are very strict. And you know ultra-orthodox Haredi Judaism is just as bad, if not worst than many/most Islamic sects.

And I mean, I don't hate ALL of Islam.. I actually love Sufism, and whirling dervishes are cool as.

But mostly, when religion inspires people to kill and murder "infidels", to behead women who have sex outside of marriage, to throw acid in the faces of girls because they don't wear potato sacks on their head, to brutally pack rape blonde girls in mini-skirts because they consider them "uncovered meat", I'm sorry, I have to oppose that. And if you don't oppose that also, well, then... I have to say that I think YOU are dumb.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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OP been there. Close to the exact same situation, all I can say is I'm not there now. I was for 3 years though, and she will fvck your head beyond belief. Best svx I ever had though.

Note I am not Muslim if that makes any difference at all.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 9, 2012
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Piers Nivens said:
Alright. This situation is a rather tough one, very, very delicate. I'll be as straight forward as I can be.

we're both 21 at the moment

This girl, a 9 easily (a 9.5 to 9.9 after counting her personality!), we originally met in 2003. Got seperated, now met again in 2011.

She's Muslim, religious.
We caught up at a theme park. Did kino, said we shouldn't touch since she's religious. I say fine.

We lose contact basically. Fast forward September 2012. We are suddenly in the same college.

We met up, and she went all out:
Laughed at ALL MY JOKES
She kept bumping into me, softly pushing me by the shoulder here and there
Waits for me after class (sometimes even 2 hours, just sitting alone waiting for me)

Remember, she's religious, never been in a relationship (she does the whole headscarf thing as well).

Point to take here (summer of 2011, she tells me to avoid physical contact, yet here we are, meeting after a year now and SHE is doing all the kino)

Another point: in a small argument over text, she started crying. Tells me our argument made her cry.

We meet a few more times, I don't have access to a car at the moment, but she does. 3 times she has invited me into her car, and says I am the first male ever to sit in her car with her (remember, she's religious).

NOW, last week, at 2AM in the morning she texts me saying that she needs to ask me something but is afraid. Asks me to promise I won't be mad by her question and will respond truthfully, no anger (I made her cry before remember), and I agree. She asks me if I like her. And instantly says "please say no". I shrug the question off, and she says "please answer. honestly please, because I have to say something to you after as well" (the heck?)

i keep toying the discussion around, and she says "Ok please answer my question"(i shrugged off like 8 of her attempts) . "if you do like me, I will never talk to you again".

I say "ok. Yes I do like you. so I guess we're not talking anymore, bye".
she starts texting back "NO! please say the truth, you're just saying it so we'll stop contacting each other :("

back and forth a few more times, I say i gotta go and leave.

since then, everyday she texts me to meet up so we can discuss this even though I said YES I do like you and agree to your conditions of never talking again. but she isn't letting it up, and has now requested to meet like 15 times over the last 3 days.

we ran into each other today, and I quickly said I have to go. within minutes I get texts saying "that was mean. you make me feel bad. why did you leave like that without walking with me?:("


here's another interesting note. before this conversation (about the confessions), she has sent me around FIFTEEN (15) love songs.


-kinos on me despite saying no to physical contact a year ago
-im the first male in her car
-sends me love songs (over 15 in a few days)
-keeps wanting to go to places (recrational and restaurants etc,)
-always texting me and wanting to meet up (readily available all of the sudden)
-asks me if I like her, and if I do she will never talk to me again. I say I do and she suddenly becomes more attached and wants to talk and meet more than ever. WHAT/ THE. F***? is going on here?
-our earlier argument has made her cry

seriously, what the hell do I make of this?

don't tell me im looking too much into this, because this post is nothing in comparison to whats really happening here. It's a freaking mixed signals alarms blazing off around both of us.

never had a situation in my life like this.
Man this girl is in love with you.

All I can say is, if you pursue this girl, you'll get her, and she would be forever yours if you ****ed her.

My bud, a normal(although very good looking) English guy has just married his muslim girfriend. They been together 12 years!!!!! The parents did not attend the wedding......... Your life would be very very difficult if you choose this girl BUT love conques all as they say................

Piers Nivens

Don Juan
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
TonyBaloney said:
Man this girl is in love with you.

All I can say is, if you pursue this girl, you'll get her, and she would be forever yours if you ****ed her.

My bud, a normal(although very good looking) English guy has just married his muslim girfriend. They been together 12 years!!!!! The parents did not attend the wedding......... Your life would be very very difficult if you choose this girl BUT love conques all as they say................
Thanks for the reassurance man. Any tips on how to proceed though? Outside of the common tips that is; I'm treading very carefully here.

Piers Nivens

Don Juan
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
UPDATE: She just invited me to Six Flags (she's gonna drive with her friends but at the park leave them and stay with me instead).

Problem? Just like last year, I have no car at the same bad timing. So I'm gonna have to possibly go public transit, 2hr ride.

Should I agree to meet her at the park but using public transit (looks bad I assume) or should I use this opportunity to turn her offer down?