What is up with my gf??!


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score

I've been with this girl for more than 2 years. Last week we had a huge fight and it's been all VERY weird since then. It is a long story:

I have a full time job and she still goes to college. That causes problems because our free time conflicts; I am free on weekends but she needs to study so I always stay with her studying. About 2 weeks ago she as in my house (she sleeps over a lot) saying she has so much HW to do and need study. So I let her be. Then she spent time time chatting online. In the beginning I think it is fine. But she keeps chatting from almost 9PM to 1AM already. I started getting irrated cuz I thought if you had so much HW how could you have so much time chattting. I complained and she said she felt lonely because I never like to really chat with her online or talk to her. So she needs to talk to her friends to fill the void. Ok, fine. That is true as I don't like to chat that much. I got in bed trying to sleep. She still stayed up chatting and making those typeing noises. It was really annoying and I couldn't sleep. We both stayed up until like 3AM (me trying to sleep and she chatting).

Last Tuesday (she got out of school at night) I called her and she said she just got out of class and was getting ready to go home. OK. Good. Then I called again and she didn't pick up. I kept calling and she still didn't pick up. I went home, had dinner and shower. Called and no answer. I called her house and her mom said she wasn't back yet. WTF? You may think what is the big deal. But a few month ago she went out once at night and lied to me that she went to sleep and I caught her. I wanted to dump her back then but she wanted back so I was like OK, but NO MORE. So under the circumstances, I figured it just happened again. She lied about going home but instead she went out. So I started leaving messages on her cell phone saying this is it and I want to break up. I said don't ever call me again and just come to my house sometimes to pick up all your stuff cuz we are over. She called back that night but I didn't pick up any. She left message saying she could explain. I didn't answer her phone at all.

Next day, when I was still at work she called and I didn't pick up again. She said she wanted to go to my house to pick up some shirt that she wanted to return on Friday and asked when I would be home. Ok, so I called her back telling her just go to my house now and pick up all the stuff cuz I didn't want to see you at all. She started getting mad and said what she did that would warrent this kind of reaction from me. She said she wanted me to talk in person. I had no choice so I went home and met her there. She packed up all her stuff but she didn't seem to want to leave. She started hugging me and saying she dind't plan to go out that night but her friend called her and her friend needed someone to driver her home so she drover her and had dinner. After I heard that I thought it was not that bad. Plus she hugged me and stuff and I was like ok, forget it. Then we were good that night.

Thursday night, she called me from a pay phone saying that she forgot to bring her cell so she had to call me from the public phone and she told me she had to have dinner with her friend agian. Ok. At least she told me first this time. Fine. She came to my house again afterwards that night.

On Friday, she only had an hour class in the morning and that is it. So I expected her to come to my house and study and take care of our little puppy (I bought for her for X'mas). She didn't. She hung up with her friends, had lunch. Then she came to my house for a while to feed the puppy and then she called me at work saying she was going to downtown to return her shirt (she told me about going to downtown last night already). That was cool. She also told me last night she was going alone. I got off work at 7PM, I went home expecting her to be home already. But she wsn't there. She came back at 8pm.


I asked her why u went to downtown for so long (from like 2pm to 8pm). Who you went with? She said with 2 other friends. Then she told me let's go eat and she would have to go home to study. I was even madder now. I pretended it's all cool and hurried up out of the door and we headed to dinner. At dinner I couldn't hold it in anymore. I told her if you said you had so much HW to do why did you have that much time to spend with ur friends and then give up the time spending with me? My idea is that she could have used those time to study so she can have free time on the weekend and do stuff with me. But she rather goes out with her friends and not really study and told me she needed to study all weekend. I was like I have had enough of this BS. I felt like she placed her friends way above me. Then we aruged more and she busted out of the restaurant and drove home (she drover her car at that time). I didn't bother and I continued eating. I didn't call her or anything. I went home and rested. She called and said she is coming to take EVERYTHING from my house that belong to her and it is over. OK FINE. She came, put down the keys to my house and took whatever was left and took off.

Saturday, she had to work. I was at home. She called me from work asking me to bring her a headphone so she could listen to her mp3 player. I was like why would I do that if we broke up already and said I wo'nt do it. She called again asking if I was for realz, I said unless you are my gf, i wouldn't bring a headphone just for a friend. A few hous later, she called again asking for the headphone. Fine. I felt like she wanted be together so I brought it to her with my friend. She saw my friend and she didn't say much.

7PM. She got off work. I was expecting her to call me and we always go out on Sat night. She didn't. I called and she said she is with her friend again going out to dinner. ****. She pulled the same **** on me again. She said she thought I would be hanging out with the friend she saw earlier that day. I said she went home and I wanted to have dinner with you. She started acting all indifferent saying she can't cuz she already out. I got so mad and we started exchanging nasty words. Finally she not picking up my phone. I kept calling and calling. She just not picking it up. That was a tough night to go though. I finally made it to dawn break and called her house. Her mom said she was sleeping. But she still not picking up her phone. I called so much. Finally around 2pm Sunday I called her house and her sis picked up and I lied saying that something was seriously wrong with our puppy and I needed to talk to her right away so her sis finally turned the phone over to her. I said I wanted to see her and talk about all this. She said ok and i went to her house and talked. Basically she said I hurt her a lot and she cried in front of her family Friday night and told them everything. Her family all think I am not nice to her and said she should just give up on me. Long story short, I left a few hours later.

This monday morning, she came to my house and made sandwich for me for my lunch. Ok, that was great. But ever since I've had a hard time reaching her. I call and she never picks up. We talked online sometimes for the past few days. Finally this Thurdsay I said i wanted to have dinner with her. So we went last night and she let me hug her and stuff. This (Friday) morning she came to my house again and appeared so nice. Hugged me first and allowed me kiss her and stuff. Everything felt so good.

So I got off work later on today and she had told me her uncle was taking her family out for dinner. So I thought that was what happened. But I called her around 11pm and no answer. I again got really bad cuz WTF is this? She never picks up the phone. Finally she picked up and i asked where she at. She said she was out bowling with frineds. I PRETTY MUCH EXPLODED. She again went out without letting me know and she rather spend time with her friends. I started yelling and be all mad. I said why you lied to me again she said cuz she was late for the dinner so she went out with friends instead. I asked her to come to my house so we can talk as soon as possible. She agreed.....so now I am waiting for her to get here.

I do not know what to do. I have no idea why she changed so much. She used to spend as much time with me as possible. Like this morning when she came, she was so nice and she borrowed my laptop for shcool work and she even asked me to help her buying a cheap car cuz her current care is really breaking down. All those things she said you would think she thinks I am still her bf (how could you ask a NORMAL friend to help you pay the payments?). We kissed this morning and stuff. And now she is treaing me like this. I don't get it. Actually she just called. I asked why you acted so intimate this morning she said cuz she still 'treasures' our relationship. Then she said she didn't want to come to my house to talk about it tonight but I begged her and she finally said ok she will come.

Ya, I "begged". I really cannot take it anymore. I want her to be here with me NOW and talk! She said she will be here at 2:30am something...I'll be here...hope I can hear some feedback from you guys before then.....

really lost now.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
she's USING you dammit

cut her out of your life... she's probably cheating on you, too

f.ucking lying bi.tch


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks for your reply! Thanks for your support just by reading my long thread....really appreciate it....

Originally posted by alphawolfx
she's USING you dammit

cut her out of your life... she's probably cheating on you, too

f.ucking lying bi.tch


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
In your head
That was an incredibly painful read.

You need to dump this girl, shes playing you and what's left of your raisin nuts. Everyone else here will tell you the same.

I wish I could be there personally to give you a wake up call.



Don Juan
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
hehe sorry for the painful read! she is sleeping now...i am gonna turn in now and see what happens tomorrow...

Originally posted by Kaine
That was an incredibly painful read.

You need to dump this girl, shes playing you and what's left of your raisin nuts. Everyone else here will tell you the same.

I wish I could be there personally to give you a wake up call.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
loser-it: I'll tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. You're being a total wuss. She had more balls in the relationship than you. It's like you switched roles. You became the annoying, nagging girlfriend and she became the annoyed boyfriend who wanted to live his own life.

You got to understand your situations. They're different. You're done school. You're working full time. She's still in school. She's got the typical college/university student things to do that you no longer do (or not as much) after school. Every normal, social student likes to go out as much as possible with their friends to relieve stress from lectures and studying. You have to wake up and realize that you are not the centre of her universe. You're JUST a boyfriend.

If you think you're being "tough" or a "man" by being mad at her about her being out with friends instead of you, you're very mistaken. You're coming off as an insecure, emotional wussy boy. This is driving her away. Sorry I couldn't help but laugh as I continued reading your post. Don't you notice that the problem with her going out with friends and lying just kept getting WORSE and WORSE? This is because YOU'RE DRIVING HER AWAY with your excessive emotional neediness! WAKE UP! She wants a MAN, not a BOY!

Showing a lot of emotional neediness is one of the quickest ways to lose a girl. Whenever girls say they want a "sensitive/emotional" guy, DON'T listen. They're just brainwashed by society. They DO NOT want this. Their natural instinct WILL override this social conditioning and they will not want this in the end. Not to say you should be stone cold with her, just don't show a lot of emotion or neediness (don't get me wrong, you also have to show AFFECTION to keep her attention as well).

You got to work on yourself and your neediness. Maybe you need new friends, maybe a new hobby. But whatever it is, you need to become more of an INdependent man who does not need a girlfriend hanging out with him every day to be happy. When you're happy without a girl, the girls will eventually come to you.

cave dweller

Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score


Don't take any more sh1t from her.
You need to get rid of her tired @ss and move on.


'Hey man..........Cut your losses and move on."

cave dweller


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
Thank you for telling me what I needed to hear instead of just telling me dump the girl which is the most common answer you get on this board incidentally.

I admit I am needy now. I was not like this before. GF used to come over and stay over a lot so we see each other a lot. She used to spend time with me whenever she is free. She used to be like if she was going where with friends but I didn't like it, she would call and tell them she was not going anymore. I guess I was spoiled. All of a sudden now she ditched me for friends made it hard for me to accept. I felt she changed and you never want your girl changed at the expense of myself.

I guess now to her I am *just* a bf. I should probably treat her the same as a "just" gf. No more, no less. Don't worry about it too much and just have fun while it lasts.

Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
loser-it: I'll tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. You're being a total wuss. She had more balls in the relationship than you. It's like you switched roles. You became the annoying, nagging girlfriend and she became the annoyed boyfriend who wanted to live his own life.

You got to understand your situations. They're different. You're done school. You're working full time. She's still in school. She's got the typical college/university student things to do that you no longer do (or not as much) after school. Every normal, social student likes to go out as much as possible with their friends to relieve stress from lectures and studying. You have to wake up and realize that you are not the centre of her universe. You're JUST a boyfriend.

If you think you're being "tough" or a "man" by being mad at her about her being out with friends instead of you, you're very mistaken. You're coming off as an insecure, emotional wussy boy. This is driving her away. Sorry I couldn't help but laugh as I continued reading your post. Don't you notice that the problem with her going out with friends and lying just kept getting WORSE and WORSE? This is because YOU'RE DRIVING HER AWAY with your excessive emotional neediness! WAKE UP! She wants a MAN, not a BOY!

Showing a lot of emotional neediness is one of the quickest ways to lose a girl. Whenever girls say they want a "sensitive/emotional" guy, DON'T listen. They're just brainwashed by society. They DO NOT want this. Their natural instinct WILL override this social conditioning and they will not want this in the end. Not to say you should be stone cold with her, just don't show a lot of emotion or neediness (don't get me wrong, you also have to show AFFECTION to keep her attention as well).

You got to work on yourself and your neediness. Maybe you need new friends, maybe a new hobby. But whatever it is, you need to become more of an INdependent man who does not need a girlfriend hanging out with him every day to be happy. When you're happy without a girl, the girls will eventually come to you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Out There
Some of the things you say sound so pathetic. you keep calling her endlessly, what kind of shyt is that. to her when u keep calling and she just turned her cell on silent and next she loooks at it and has 30 missed calls from you will just annoyd the shyt out of her. Like Time sayed get a hobby or something, friends. go play sports and go out to bars. do your own thing and if she wants to see you she has to suite her time with ur BUZZY schedule. Be a Man! Go mack on other chicks see where it ends up keep your options open!

p.s do some reading on this website, you sure sound you need lot of it !

Dapper Swindler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
Holy crap. You must have a mean game of Battleship with all the games you are playing with this girl. I don't know where to begin, you just have the wrong idea about things and need some enlightenment. Drop the girl; that's a given. Then read the DJ Bible until you figure out a better way to live.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
sounds like your a little controlling.

yeah you are just a BOYFRIEND. She has a life outside, you should 2.

you want to know where she is all the time? no wonder she is trying to get a way from you. It looks like your trying to control her whole life.....when she can see her friends (after you of course)

wut about her best friends? BF come and go but bestfriends stay. Of course she will put her best friends in high priority. I would never let a girl come between me and my buddys. I think she is justified for a lot of her actions. Just switch roles. What if she called you all the time? what if she demanded you dont go and have fun with friends b4 you see her?

and notice something.....she pulls away....you chase harder. You are the women in this relationship


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
I had this EXACT thing happen to me. Through time I found out she was out with other people, seeing other people and even sleeping with other people. She would never admit it and finally I had to read her email to find out for sure. It crushed me to say the least. It took me almost a year to get over it because I really loved and trusted this person. I had such a problem trusting anyone after this happened and am only now gaining some of that trust in people back. She's obviously lieing to you and doing stuff that she knows would upset you dearly if you found out. You need to do the right NOW! Play it cool, and call it off. Don't let it get any worse.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah..I understand what you are saying...but I don't feel like to be cheated on so I want to know where she is. I know she can still lie but a lot of times you can tell a thing or two by the way she talks to you on the phone when she is out. Also, I believe there is such a thing as excessive haning out with friends. She would hang out until 3AM in the morning and do you think that is OK? It is fine if you are single; nobody cares. But when you are in a relationship, you need to be more reponsible and respect what I feel as a bf wondering where you are that late at night.

Originally posted by Fenderules
sounds like your a little controlling.

yeah you are just a BOYFRIEND. She has a life outside, you should 2.

you want to know where she is all the time? no wonder she is trying to get a way from you. It looks like your trying to control her whole life.....when she can see her friends (after you of course)

wut about her best friends? BF come and go but bestfriends stay. Of course she will put her best friends in high priority. I would never let a girl come between me and my buddys. I think she is justified for a lot of her actions. Just switch roles. What if she called you all the time? what if she demanded you dont go and have fun with friends b4 you see her?

and notice something.....she pulls away....you chase harder. You are the women in this relationship


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
Dang. That is so ****ed up. How can I find out if she is cheating too? Go through the email??

Originally posted by Dingus
I had this EXACT thing happen to me. Through time I found out she was out with other people, seeing other people and even sleeping with other people. She would never admit it and finally I had to read her email to find out for sure. It crushed me to say the least. It took me almost a year to get over it because I really loved and trusted this person. I had such a problem trusting anyone after this happened and am only now gaining some of that trust in people back. She's obviously lieing to you and doing stuff that she knows would upset you dearly if you found out. You need to do the right NOW! Play it cool, and call it off. Don't let it get any worse.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by loser-it
Dang. That is so ****ed up. How can I find out if she is cheating too? Go through the email??
I don't like the idea of looking through peoples e-mail. I personally wouldn't do it, but if you really do care:

Google keyloggers

(If you look hard enough maybe you'll find a free one, don't know)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Man, you better let go of this girl. If anything she is being really nice by putting up with all your BS and all. You need to be secure in yourself and stop being insecure/controlling or who knows, one day you may end up going OJ on her.. Before you look for anyone, make sure you are confident/secure in yourself. No woman wants some insecure wuss because he could end up doing some real harm to her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Alright quit calling and meeting with her. If anything just meet to give her the last of her sh1t and thats it. Go back re-read what everyone said. Read the bible (link in the top right corner above the forum). Step away from the computer and your phone for a week. Do not call her. Come back. Look at your post. Look at the answers. Take a little more time and let you testicles descend again. Read the bible again. Call your friends. Tell them you have been a b1tch. Go out for a drink and laugh about yourself. Meet new girls. Go ahead flame me with the whole, "but my situation is different" or listen and respect yourself when you wake up. It is your call now.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score

Dude, why are you so controlling? Who cares who she goes out with? "She lies!", you say? Well, guess what? She has to lie in order to have any kind of social life without you flipping out! You are not her entire world, and she should NOT be yours.

Imagine the following: you had a long day of classes. Your friends are asking you to come along with them bowling and drinking. But you know your girl always wants to spend time with her, and that she would get mad that you don't wanna see her then and there. What do you do? You know that if you go see your girl for the rest of the day, you'll prolly get in a fight about where you've been last friday. But you can go and have fun with friends who could help you unwind, instead of giving you more stress after a hard day. What would you choose? The latter, of course.

But here comes the difference between man and woman: while you have the balls to tell her straight up: "Back off, bìtch! I have a life and you are not the center of it!", she does not. So she tries to get her independence while trying not to hurt you (READ: She lies).

Now, onto what to do in your situation.

Cut all contact for a while (a week, month, or as long as it takes). Do not demand her time. She'll find it a breath of fresh air, trust me. Instead, go out with co-workers to a bar. Hit on chicks, or just go to have fun. Do something that does not require her company. Does that sound too difficult? It shouldn't.

Now that you have her temporarily out of your life, it should be a sigh of relief for you as well. Don't try to get back together - that's her job. Wait till she comes running back to you, saying how she missed you. That's a good thing, now. If she doesn't come back, then that tells you something about her take on the relationship to begin with. So in both scenarios, you WIN!

Hope that helps, dude.

PS: TillTheEndOfTime - you beat me to it :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
And go read the post by Johnny Winners (or something like that). His situation was much worse than yours. He seems to have come to the side of reality.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Your life is a T.V. soap opera! Any hor that you are sexing and sleeps over your pad as if she is your wife already disrespects herself so don't be so surprised when she plays you for a chump and disrespects you!! Integrity and honesty are not the characteristics of a hor - so don't expect such!! You are a tolerant fool to play her game for so long!!!