Hey everyone,
Awesome website! Like alot of you guys, I was a huge AFC in highschool and early college. No girls, no dates, you know how it goes.
This site has been a true revelation. I've poured over this material for the last 6-9 months and it all makes sense now. I've talked to more girls, I've done C&F, I've done kino, I understand why all of this works. I've had opportunities online to get some ONS's with women from using this material (one woman wanted to send her panties to me, and she lived 1,500 miles away). Women just eat this stuff up.
But there is only one problem.
It feels like a facade.
I hate confrontations with people. I've always been very diplomatic and I dont think of myself as some super protective guy. Physically I'm in good shape (6"2, 175 lbs), but mentally my biggest fear is going out with some cutie and being made to look like a cowering fool if some other guy disrespects me or really any kind of occurance like that with anyone.
It probably goes back to middle school and highschool when I was picked on. I can put on a pretty good outer appearance. Staring down girls and taking complete control of her when I'm alone, but #%^, when it involves others, inside me I just sink into a corner and feel like hiding.
Maybe I've blown this fear up way too much. I'm in a middle to upperclass environment. I dont plan on taking girls to sleezy bars and stuff. I'm 26, and by the time you get into your mid to late 20's, people are pretty mature and civilized.
It seems like the solution would be to learn martial arts and just get on with it. But I'm not the ******dly aggressive type. It's probably well ingrained for many other guys here.
It's sad, but this is the only thing holding me back from going out with more girls and using the DJ Bible 110%.
Maybe I should just stick with 6's or 7's and not worry about others confronting me with a 8.5 or 9. I don't know what kind of attention 8.5's or 9 draw out in public on a date.
Awesome website! Like alot of you guys, I was a huge AFC in highschool and early college. No girls, no dates, you know how it goes.
This site has been a true revelation. I've poured over this material for the last 6-9 months and it all makes sense now. I've talked to more girls, I've done C&F, I've done kino, I understand why all of this works. I've had opportunities online to get some ONS's with women from using this material (one woman wanted to send her panties to me, and she lived 1,500 miles away). Women just eat this stuff up.
But there is only one problem.
It feels like a facade.
I hate confrontations with people. I've always been very diplomatic and I dont think of myself as some super protective guy. Physically I'm in good shape (6"2, 175 lbs), but mentally my biggest fear is going out with some cutie and being made to look like a cowering fool if some other guy disrespects me or really any kind of occurance like that with anyone.
It probably goes back to middle school and highschool when I was picked on. I can put on a pretty good outer appearance. Staring down girls and taking complete control of her when I'm alone, but #%^, when it involves others, inside me I just sink into a corner and feel like hiding.
Maybe I've blown this fear up way too much. I'm in a middle to upperclass environment. I dont plan on taking girls to sleezy bars and stuff. I'm 26, and by the time you get into your mid to late 20's, people are pretty mature and civilized.
It seems like the solution would be to learn martial arts and just get on with it. But I'm not the ******dly aggressive type. It's probably well ingrained for many other guys here.
It's sad, but this is the only thing holding me back from going out with more girls and using the DJ Bible 110%.
Maybe I should just stick with 6's or 7's and not worry about others confronting me with a 8.5 or 9. I don't know what kind of attention 8.5's or 9 draw out in public on a date.