What is wrong with this guy???


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
DreamyChick said:
But to me this is again proof that when he says he doesn't remember something I say or do that he actually does. To test him I asked him when my b-day was and he was all I don't know why would I remember that? I was all most people do. So then he was like when is mine and I told him and he was like no you're wrong and told me another day and month and I was like you are lying. Then he purposefully guessed the correct month but was a day off and then he's all no wait it's this date.

See most guys have trouble remembering things or are selective but ever since I've met him he's recalled stuff I have said and done at random times and it's absolutely amazing to me that he's so observant.
I have trouble remembering stuff that I should know, like birthdays and stuff. In my grade 12 physics class I was using the elementary charge, gravitational and electrical constants, masses of certain atomic particles, and masses of certain planetary objects for about three months and I still had to look it up every day I used it =\.

But then I might get a glimpse of something that no one would expect me to notice at all, much less remember, and I'd make a point of remembering it just so I could bring it up later and stand out.

I think that might be what your guy did :p.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
New York
He wants to fvck you. End of story.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
DreamyChick said:
Oh thanks that is helpful.
lol do I detect a bit of sarcasm?

What's funny is that my advice is true. You obviously want to fvck each other. All this drama you're creating is only going to get in the way. Are you trying to fix your problem or do you just want online attention?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Shiftkey said:
lol do I detect a bit of sarcasm?

What's funny is that my advice is true. You obviously want to fvck each other. All this drama you're creating is only going to get in the way. Are you trying to fix your problem or do you just want online attention?
I am trying to fix my problem. This has been occurring off and on all summer and I am getting tired of his contradicting words and then actions. He swears there is nothing sexual in anything he's doing and he's not trying to lead me on and that he just wants us to have a happier relationship aka friendship.But nothing he does or says lines up with each other. I am really frusterated I'd rather just go back to the days pre-massages and cuddling.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
I am really frusterated I'd rather just go back to the days pre-massages and cuddling.
Then do it.

nothing he does or says lines up with each other.
In this case, you have to think logically -

- wait, am I losing you here?

Look, there are only 3 options. You can give up. Or you can develop the ability to pick up the phone, dial his number (not wait for him to call you), and say the words "so, would you like me to come over and show you a good time tonight? Or ever?"

There's always option 3, sit around being "confused" for the next 25 years, until you have grey hair and jowls, and your butt is like two sacks of pancake batter.

I don't see an option 4.

So write back with an Option 4, or tell us which of the 3 options above thou hast chosen.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
DreamyChick said:
I am trying to fix my problem. This has been occurring off and on all summer and I am getting tired of his contradicting words and then actions. He swears there is nothing sexual in anything he's doing and he's not trying to lead me on and that he just wants us to have a happier relationship aka friendship.But nothing he does or says lines up with each other. I am really frusterated I'd rather just go back to the days pre-massages and cuddling.
You're overanalyzing.

Like Phyzzle says, you need to choose what YOU want. Ignore what this guy says, don't try to interprite his BS because it's only confusing you, and act on what you want.