I'll start
Dream Job?
United States Air Force Pararescueman
What is it?
A job to end all jobs. A Pararescueman is an elite US Special Operations Rescue and Recovery Specialist.
Describe the job?
What a Pararescueman does is when the get the call, they go out and do what needs to be done to bring a fellow human back alive. They are highly trained emergency medical personel that are also trained in combat/Urban Non-combat situations. If a catastrophe happens, a pilot gets downed, a Special Forces A-Team gets injured and stuck, or a SEAL/Marine Recon team gets trapped behind enemy lines, the Pararescueman get the call and head out into the unknown all to keep their motto- "That Others May Live."
Why do you want it?
I want this because I feel the need to help out my fellow humans. I can not stand to watch by helpless as troops return home in caskets as their families mourn the passage of a loved on that need not of happened. It makes me sad inside and I need to do something about it. Not to mention the skills that are learned and the adventure part of the job...Nuff said.
How you plan on attaining it?
When I'm 20 I'm going to re-sign up for the Air Force (Wanted to do it now but I cant, need PRK eye surgery to get 20/20 vision) and go to Basic Training and then the Indoc Course. Take it one thing at a time then when those nine weeks of torture are up get through the 2.5 year Pipeline where I will learn free fall parachuting skills, scuba diving techniques, EMT stuff, wilderness survival, combat arms training, ect. After that its missions and training...I cant wait
What are you doing now to get you into this career choice?
Researching the hell out of it, getting in better shape, preparing mentally, and pushing myself until I fail...then get back up again...Enlightenment...