Yes, I want to know what the difference between staring and eye contact is. Even though I don't think I stare and I do move my eyes around, people still say that I stare. Like I'll be looking at the teacher, nodding my head, than I'll look to the left and look to the right quickly and then focus my eyes back on the teacher or in band, when our band director is talking I'll have my eyes fixed on him, but look around at the other band members, once in a while. I thought by doing that I wasn't staring, but apparently people still think I do stare at them. Something I also want to know is, if your walking through the hall, engaging eye contact with random people, should you hold eye contact with them until they're out of your sight or give them eye contact for a slight second, than break eye contact? This is something I've really been wondering about. So yeah, I want to know the difference between staring, looking and eye contact, some examples of each would be nice.