What is wrong with advices from women?


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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I tell you why is taking advice on dating topic from women bad practice.

Because in most cases these women are AVERAGE FRUSTRATED GALS

Ask some AFC what he wants in women and ask some DJ on the same topic.
The first one wants shy, nice, average girl with good background and she has to love children, blah blah blah. And AFG is AFC in pink gown. Got it?

Quality advice only is from SOME older women and female- DJ's....yes, they exists!


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
AFCs want the hottest women too.

And women tend to give bad advice because they have no experience attracting women, not because they're frustrated. Though their perspective on some things can still be interesting if taken with a grain of salt.

Paper Boy

Aug 30, 2006
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It's like what Dave Chappelle said. You always shop at the store and you see these magazines about women giving advice on MEN to other women. It'll say like "100 things to do to please your man". That list isn't 100 things, it's 4 things:

Suck his d1ck, play with his balls, fix him a sandwhich and don't talk so much!

The Truth

Jun 2, 2006
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No no, you've got it all wrong. Women are the enemy and it's all a conspiracy to feminize men and end the reproduction cycle and the human race!!!

Never listen to anything a woman says, even your mom or your 90 year old granma, because they're out to get you!!

...or so some of the paranoid posters on this site would want you to believe. :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Women knows what triggers them yet they don't know how to explain it. Basically, it's like thinking, you can do it, can't explain it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
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What women want and what women think they want are two totally different things!


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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The above sentence is taken straight from advice that has a price on it automatically making it useless.

They are just as confused as us, see what Dave Chappelle said, it's funny but true.

Anything advice beyond that level is simply complete and utter sh!t because everybody has their own idea but nobody really knows.

Anything beyond that level is complete sh!t, I'll tell you again.. sh!t! That means what they say is sh!t and what we say is sh!t.

Nothing fvcking specific "triggers" them.

What you can do though, is know what YOU want and try to get that.. but anything anybody tells you beyond this basic stuff is seriously not really going to help cuz they have no fvcking idea. Be careful when taking advice on something nobody really knows about.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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Cuz women have an agenda..

You should use common sense..


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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women give much more realiable advice than men do. although it might not be perfectly sound advice, but it will be better than what a man will give you. becuase usually, their advice is along the lines of the things that actually matter tom wone (they would know better than us)

but there are a few problems with advice women give men: honesty is the biggest one. women usually wont actually give honest advice, becuase how you perceive them is at stake. A woman probably wont want to admit to you that she wants a guy who is a real good **** in bed for example, she might not want to come across as a slut, or she might get embarrassed by admiting it or not. or maybe she doesnt want to admit to your face that the reason no women will date you is becuase you look like a geek, are fat, are short, are UGLY. she is afraid to hurt your feelings. Or maybe shell tell you that she only wants a guy with a good personality, not wanting to seem shallow or superficial by also revealing to you that he has to be atleast a little bit good looking(cant be ugly).

The other is not knowing themselves on the unconcious level. Alot of times well see a woman we find very attractive, or we might like one womans personality better than anothers. but if someone were to ask us to tell them what we liked about the womans personality or looks, we wont actually be able to tell them, we wont know what it is we liked about them, we only know when we do or dont like them. for example, you might say "she has pretty eyes, thats why I think she looks good", then the person asks "what about her eyes make them pretty?". and then you cant actually describe about her eyes that make them pretty other than the pretty eye color. in the same way, women dont totally conciously know what they want or like in a man. so its hard to get them to tell you even if theyre willing to tell. theyll give you vague and meaningles details becuase they can make it explicit what they want.like.

successful men on the other hand arent conciously aware of what it is that is working for them and what is not. They might attribute their success to their money or their aggressiveness, when it really might be becuase theyre tall or good looking. so mens advice is crap too, becuase they dont really know what theyre doing right or wrong. they just do what they normally do to get chicks not knowing some of the things theyre doing arent neccessary or relevent, but yet they attribute their success to it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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I agree women aren't truthful.

In most cases they talk about what pertains to the situation. If the woman isn't attracted to you, she will say things related to you she doesn't like. When she is attracted to you she will try and point out clues they pertain to getting you attracted to her.

I once saw a girl that said to one guy on double date "I don't kiss on the first date" When that guy left she was kissing some dude that she barely knew. In my opinion, It's all a lie when a female says it's not all about sex, next thing you know she will probably be ****ing somebody else. Remember when women say they want nice guys? Get it?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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women are give much more realiable advice than men do. although it might not be perfectly sound advice, but it will be better than what a man will give you.

but there are a few problems with advice women give men: honesty is the biggest one. women usually wont actually give honest advice, becuase how you perceive them is at stake. A woman probably wont want to admit to you that she wants a guy who is a real good **** in bed for example, she might not want to come across as a slut, or she might get embarrassed by admiting it or not. or maybe she doesnt want to admit to your face that the reason no women will date you is becuase you look like a geek, are fat, are short, are UGLY. she is afraid to hurt your feelings. Or maybe shell tell you that she only wants a guy with a good personality, not wanting to seem shallow or superficial by also revealing to you that he has to be atleast a little bit good looking(cant be ugly).

The other is not knowing themselves on the unconcious level. Alot of times well see a woman we find very attractive, or we might like one womans personality better than anothers. but if someone were to ask us to tell them what we liked about the womans personality or looks, we wont actually be able to tell them, we wont know what it is we liked about them, we only know when we do or dont like them. for example, you might say "she has pretty eyes, thats why I think she looks good", then the person asks "what about her eyes make them pretty?". and then you cant actually describe about her eyes that make them pretty other than the pretty eye color. women dont conciously know what they want or like in a man. so its hard to get them to tell you even if theyre willing to tell. theyll give you vague and meaningles details becuase they can make it explicit what they want.like.

men on the other hand arent conciously aware of what it is that is working for them and what is not, so their advice is bad. They might attribute their success to their money or their aggressiveness, when it really might be becuase theyre tall or good looking. so mens advice is crap too, becuase they dont really know what theyre doing right or wrong. they just do what they normally do to get chicks not knowing some of the things theyre doing arent neccessary or relevent, but yet they attribute their success to it.

however, The really hot, experienced, brutally honest women give the best advice in the world.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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Woman are emotional creatures. They do not think with logic. One week they love you the next they hate you. And it dosent matter how you have made them so happy in the past or what you have done for them. It all goes out the window when shes mad at you. Point blank shes mad and shes emotional.
Taking advice from woman.. all woman hot ugly fat rich etc... bad idea. They dont know what they want. You have to tell them what they want.

How many of you have played out this scenario...

You: Hey babe what do you wanna do tonight?

Her: I dont know.

You: Well what do you feel like doing dinner movie, out?

Her: I dont know, something.

Fastfoward a few months.

Her: Omg we never do anything i need a break.

You: Well if you tell me what you wanna do lets do it, lets do something, what do you wanna do?

Her: I dont know, something.

Woman need to be told what to do, never ask them, lead them. Emotional bags of indecisivness is what they are.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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I've gotten bad advice from women, and I've gotten alot of bad advice from men.

I've gotten awesome advice from some women, and awesome advice from some men. I learned the most through having relationships with women once I knew what to look for.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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i dunno about you but i got some wicked advice from a good girl friend,

she gave me advice on baggage and it worked and i started to mix her adivce and the adivce i got from here.. she actually gave me more depth of an advice.. only because she been through it all

and she was very confident.. very,

so yes there are dj women and they do exist