You are only low-value if you BELIEVE that you are low-value. You can craft your Facebook anyway you want but if it's a facade you will eventually be seen for who you are. If you are trying to make it seem that you live an "interesting" life or are always doing cool $hit but in reality you aren't...playa you ain't bout dat lyfe!!!!. The fact that you are basing your value by the amount of "friends"...(
pause and really and I mean REALLY think about that for a second) on facebook
(pause)...just screams someone that is looking for
external-validation. Who the
fack are you trying to impress?! Become
SELF-validated and you will see an entire paradigm-shift in your reality. Don't become an approval or validation's not a good thing. Just for the record I have almost a 1000 "friends"...please tell me how cool you think I am...pretty please!?!?.

Don't rely on people to build you up because in my experience most people WILL try to tear you down any chance they get or if they even SENSE you are moving forward in your life. Humanity is nasty like that. Even if people comment or like your posts in reality there is an entire cauldron of seething emotions underneath....yeaa you like dat word-play and $hit I be unleashing dat intellectual prowess on yo a$$...yeaa nigga I'mma monsta in dis biznitch!!!!
I want you to understand media in itself has given rise to people's rampant narcicissm by feeding there ego's and women in general especially the attractive ones are milking the
fack out of it by making a name for themselves and the clueless men that keep it going. You will notice this but any woman that is remotely attractive will throw up a picture and BAM!!! you got all types of guys telling her how perfect she is...when in reality the ONLY and I mean the ONLY perfect person in this world is ME...

which means that they are lying to her and she knows it. Am I kaaayoot or what?!... It's all bull$hit man. Don't get hung-up on trying to attain "value" through facebook or social media in general. People of age and wisdom eventually become silent with time because they see life for what it is.(Reflect on that). A lot of businesses are using social-media and that's understandable and there are many factors involved with that but what I would suggest is to use it as a tool to have an online presence and just leave it at that.
One last penile man gland is bigger than yours!!!! Someone please validate me!!!!!