Don Juan
Why can't I ask for that girl phone number?! Its &^$%ing stupid of me. I can see she have high interst in me, but I still haven't ask for her number. Everyday before class I say to myself that im going to ask for it but guess what, I chicken out. Last week in class I had great chance to ask for her number. We had a good convo and everything but I still didnt ask 
What could I say that could led me into asking for her number? I had never ask a girl for her number before so this is uncharted waters to me. Im thinking that if I get this girl phone number, I'll be easy for me to get phone numbers in the future.
I read parts of the DJ bible, but Im guessing if someone tells me directly I'll get it.
What could I say that could led me into asking for her number? I had never ask a girl for her number before so this is uncharted waters to me. Im thinking that if I get this girl phone number, I'll be easy for me to get phone numbers in the future.
I read parts of the DJ bible, but Im guessing if someone tells me directly I'll get it.