i've thought about this one myself as i've encountered it myself.
i think there are a number of variables at play here...
1) attached women exhude a false sense of confidence. They know they have someone to go home to and as a result flirt with reckless abadonment. This form of overt behavior is like steak to a hungry dog for most guys - because it insuates that with just a little effort you'll be banging her all night long.
In this situation it's actually the woman who is approaching the man, albeit through actions not words. the man may get to a point where he thinks he's suddenly interested in this woman, but he's gotten to that point via her behavior, as subtle as it may be.
2) There are a HELL of a lot of women out htere in relationships they are NOT happy in. i tell you, it's absurd how many women i know who are with guys they would dump if they could find a better deal. So basically the waters are FILLED with women who are attached but who are putting feelers out in hopes of a better deal. They tend only to stop doing this once they've had kids. Most guys are happy enough as long as they are getting laid. hence why men tend to get blindsided - to them they were getting laid and everythign was great, meanwhile their gf emotionally started to detach a while ago.
3) Even the biggest AFC won't give a girl he doesn't want to f*ck a second look. Whereas women are very different. A single woman will take any attention she can get. So if any Joe approaches her right she will give him a chance. If men chased after any old single woman they'd suddenly realize just how many of them there are out there - but instead there are droves of women that don't even register on our radar because they aren't f*ckable.
4) often times once IN a relationship women get their senses about them and suddenly start to realize whats important in a man. it's often the attached ones that recognize the "good" guys - ie. the ones who have their sh*t together. And they are drawn to flirting with them. However, the single (hot) women often are drawn to the bad boys, the challenge, the guy who wants nothing but to f*ck them. They feel more comfortable with that dynamic, because they know they won't get rejected (until after he's banged them anyway). When they are single the "good" guy is intimidating, because he's looking for character and depth - and hence is judging women with a keen eye. also, women know that flirting with a "bad boy" is dangerous if they are in a relationship, as the bad boy WILL escalate things and want to f*ck. Whereas when flirting with a "good guy" they know that it won't escalate unless they escalate it.
so in summary:
- guys ignore droves of single women
- attached women flirt much more than single women
- there way more attached women who are NOT happy in their relationships
than there are men.
- attached women go after good guys, single women tend to go for bad boys.
basically im a good guy. NOT an AFC mind you. But at my age I'm looking for quality over just a piece of *ss. I find that 80% of attached women flirt with me shamelessly. I take it for what it is - I'm the guy they wished they had enough common sense to settle down with. Could i bang them with a little work, sure, but that's not my game.
anyway, when you decide to take control and pick yourself out a woman and persue her you'll start to notice the difference between single and attached woman. they give up TOTALLY different vibes in my experience. the single woman is a tad nervous, slightly shy at times, almost waiting for you to lead the conversation and take control. An attached woman is often chatty, throws flirty signals out left right and center, and is HIGHLY complimentary to you. the single girl is too worried about what you think of her to throw endless compliments at you. the attached woman doesn't even thinka bout whether you are judging her, she simply enjoys the attention in the moment.
it's taken me a LONG time to realize that women are who are single and interested are actually shy-er and require more proactive effort to communicate with than attached women. attached women are a joke to chat up and flirt with, they make it very easy. single women are too nervous and unsure of themselves and hence are kind of akward in their conversation.
anyway, once you notice this difference you can start to have some REAL fun with the attached one. i've been through this situation many many times and it generally goes like this...
- attached woman flirts
- attraction builds
- personal details about your lives start to get shared (often at this point you find out that she has a bf or husband, a point of fact often concealed early on)
- really personal details start to get discussed and it becomes palpably obvious that there is a strong attraction between the two of you.
- woman starts then starts to send confusing signals. her behavior starts to change slgihtly. some days she pulls back, other days shes back to flirting shamelessly.
- suddenly you start hearing about all kinds of f*cked up parts of the womans life.
- enough time has gone by at this point that the man realizes he's wasting his time with this woman and goes off in search of a woman who is free to get f*cked.
after goign through this a few times, now i just enjoy watching them go through teh process of getting attracted to me, then falling for me, then feeling really guilty and torn about it all, then walking away from them.
anyway man, i don't know if this was of any help to you. i can't even guarantee that anything i've written is the actually truth of things - simply my observations from my own life.