what if you absolutely need to get this one girl


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
If you think this girl to be the one, then you're missing the most important work which requires other girls. Jealousy is an emotion that ****s so much a woman up that you'll tie her to you if you get able to lit that feeling in her.

So go to other girls around her and bust and tease. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars
Nighthawk said:
What if you're fishing and you want the biggest and best fish in the lake nibbling? I know the usual advice is to use the most attractive bait, keep the line slack, let it tire itself out and gently ease it in so it doesn't bolt and cut the line, but what if you really really want this particular fish?
I would get a huge fishing boat rig and catch HUGE amazing amounts of fish all at once and just maybe she would be in that batch... but if not.. Who gives a fvck... I have hundreds of other fish.

...seriously you guys keep bringing it up and you are missing the point. You wouldn't be thinking that way if you weren't being AFC.
How would you get the HB10 fish if you thought she was the best fish of them all? You would be like all other fisherman... She would see your bait and line and know that you're just a chode fisherman. She would avoid it.
But that HB10 fish couldn't help but get snared in the REAL fishermans Glorious rig!!! She would see all that other fish getting snared, she wouldnt know what was happening before it was too late, and the fisherman fvcked her and all her fish eating friends.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
cNfny said:
let's say this happens and for whatever reason you slip a little and she's losing your attention, what then does one do? usually the advice is to walk away, not care, spin plates, etc. but what if you absolutely thought this one girl was the one at the bottom of the barrel that you finally reached through various other practice throw away girls?

ok, so if you re posting this, chances are you won't take any sound advice because you ve already reverted back to AFC level.

if you didn't reach that low yet, here s my 2 cent: run for the hills! the sooner you start forcing yourself to forget about her, the better for your mental sanity. if you actually had enough experience (with "various practice throwaway girls") you wouldn't:

1) "slip a little" and she wouldn't stop giving you attention
2) be posting this question on a seduction forum. instead you would know what to do

so my take on this is that you think you have more experience than you actually do. in fact you are contemplating going down the afc path for this girl... DON T DO IT! save yourself while it s still time ;)