There are DJs, PUAs, and AFCs. "jerks' can be any of the 3, it's just a personality thing. PUAs like to call them OB (outlaw bikers) but it's bull**** as most PUA terminology is. JERKs are just dudes who can be any of the 3 (yes, even jerk AFCs).
EDIT (10 post limit...)
AFCs have 'game', it's just 100% incorrect and sucks balls. They are taught it from rom-coms and chick flicks.
Jerks don't really have game, they have the qualities of a DJ but don't know wtf they're doing, nor do they think there's anything TO be doing. They are a total hit or miss. They do some DJ stuff correctly (don't be needy) by total chance, since it's just in their personality. They are MEN, but not relationship quality, nor are they very respectable as men. Thus they are not DJs. And they're *******s. lol
PUAs are frauds and can't (shouldn't) be trusted. Many PUAs are AFC with a disguise, or Jerks who go sarging at clubs. This is a very small % of men just cause you've got to read or enlighten yourself to the community a bit. It's a growing %, though, and PUAs are pretty much the same as 'jerks' in my mind now, just more woman-savvy.
DJs are men. Some people say 'James Bond', but I believe Indiana Joneis is definitely the best DJ there is. A lovable dude who is HIMSELF and if people don't like it, he doesn't really care cause HE loves it. He's funny, witty, romantic, cool, relaxed, and so forth. Being a DJ means being yourself 100%, but ONLY the BEST VERSION of yourself that you can be. And you NEED to love yourself in order to be a DJ.
For those who are tired of terminology and accidentally say stuff like "he's an AFC" in person and feel embarrassed, this is what you can call them in real life and what you'll hear others call them:
AFC = wuss, nice-guy, a boy, etc
PUA = horny dude, 'guy who goes out to pick up girls every week', 'one of those pickup guys you see on tv', smooth talker, etc
DJ: Alpha Male, a MAN, great guy, creeper (if you'r as confident and free-willed as a DJ, some younger people will consider you're a creeper until you build rapport or attraction with them), etc