- So this girl expressed a lot of interest and spent a lot of time with me.
- I was not able to kiss her and carry the thing forward due to a gut feeling and personal impediments which I resolved later.
- She starts spending less time.
- Her pulling away hurts me and prompts me to resolve my personal conflict. I tell her the good new that I resolved my personal conflict and make the move to kiss her.
- She backs of and says "is this not hurting you?"
- Confused I back off and assume now that she does not want to have a relationship bc that is what she says (but I am starting to think she did that bc she saw that it was not hurting me and assumed I did not have feelings for her.)
- She comes to the party I invite her to
- She flirts with another guy in front of me
- I am a pissed but do not do anything because I thought she is entitled to do whatever she wants and that she does not want to be with me bc before she said she just wants to remain friends.
The setup for our interactions were all building up to something serious. When I asked her to come over to my place she got mad and said she had to go meet up with her friend.