What makes your girlfriend look at you as an idiot or dumb?


New Member
Nov 21, 2007
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What's really it you guys think?
I've got that problem too but I don't even recognize it.
What mostly makes a man an idiot/dumb?
I treat her almost everything just fine...but she told me that there's something she dislike in me but other guys don't have it.
any ideas what it is? I have only a hint she told me that "what should guys treat his girlfriend."
please help me on this topic how should I treat her well and how to show my feelings to her. I'm still learning so if you have any great examples please provide me some.

thanks you guys.

john paul

Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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Paradise City
You may be on one of the extremes, either too nice and agree with her to much which she wouldnt like or your forgetting to treat her as your girlfriend and not just a friend whos a girl.
If its not one of those i dont know.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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how often do you call her?
how often do u compliment her?
how long have u been together?
how hot is she?


New Member
Nov 21, 2007
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I've call her often almost everyday and I really compliment her a lot but I think she feel like I was just saying it out
I've been with her for like a month and she realize that I'm dumb.
She's cute yeah very cute but not that beautiful.
but overall I'm really attracted to her.


New Member
Nov 21, 2007
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yeah I know but I don't really know how should I treat her.
I'm such a beginner of love
by the way your posts are giving me something thanks to you guys a lot


New Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Yeah, Im kinda on this boat too. Finally broke out of a no luck streak and now my girl's acting like somethings wrong but she won't tell me. About the same, call her ALMOST everyday (I forget alot), she's cute, been together a month. Also, how would I get her to tell me what's wrong exactly? I keep trying but she just say's "nothing important." I think I'm just paranoid because after having such a long no luck streak, I'm worried about losing this one and ending up a loner again. Gotta get the confidence to just meet people already.

dj ben2

Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
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sydney, australia
your calling her everyday .... STOP you compliment her alot, STOP. compliment her when she deserves it but not all the time. a big killer of relationships is when you spend too much time together remeber that lay back ring her once in a while to organize get togethers let her know or make her atleast think that youve got a life if you dont do these things she will either stick with you until something better comes her way or you can expect a breakup on her part in the near future


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
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Washington state
TryintobeMature said:
I've call her often almost everyday and I really compliment her a lot but I think she feel like I was just saying it out
I've been with her for like a month and she realize that I'm dumb.
She's cute yeah very cute but not that beautiful.
but overall I'm really attracted to her.
Don't compliment her all the time. If your compliments are too often and too similar, they will fall on deaf ears. Space out your compliments, and instead of saying "You're hot", try something specific like, "You're so cute with your hair like that." It's more rewarding.

Do you go to school together? Yes? Then why are you calling her everyday? Phones are for arranging appointments and getting directions. Conversations are for face-to-face encounters.

Why does she think you're dumb? Do you say dumb things all the time? Does your conversation contribution revolve around wii and fart jokes?

She wants you to treat her like a boyfriend would. This is vague. Talk to her. Communicate. That's what couples do. Tell her that you like her and you're interested in making this relationship work, but you don't have much experience (it's okay to admit this) and you need help making it work. Ask her what kind of things she'd like to see happen, and tell her in return some things you'd like to do together. Not discussing problems leads to bigger problems.

But just a suggestion: Instead of saying, "Do you want to go to dinner tonight? Where? Do you like (such and such) food? Or what about this? Do you like this? I don't care where we go." try "Put on a dress tonight; I'm taking you to dinner." Have a place in mind and tell her that's where you're going to go, but have a back-up restaurant in case the first choice doesn't settle with her. It's a big turn-on when a guy can actually plan a date instead of playing 20 Questions. :p