what the bleep does she know?


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
What do you do to avoid having a woman think you're tying too hard to be smooth? How does a guy go about not looking like he's trying to be smooth? How do you act relaxed and calm without worrying about if you look DJ or not? Is it true that women pick up on this odd behavior?


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
It doesn't work like that. You can't just ask, "how do i act smooth?".

Obviously you ARE trying to be smooth which is why it's coming across that way.

The only way to look truly relaxed and calm is to actually be relaxed and calm. It all comes with confidence and experience.

Sir I

Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
as Justin timberlake once answered a question about his dancing skills,

you have got to practice, practice and practice some more so it will not look as if you are trying but simply do


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Yea but everything in DJ theory implies in order to get women you should act smooth near women in order to get high IOIs. So if you're really a geek, supress it. If you're a dork, supress it. If you're a wimp, supress it. Wait until you're out of the presence of a woman to go back to normal whatever your normal is.

Thats my take on some of the lessons being learnt. Although I struggle, so far I feel pretty well versed in pulling the coolness off by women.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
I've been reading a lot Tyler Durden's stuff recently and he states that the openers you use can disarm women and get them thinking in a different states where their defenses are down. An example of this is asking their opinion on something that women like to talk about. He goes on to state that you have to keep in mind when you're talking to a chick that you have to be sizing her up and act like you're willing to walk off at any moment i.e. being a challenge.

He really emphasizes being as playful and fun as possible is equal to be as attractive as possible, while throwing in hints that you're disqualifying her. Pretty much have a highly infectious personality and use it to your advantage.

Now usually I just go up and talk about anything I feel like with a woman and hopefully if she responds positively I'll get the number. I might try using Durden's approach on hotter chicks in the future just to test its efficacy, but I don't think my game is at the level where I talk about sh!t I'm not interested in at all.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
What MCristo said is true-it's a bad thing if you're trying to be smooth and she's NOT buying it.

HOWEVER, if your question is really- "if women pick up on it that I a smooth guy, they will think I am a player, will it ruin my chances?"

Absolutely not. My experience has been that women want to date players, as much as they say they don't. What they don't like about players is that they have options-and that they can't nail them down or get them to commit to just them. But it absolutely does not mean they are NOT attracted to them-they may proceed with a little more caution, but that's a good place to be.

FYI- just in case this is where you were going- If are in fact being smooth, and a woman calls you a "player" or a "heartbreaker", that's an IOI in 95% of cases, and you're doing just fine.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
Sir I said:
as Justin timberlake once answered a question about his dancing skills,

you have got to practice, practice and practice some more so it will not look as if you are trying but simply do
Yes, but anything that is practiced is ultimately false.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
MrNotebook said:
Yea but everything in DJ theory implies in order to get women you should act smooth near women in order to get high IOIs. So if you're really a geek, supress it. If you're a dork, supress it. If you're a wimp, supress it. Wait until you're out of the presence of a woman to go back to normal whatever your normal is.

Thats my take on some of the lessons being learnt. Although I struggle, so far I feel pretty well versed in pulling the coolness off by women.
Acting, suppressing, these are very harmful practices. And for what, to impress a woman, which ultimately has very little value in the bigger picture. In time with experience you will arrive


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
MrNotebook said:
What do you do to avoid having a woman think you're tying too hard to be smooth? How does a guy go about not looking like he's trying to be smooth? How do you act relaxed and calm without worrying about if you look DJ or not? Is it true that women pick up on this odd behavior?

How? You don't, that's how! You don't in order to get an outcome to occure. You just accept what is and act naturally. You don't think about it or act, you just live in the moment and have fun.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
I think you have to ingest the knowledge you get from sites like these so they become second nature.

Its like playing a new video game. At first the buttons and surroundings dont make sense, you have to think out each move you make but eventualy it becomes instinct. You become confident in your abilities to manage your ingame character and before you know it your fragging the bad guys and pwning the level bosses!!!11 (or in our cases, swooning the hbs and f'ing your gf's brains out every night)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
the key is to get comfortable with yourself... you'll be projecting your confidence without even knowing it...

there are a couple things you need to do for that to happen:

1) figure out what it is you dont like about yourself
2) hit the gym (you have no idea how much of a confidence booster this is, even if your not fat..)
3) get hobbies and concentrate on things that YOU like to do
4) women cant be ur priorities... if they are, ur doing something wrong, women are not THE end, they are just a reward for being the best that you can possibly be.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
sav said:
the key is to get comfortable with yourself... you'll be projecting your confidence without even knowing it...

there are a couple things you need to do for that to happen:

1) figure out what it is you dont like about yourself
2) hit the gym (you have no idea how much of a confidence booster this is, even if your not fat..)
3) get hobbies and concentrate on things that YOU like to do
4) women cant be ur priorities... if they are, ur doing something wrong, women are not THE end, they are just a reward for being the best that you can possibly be.
I like #4 a lot. So true. Become the best man you can be. That puts you in a win-win type situation with the females.

You get to pick and choose who should win you b/c you're on top of your game. And even if a female doesn't feel you, so what! You're still on top of your game, and have lost nothing.

So follow your passions and become what God placed you on earth to become :)