I have stayed out of this argument but this I really take offense to. And first let me clarify that I have played sports, lifted weights, worked out my entire life. But as far as steroids. Understand that they are not poison. They are not harmful. ANYTHING is bad if you use it too much. Hell drinking too much water can kill you. But as long as steroids are used in a safe and controlled manner, they are very very good for you. Now, I am not advocating that the typical guy go out and use steroids. Besides the cost, there is just no real reason to. But for the hard training or professional athlete? I am all for it and here is why.
I trained race horses for 20 years (still own a few) and one of the best things I could ever do for my horses was to keep them on a regular dose, (usually 10 cc a month of Winstrol V and Equipoise) of steroids. And whenever I would get a new horse, especially if they were run down? I would load them up, even the mares, with an assortment that got them back on the road to proper health. Steroids increased their vitality, their coat, their appetite, their energy level, just their overall health would improve tremendously. And I never once saw any adverse affects from them, and a few horses, like Islandecho (who won over 100 races for me) I had on steroids for 10-12 years. I remember two horses I got off a trainer, Swap Shop and Red Walter. Bother were run down, lifeless, skinny, racing terribly. I hit them with Winstrol and Equipoise every week for 2 months, and besides everything else I did to help them, they both won their first 5 races with me and within 2 months looked gorgeous and felt awesome. Like a race horse should. Steroids were created to HELP improve ones health. They were not created to get high or zoned out or for anything other than to increase an animals or persons fitness level. GOOD things.
Steroids have gotten such a bad rap over the years, mainly from the media who perpetuates the govt bias against them. People need to understand that professional athletes or animals like race horses cannot train and perform properly on things like steak and eggs, vit supplements, or hay and oats. They take a pounding every day that is 100 x greater than the stress that a normal person or animal endures. So it only makes sense that they need some extra help in their recovery and training. Of course, if you overdose on them, like anything whether drinking, eating, or even training, your body is going to suffer. But used in a safe, controlled manner....steroids are an excellent part of any fitness routine and it makes me sick to see the bad rap they have gotten.
I might also add that I have only done a few myself. I tried Winstrol V a few times when I was younger, and had no ill affects whatsoever. But I have never used them on any regular basis and at most have only used them 3-5 times in my life.