What is wrong with this guy???


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
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Okay guys I have to vent please be kind....

Alright so this is sort of a continuation of the story between this guy friend and myself.


I had not seen this said friend since the cuddling and spending the night until last saturday night. I called him to show him the new car I purchased bc three weeks ago my car got totaled at lunch time by a drunk driver while parked where I work. Anyway, seeing him was great but of course it made me realize I still have feelings for him. He let me drive him around which in my mind was somewhat significant bc he has never let me drive him anywhere. He always has to drive.

Anyway so he calls tonight and no surprise casually mentions that he has my favorite drink(Diet Dr. Pepper) in the fridge and asks if I want to come over for a few to have a drink with him. He would be drinking beer.

So I said sure, but that I couldn't stay long bc I had plans a date in the morning and I knew he had to go to work. So anyway hes like well you can still come over for like a few minutes and hes like but I probably should go to bed at 10:30 pm and I was like well then I wont come over and hes like well you know I always say I am going to bed early but dont so just do what you feel like doing. I said I dont care, what do you want me to do. He's like well you can come over. Then i was like I have to get dressed bc I had just had a shower when he called. So within like 3 minutes he calls me and tells me hes really tired. So what gives guys?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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He's like well you can come over. So within like 3 minutes he calls me and tells me hes really tired. So what gives guys?
His wife came home early.

Or he's doing a really stupid attempt at push-pull.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
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He's not married what does push and pull consist of? He's really driving me crazy with all this come over no don't crap.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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He's not married what does push and pull consist of? He's really driving me crazy
AHA! You just answered your own question.

Push-Pull means driving you crazy. You're sitting around THINKING about him. Isn't that good for him?

But he's doing it all sloppy. He's being RUDE. You can tell him this. Read Miss Manners or Emily Post if you want.

Inviting you over when he's "too tired" to see you is rude.

Next time, when he invites you over, say "sure, I'll be right there," and turn off your phone and go.

Surely, you can find other guys who actually want you.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
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i think he actually did that cause he was upset when he heard you couldn't stay long. maybe he wanted you to stay the night so he could bust you up in bed.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
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you know what..its fuking simple baby.. he wanna sleep with you that night.. wanna get laid obviously.. everything is like a game.. he already structured everything like keeping your favorite drink.. woow this is the trick i used to do..once you told him you cant stay for a long time he got freak down..coz he is not into drinking with you or see your beatiful face..you get what im saying...


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
no doubt that was the reason. it's either open your legs or don't with this guy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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bingo_ said:
i think he actually did that cause he was upset when he heard you couldn't stay long. maybe he wanted you to stay the night so he could bust you up in bed.
lol...no maybe about it! That was exactly it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Diet Dr. Pepper ha?

I got a Diet Dr. Pecker... Is what he was really saying!

I was going to write somthing clever but I believe they Nailed this one.

I say hit it and quit it girl.

What kinda car you get?


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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OH Fella's

I want to take this time to point out somthing...

Nothing against Chick 'cause they all do this... Girls that is.

Fellers read her post again.... I'll wait..

DO you see how many words she wrote to say..

This guy called said come over than said nevermind.

One sentance is all it would have taken us, but no ladies have to write until they have refelt the emotions of the time.

so good point on that subject... keep an eye out for that 'lil stuff... look at it again and try to pick up some ********...

peace 'n beatz


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
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He plays the I lost my memory game but in reality he's very observant of everything

Well when I called him back it was around 8pm ( he called me first) and when he answered it was obvious that I woke him up bc he groaned and he sounded tired. He said he had been working on a presentation but decided to lay down, and I asked him if I woke him up and he said no. Then we got to talking and he just started saying the craziest stuff to make me laugh and he was like well I can either go to bed or drink some beer I think I'll drink some beer.

Then he started twisting everything I would say around and implying that I was saying something sexual and said that I always have sex on my mind. When I called him out on implying that I was making sexual connotations he was all that's not what I am implying at all. Then I was talking to him about the new car I got and he asked how many miles I added and when I said 400 he was like wow you've been driving a lot this week. When I saw you last you only had a 116 miles. I was taken back by this comment because I hadn't even remembered how many miles I had on the car the night i saw him. I tried to make a joke, I was all don't you know that mileage on a car is personal information. He was all what and didn't get it.

But to me this is again proof that when he says he doesn't remember something I say or do that he actually does. To test him I asked him when my b-day was and he was all I don't know why would I remember that? I was all most people do. So then he was like when is mine and I told him and he was like no you're wrong and told me another day and month and I was like you are lying. Then he purposefully guessed the correct month but was a day off and then he's all no wait it's this date.

See most guys have trouble remembering things or are selective but ever since I've met him he's recalled stuff I have said and done at random times and it's absolutely amazing to me that he's so observant.

So anyway I had another test for him. I wanted to see if he had given thought to my comming over earlier, so I asked if the Dr. Pepper was still in the fridge from the last time I came over. He buys me 20oz bottles bc he knows I like drinking out of bottles and so I was thinking that if it was from a month ago it would be flat or close to it by now. He said that he had just bought them for me.

But when we were talking we went a couple rounds about my coming over and I was like look I dont want to drive over there and you be passed out from being tired. And he was all yeah that's hard to say.

Then that's when I said I couldn't stay long because I had to get up early and he's like yeah I have to get up early for work. Then he was like if you dont mind seeing me for a few minutes for a drink and then going home you can come on over and then he was all well what time is it I should probably go to bed at 10:30 pm so you could come over for an hour. But it's up to you and I said no it what do you feel like do you want me to come over and he's like you can.

Then he sort of freaked out that I had to get dressed and he was all it will take you forever and I was like no it won't. He lives very close to my house like 6 miles away. So then we decided I'd come over then 3 minutes later he calls and says I am sorry but I think I am seriously about to pass out and I said I was just about to leave to come over and he was like well it's good I caught you before you did. I am sorry and he said something else but at this point I was kind of pissed at his indecisiveness. So I was like okay bye.

So anyway I got kind of frusterated last night and had to vent.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
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zerocelcius said:
Diet Dr. Pepper ha?

I got a Diet Dr. Pecker... Is what he was really saying!

I was going to write somthing clever but I believe they Nailed this one.

I say hit it and quit it girl.

What kinda car you get?
2006 Honda Civic. It's so pretty. :) I get 40 miles a gallon.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
DreamyChick said:
2006 Honda Civic. It's so pretty. :) I get 40 miles a gallon.
I don't worry about MpG I just Buy less gas.

Well you tried girl. Obviously you like this guy, thanks for thinking of us when you vent. Makes Great case study for the lil dons.

What color is the Honda?
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oh snap. Hate to stray from the topic, but I came so close to getting a blue '06 Civic coupe last week. Good choice.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
wait a sec

am i seeing this, or i need to get glasses :confused:

let me rub my eyes so i can see things better

:eek: a girl is asking tips on sosuave.com about a guy?

maybe i haven't been on here recently.....


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
The Living Legend said:
Oh snap. Hate to stray from the topic, but I came so close to getting a blue '06 Civic coupe last week. Good choice.
They are quite sporty. I am so proud of mine. Did you know that you can get a full nose mask to cover part of the hood and the bottom of the grill to protect the paint? Just got added that today. It is vinyl, very soft and is black, goes along nicely with my gray car. Oh yeah I also added a cargo net to the trunk. So all and what was nice just became I little more cool looking. My car is now on a 10 year plan. I want to keep this car forever. Hondas have great resell value though so we'll see what happens down the road. Hopefully, I can enjoy this car for a long time. With the new civics they have included more safety features like more airbags and improved the engine and the braking system. I love how I can pop the hood and know what fluids go where now. I saw a blue civic ex with a navigation system and a moon roof but I couldn't have lived with the interior so I stuck with the LX model. Very nice car. Comes with factory tinting, keyless remote entry and a security system. I think I made a good investment. Consumer reports rated it well.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
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DJ4Life said:
wait a sec

am i seeing this, or i need to get glasses :confused:

let me rub my eyes so i can see things better

:eek: a girl is asking tips on sosuave.com about a guy?

maybe i haven't been on here recently.....
Yes I came here for tips on what to do with this guy. You got any?

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
The better question is what's wrong with you? Who cares what's wrong with this guy? You have to decide if you want to see him or not - independant of what he wants.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
DreamyChick said:
Yes I came here for tips on what to do with this guy. You got any?
How old are you? 15? Just fvck the guy and be done with it. Invite him over, fvck him, and that will solve all your problems.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Shiftkey said:
How old are you? 15? Just fvck the guy and be done with it. Invite him over, fvck him, and that will solve all your problems.
Oh thanks that is helpful.