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What is it about women?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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In general I agree with the consensus that stoicism is the default 99% of the time around even good women worth the long haul. In these cases you can show “weakness” twice a year - like every 6 months. I quoted “weakness” because what you show is for THEIR benefit not yours - everyone has heard about maintaining a ratio of beta to alpha traits I believe it’s like 1:9 or even smaller but that’s me. The reason you do this is so that she can feel you’re being “genuine” with her - she can brag to her friends how “sensitive but masculine and strong” you are.

My take is never use a genuine weakness - make one up - make it easy and chick friendly and simple, something easily “recovered from”. She gets her warm and fuzzies and gets her validation that you’re really a great guy. That helps relationships with women, sad but true.

I’ve known men who were in top shape, mid forties - animals, good earning, smart, fun good looking that had hot gf’s in ltrs that had a setback like a torn rotator cuff and the chick dumps him. And don’t let it ever be anything like prostrate benign or not - don’t tell them you’re on SSRIs or SNRI’s, bp meds, diabetic - NOTHING.

A woman’s brain stem overrides their logic and personal experience and 1000 years ago when the man showed weakness he stood a high chance of dying and exposing her to mayhem, this is genetic memory, again this is real guys.

You have to wear a mask in a relationship if you want it to last. I thought once that I could let my guard down with “the one that got away”, I’d held frame for years and let things bleed through because she was THE ONE, of course she’d get it! I paid for that eventually. ONE MOMENT OF WEAKNESS (job related ****). It’s all it takes brothers.

I hope that if even one of you takes this information and succeeds where I failed this post was worth it.
The only “defense” against this is leverage.

Women lose almost all of their sexual market leverage by 40. If the bvtch wants to walk, let her. You have to always show that you can replace her easier than vice versa.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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agree - harder to do once you’re invested the trick is to hold on, but lightly…

The only “defense” against this is leverage.

Women lose almost all of their sexual market leverage by 40. If the bvtch wants to walk, let her. You have to always show that you can replace her easier than vice versa.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2009
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Good post, OP.

Another interesting thing I have found is that despite this being the truth about women, women who I have been in a relationship with have wanted, even begged me before to share my problems with work, other family members and friends, etc. with them. They have wanted me to “be open” with them because “they want me to rely on them” or “let them into my life in every way.”

What I have found that is that generally as soon as I tell them about that problem at work I am having or the fact that I am losing touch with a friend and it is bothering me, they almost always become more distant after. It’s like clockwork. I have simply stopped ever talking to my women about my problems. I always handle it on my own, never speak about it except in very passing terms if it’s unavoidable, and leave it at that. There is some innate biological switch that gets flipped in women as soon as you mention your problems and it’s never a good thing.
DONT EVER DO THIS. Dries their ***** up faster than the Sahara desert. Your problems are your own to deal with.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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This Fresh n' fit video from yesterday is right bang on the subject of women will leave you when things turn bad and will not support you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Over the years I've seen many times where women became upset, disappointed, or uninterested when a man became sick, lost his job, injured, etc when it effected them.
That's called female nature. Indicative of modern women. Absolutely disgusting human beings. Pump and dump material.

The stand by your man narrative is dead. It's the unicorn that's nonexistent yet man paint modern women with the same brush.

I've stated my thoughts on marriage. It's the ride or die girl that is worthy of a commitment but it's nearly nonexistent. Fellas looking at playing house should pursue that. How? Your guess is as good as mine. Bet your ass you better be working volume and casting a global net.

It's happened to me with two different women. I get bad migraines that knock me out for a day and cause me to vomit. In one case the chick accused me of drinking too much. I was with a group of her friends and I guess it embarrassed her. I had only one drink, headache started before then.

Another chic assumed that my headache would ruin our plans later that evening,so she got upset.
Ironically enough it's a blessing in disguise. She's a modern woman .pump and dump. #next!

Get health in order. I've seen death and dying. It's not a good time. 1 system of the body ****s up and like domino's they all come crashing down.

One other time in my life I quit my job and took a month off before I started my new job and women I would meet were quick to turn me down because of my job situation. Always amazed me.
Your first mistake was honesty. I'm a entrepreneur, I'm. .. [insert something vague]. You dun goofed.

A man is always expected to be understanding of women and their constant issues (headaches, emotions, periods) yet men are not afforded the same. Why is that? Why do men tolerate so much from women?
I've been slinging D and approaching nonstop throughout the scamdemic. No clubs or bars. I have specific areas I run game in. Simple trip to the gym, grocery store, a hike, dog park etc. Let me tell you, THE best of the bunch are all foreign, 1st Gen, and or immigrants. Eastern Europe, south American, and Asia. It's not a coincidence.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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This Fresh n' fit video from yesterday is right bang on the subject of women will leave you when things turn bad and will not support you.
Knowing the following, act accordingly. Still, majority of threads are about some busted skank, geriatric pregnancy, and out having a series of abortions.

In fairness, Pop had a horrible experience with a woman who killed his dog. Unreal.

I would advise fellas to pursue PEAK SMV 18-23. Pursue the girl's best. Vet her. I know a dude. He got adverse effects following the root beer float (still not tracked accordingly). Buddy picked up a girl age 25. He's 30. She's been with him nonstop. All in. It's not even like they were together for many years. He could potentially die tomorrow for all we know.

She's still there.

Dudes need to test women. Looking pretty makes D hard. Doesn't warrant a commitment nor a ring. Fellas need to test girls loyalty and assume the worse until proven otherwise.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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Over the years I've seen many times where women became upset, disappointed, or uninterested when a man became sick, lost his job, injured, etc when it effected them.

It's happened to me with two different women. I get bad migraines that knock me out for a day and cause me to vomit. In one case the chick accused me of drinking too much. I was with a group of her friends and I guess it embarrassed her. I had only one drink, headache started before then.

Another chic assumed that my headache would ruin our plans later that evening,so she got upset.

One other time in my life I quit my job and took a month off before I started my new job and women I would meet were quick to turn me down because of my job situation. Always amazed me.

A man is always expected to be understanding of women and their constant issues (headaches, emotions, periods) yet men are not afforded the same. Why is that? Why do men tolerate so much from women?
Because theres no such thing as equality.,

Men are the far superior sex.

Women are constantly trying to take your man hood,

if a woman has to teach you to read & write,all sex will be off the table. the opposite is not true, you would still think she is cute.

Trouble is they want to switch lanes between Modernism/victimhood & biology when it suits them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
Good post, OP.

Another interesting thing I have found is that despite this being the truth about women, women who I have been in a relationship with have wanted, even begged me before to share my problems with work, other family members and friends, etc. with them. They have wanted me to “be open” with them because “they want me to rely on them” or “let them into my life in every way.”

What I have found that is that generally as soon as I tell them about that problem at work I am having or the fact that I am losing touch with a friend and it is bothering me, they almost always become more distant after. It’s like clockwork. I have simply stopped ever talking to my women about my problems. I always handle it on my own, never speak about it except in very passing terms if it’s unavoidable, and leave it at that. There is some innate biological switch that gets flipped in women as soon as you mention your problems and it’s never a good thing.
I think you can talk about those things, or anything really, as long as you you do it stoically, don't make it about you, or seem incapable of dealing with it. For instance if you have an alcoholic in your family, you can talk about how it messes with everyone, and say that you'll support them up to a point but cannot help those who won't help themselves, and then move on. I've even briefly told women of a dwindling friendship, shrug, and say "yeah not much to do, I think it's over, oh well" and that's that. If anything they seem interested in what I have to say if it's coming from the right place (not gossiping, lamenting, etc).

It would be bad to mention problems with coworkers, family, friends, etc in a gossipy way or in a way that makes you seem passive, meek, or incapable of dealing with it.
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Because theres no such thing as equality.,

Men are the far superior sex.

Women are constantly trying to take your man hood,

if a woman has to teach you to read & write,all sex will be off the table. the opposite is not true, you would still think she is cute.

Trouble is they want to switch lanes between Modernism/victimhood & biology when it suits them.
Nailed it. And when she switches from her typically submissive self to a modern woman who wants to tell me how and when to do something or makes my life difficult I usually get pizzed. I question the whole committed relationship concept and yearn for those days I would find another one to ride the next wave.

It's funny how angry the unenlightened individual gets when you head down the path that men are superior. Until women can put their emotional hamster wheel in park, this will stay the same.


Sep 10, 2014
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Well...I wouldn't blame it on you per se, but women DO meet a lot of loser ass dudes these days who either have no job or work off and on or can't keep a job.

They probably have gotten burned a few times with those guys and that acts as a trigger for them as to what they don't want in a relationship, meaning they automatically group you in with those guys due to past bad experiences.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2020
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I understand this fully
You give women so many concessions and try to meet them half way and be understanding. You get knocked once and they start drama about how its gonna affect them. Total ball**** imo.
The lengths you go to make them feel better is never returned. They think by getting you off, you now owe them a year of empathy/sympathy.