That's the wrong time to go for the kiss, especially on the first date. It's only "the moment" for a kiss in Hollywood movies, and it's often a corny romantic comedy which resembles nothing much of reality.
If you want to kiss her, do it during the date, not at the end. It should be spontaneous, not cliche and predictable.
I've done k-close & f-close on first dates, but my new policy (just for fun) is to playfully create the tension as if I'm gonna kiss her, e.g playing with her hair, touching her cheek, looking into her eyes, going in 90% but then stop. I'm driving my first "test subject" wild. My goal is to make her jump me on the next date.
WTF is a hug-close?
I hug & kiss the cheeks of pretty much every girl I meet the first time when we say goodbye at the end of the meet, regardless of whether I'm gonna be dating her or not. If you escalate from pretty much bugger all contact to a kiss, you're gonna get rejected. Warm her up for it.
And if all you get is a hug at the end of the date, make it a hug to remember. Lift her up and spin her around or something. She might be awkward because she's a girl, but you're the man, so don't let her awkwardness influence your frame. If you're comfortable with it, she will be, too. If you're awkward, guess what...