Originally posted by Survivor
Got Acne? Get some over-the-counter skin medication and use it. If neccessary, see a dermatologist.
Bad clothes? Ask your sister or trustworthy female friend for fashion advice.
Bad Hair? Buy better shampoo. Ask trustworthy females what hairstyle would look best on you. Get more frequent haircuts. Ask your barber for hair care advice.
Stink? Deodorant, my friend. Deodorant. Also, find trustworthy female advice on different male colognes.
Bad breath? Breath mints, my friend. Breath mints. (See a dentist if your bad breath is clinical.)
Hmm... I have issue with some of these. For example, acne, I don't believe topical treatments work, and would rather cure the problem nutritionally rather than slashering on creams every bloody day. Too troublesome.
Bad clothes? Hmmm I'm open to suggestions, but not if it's tight or uncomfortable or something I really hate.
As long as it doesn't involve cutting it in any way! Also, I like going a bit without washing it to let the natural oils build up. Not only is it healthier but you can actually feel the difference when you wash it. If you wash every day or two it's just usual.
Hmmm I like my natural musk... perhaps I can make it smell better through a change in diet?
As for breath, same as above. Though I'm not sure mine's that bad.