what the f*c happened


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
montreal, PQ
I couldnt have said it better myself.

Learn from this experience dude and realize playing with ppl's emotions often backfires.

For the time being, get out there and meet some new women. Whatever you had with this bird was finished years ago. Time to start a new chapter of....

"The Sexcapades"...tada!

Howie Farkes

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2003
Reaction score
I think I get it.

You basically wanted to be able to put this girl on ice while you play the field a bit then when you're done playin' you come back to her in your shiny armour and make some sort of commitment?

But now that she's jack of your behaviour after 2 years and has finally realised that you're just a little boy who wont commit so she goes out and finds herself another man. Then you pretend to plead your undying love so you can keep her away from other guys a bit longer while you play the field some more - but she says "Nuh - too late". And now you miss having her around, but you don't really want her around so you're upset???

Well Boo Fu(king Hoo.

Like STR8UP said - you can't have your cake and eat it too.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
reply 4

having your cake and eating it too....who on this site wouldnt if they could??

How many of us took risks, knowing (consciously or subconsciously) the consequences would far outweigh any benefit?

Driving w/no Insurance...ya know that you gotta get to ur buddies house..but if you get caught ur goin to jail
F*ckin' w/ no condomn...oops Herpies/HIV/etc.
drinking the night before work...Missed the alarm clock ..late
Driving home drunk....hit someones child and killed them

the point is we do things a lot of times and though the consequences are substancial, we do them anyway knowing what were not willing to pay the price.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
wow. that is actually a great point. but nevertheless it says alot about you, and i bet this is the reasoning you would use with her too when you would argue. i bet you are a very smart man. but these interesting points you bring up are not SMART, just interesting...and they ain't bringin her back. it's time to start adjusting your perspective. a change would do you good.

Howie Farkes

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2003
Reaction score
Re: reply 4

Originally posted by DavenJuan
having your cake and eating it too....who on this site wouldnt if they could??
Depends upon the situation. Normally, yeah, who wouldn't want their cake etc. but when you're dealing with people it comes down to respect.

What you wanted was some advice on just how much carrot you needed to dangle infront of your ex to keep her single but still in love with you whilst you had no qualms about NOT loving her and screwing around with other chicks. This just displays no respect or empathy for your ex.

How many of us took risks, knowing (consciously or subconsciously) the consequences would far outweigh any benefit?
You had 2 YEARS to see this car-wreck happening but you still didn't do anything 'til it was all over.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Howie Farkes
I think I get it.

You basically wanted to be able to put this girl on ice while you play the field a bit then when you're done playin' you come back to her in your shiny armour and make some sort of commitment?

I agree, this is basically what you have been doing. It's just being plain selfish. She was there for you and totally wanted the best for the both of you by being in a relationship, but you totally put her on the backburner, as if she was your insurance policy. You went ahead and messed around with whomever came around, and possibly would get serious with one should they be great. But if nobody ever would live up to being better than her? Then you would have her as your fall-back plan and you would settle with her and claim your little insurance policy of forever being happy.

DavenJuan, I ain't trying to knock on you or anything, but I'm just telling you how it is. In fact, I'm interested in hearing more of your point of view because I know girls can get this way too, and I want to be more aware of it so we can all avoid it.

Quite honestly, if she knows what's right for her, she won't return back to you. Maybe as a friend, but a platonic one even as that. Since she doesn't want to see you anymore, its concrete evidence that she is taking this new guy very seriously. I mean, she wouldn't want to jeopardize the new relationship by being tempted to be in a friends with benefits relationship with you again. Plus she is showing utmost respect to her new guy by completely being true to him and leaving her baggage (you) stranded at baggage claim.

It's not to say that if it doesn't work out with them, that she won't come back to you. Who knows? Maybe she might if it doesn't. But chances are if their relationship is healthy, don't hold your breath then. At this point, it's going to be very very difficult to go back and kiss her *ss. I've been in such a similar situation of trying to step in and intercede from my ex from falling for a new guy. However your situation is passe. Being that you already allowed her to fall for him and be into him to the point of loyalty to block even you out of her life. If you would've found out she had just begun to talk to him (not even date), you could've had a good chance of breaking it down to her that you mean business now, and that you will be the one that lives up to her expectations of a boyfriend. Even though she told you two weeks ago that she wants to stop talking to you, I bet that she's been talking to the new dude for a while and that she's even been intimate with him already.

Your best bet is to re-assess what you did wrong. Learn from it, and deal with it in a better manner the next time it comes around. Don't get me wrong, you will have a better chick come around next time. The thing is, will you be unselfish and more matured enough to appreciate her the next time your opportunity knocks?

That's all on you.

Do you honestly regret losing her? Is it authentic? Or is it just in spite because you just feel someone else is "stealing your insurance policy?" Are you just jealous that someone else appreciates her and may truly be happy with her in long-term? Do you feel bad that she could make someone else happy? Or do you still want her as your back-up plan while you still explore what else is out there? Please explain.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
Re: reply 3

Originally posted by DavenJuan
well...i decided to give my ex of 6yrs a call today. I actually did a little bit more than that. I took some sticky notes on my way home from work and placed them on her mailbox each individual sticky reading each word "i will always love you" as she flips through them (kinda queer, but sweet). Then i called her and told her that i was ready to commit to her completely (???).
This was a big no no. You not only made yourself look like a chump, but it also made her realize even more that what you did was wrong and enforces her decision to be broken up from you even further.

Her conscience must be teasing her mind with thoughts like, "Look at him, only now does he appreciate me! Why should I even entertain any of this and give him a chance when he took me for granted all this time? Look at how he is kissing my *ss with these sticky notes! How pathetic. I'm so glad I have Mr. New Dude to sweep me off my feet now."

The more you do in the situation, the more you are making it more difficult for your chances of wanting to be with you again. Your best bet is to play it cool and take the loss with dignity, because if she ever decides to come back to you.. it will be on her own will and nothing further of what you have already done.

Paul Owen

Don Juan
Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score

For what its worth you should not worry, you did the right thing (breaking up with her, not the sticky notes- that was just crazy!).

If you had stayed with her you would never have been happy. You need to get the whole playing the field thing out of your system and then, when you are ready, you can settle down with someone. But it won't be her. Never mind, you will find someone better. Trust me.

The worst thing you can do now is to berate yourself and question your decision. That is a one way ticket to unhappiness and severe AFC type behaviour. You already decided not to be with this girl, it was the right decision and you should stop questioning it. The trouble is once you start to try to get her back, you create a vicious circle. Every time she rejects you, you value and want her more. Its a trap, don't fall into it.

Good luck buddy.


Nov 1, 2002
Reaction score
If you have ever listened to a piece of advice in your life, listen to this, because this is your onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shot of ever getting her back, even though I dont know if thats a good idea. But, if you want her back..........................ignore her. No contact whatsoever. It will be hard, it will be painful. But you need to make her miss you, and by doing things like the sticky note thing, youll only drive her further away. No sticky notes, flowers, cards, gifts, late night drunken calls, nothing. TRUST ME ON THIS!!!!! Never talk to her again until she intitiates contact, and in my estimation there is a 90% chance she will-you just have too much history. IF you ignore her-she will begin to miss you and when those two breakup-which they will-shell come a knockin'. THat is all. Discuss.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
reply to fadero and all else

i appreciate all the advice, thank you al.

Fadero, you would like me to explain more in detail on my point of view, but you were wrong about some things you said. when i broke up with my ex, it was not to look for something better in a sense. It was more so because i had always been in a LTR. Before her my two girfriends i was with both for over a year. I have met people in between but nothing to really brag about.

I told my Ex that when we were broke up that i just didnt want a GF at the time, and that i would not make any girl ...MY GIRL, and i was telling her the truth. I wasnt trying to look for anything better. She would always say the same thing you said. "im keeping her on the backburner" but i really didnt see it that way. We still did things has a couple, she came over my house for holidays lik always, everyone always assumed we were together. The only difference was we could see other people.

You tell me to "Re-assess" what i did wrong and look at my mistakes. ..what are my mistakes??? what did i do wrong?? If i didnt REALLY care about her then i would have just said that we were together and cheated on her with everything in sight. but i wanted to be honest with her because i did care about her.

you asked if i am upset just because i may have lost my insurance policy? no, im upset because i lost someone i really do care about alot. I just wanted to be "22" right now and not married yet.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
...now 4 years later....

so i decided to re-read this post and it is amazing how things have changed. Havent heard from my ex since this incident 4 yrs ago. The funny thing is, my ex ended up marrying this guy after 2 months that they met. Now have 2 children and moved out of state

. I really believe that she was so happy to have this full guys attention that she settled. I really do wish her the best though and hope she is happy.

I actually have learned alot from this.

Im not as selfish in relationships, and actually have a better understanding of what I want. I just wasnt "satisfied", i wanted more, i wanted everything, and it wasnt fair to her or to me to try and make something work that wasnt meant to be.

I wouldnt mind seeing her though to catch up.

...Its nice to look back at your old posts and refliect on how things have changed...or for that matter still the same.


New Member
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
DavenJuan I wouldnt mind seeing her though to catch up. [/QUOTE said:
Don't waste your time. This guy took her, made her feel loved and more than likely banged her better than you ever did. I bet she wouldn't give you the time of day now!:kick:

juice veteran

Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
wow i didnt check the dates. 4 years later and never heard from her again thats harsh dude, but i would still leave it in the past


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
DavenJuan said:
Atleast thats what i told her. i really wanted to just see what else was out there, and i have had plenty of fun since then.

What do you mean, you didn't want to see what else was out there? You just said that in your first post. A lot of people have summed it up real well. You wanted to see what else was out there but you wanted to have her as something to fall back on if things didn't go well and have her as someone to "Wipe your arse and feed you cookies" like your momma did..you said that too.

So you used her and expected her to sit at home and wait patiently forever while you went out and flirted with girls and saw other people. Since you were out seeing people, it's only fair that she could too, right? But Uh-Oh...she found a real man and decides she doesn't want to take care of some wussy and decided to get a real man. She's tired of "wiping your azz" and sitting at home while you go out and play.

So then you come crying back to her, with Sticky notes that say I love you. Wow, if you're chances weren't ruined before, they probably are now.

Anyways, just be a man. You got to enjoy that "Have you cake and eat it too" scenario for awhile. But you really can't get away that forever...just be glad you had it for 2 yrs and move on, instead of continually chasing the girl that YOU dumped and left on the back-burner.

Really, I think she's being VERY logical and Predictable...you're the one who isn't making logical or predictable descions...geez.

p.s. Ooooopppps Nevermind. Haha. I didn't realize this post was made so long ago and just get ressurected.

All right, goood job on that man. I'm glad to see you moved on.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake

...Rereading some of the threads people were telling me exactly what i didnt want to hear. I didnt realize that they were right until 1 yr or so later. I was young, 22. I thought she was the ONE, but wanted to keep her around until i was ready. I REALLY believed back then that i could have her when i was ready and there was no way that she would fall for someone else

There is a lot of crappy advice on these boards, but if you can decifer the BS from the honest advice some ppl want to give, and be openminded about what some things you rmay have read on here, it truely helps.

I was a complete AFC even though i was getting chics left and right. I was going out getting numbers, getting laid, blah blah. I truely thought i was a DJ. ...but you know what....

I couldnt control my own personal life. A true DJ wouldnt put a women he cared about through something like that. A DJ wouldnt have a problem walking away. the one thing that i have learned here the most is......

being a DJ isnt about women, dating, how many numbers you can get, number of girls you bang.. its about finding who you are and embracing life. Not the past, not the future, but living the present and being happy in your own skin. ..I still have lots of work to do..I still woudlnt consider myself a TRUE DJ...but im getting there.


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
DavenJuan said:
When they say women are illogical, unpredictable, and men will never understand them, i am starting to believe the hype!

i met my EX girlfriend in high school (junior yr). we were dating for 3yrs and then i decided to break it off with her because we didnt really trust one another. Atleast thats what i told her. i really wanted to just see what else was out there, and i have had plenty of fun since then. Its been 2 yrs since me and my ex has broken up and we have talked every day since then. Hell, we even lived together for an entire year since we have been seperated.

Basically, the only difference is that we arent "labeled" as bf and gf. Which was fine with me because then i could meet other people. My ex had a problem with us not being together and always would complain about us not being together (though basically we were)

WEll, its ben 5yrs that we have been together/not together and now she has found some guy that i think she really likes. WE both have been talking to other people, but i think that this guy she really like because she told me that she couldnt talk to me anymore. and that i had my chance and im the one that dumped her. , though we arent together i really do care about her and dont want to lose her to some other guy. what the hell should i do?

I havent talked to her in almost two weeks and im use to talking to her everyday. i dont want t settle down with her again "Yet", but i also dont want t lose her in the process. any similiar situations that may help me are welcome.
you're in a f*cked up situation like me. i moved to cali from ny and girls here are all over me and i couldn't help it. i told my girlfriend in ny that i couldn't do it anymore. she really wants to be with me and i do too but the long distance was killing me. so i broke it off with her. now she said she likes another guy and now i want her back cuz i just can't give her away. she's the good wife type. one of the best. but she said i have to get back with her if i want her to stop seeing other guys. if i get back with her that means no more dating here in cali. i'm trying to let go of her but she won't. but then when she's ready to let go i'm not. it's really crazy!~