"What if I dont approach?"


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I found this post very motivational.
I no longer think "Whats gonna happen (if I approach)?"; I think "Whats gonna happen if I DONT approach?"
Slightly edited, from www.collegeflirt.net
By TwoStep.

This exact thought runs through most guys head when it comes to approaching girls

"What if I approach”

And the instantly their brain starts listing off horrible outcomes or why they shouldn’t. Then they decide to remain in their comfort bubble and not approach.

Then I was like holy **** and a thought came to my head

“What if I had never approached people when I go out”

Or something you can ask yourself ”Whats gonna happen if I DON’T APPROACH”

When I thought about “What if I had never approached people when I go out” Instantly a flood of all the crazy adventure and stuff that had happend to me in the past year because I simply went up and talked to people flashed through my head.

I remembered the time I approach a group of guidos and girls for no reason other than to talk. They were put off at first, but then it turned out we had a really good mutual friend. Next thing you know I’m riding in the bed of this guys truck with like 3 other guidos and some hot chicks. Then we show up at some house that was like Jersey Shore Incarnate, funniest party I’ve ever been to, hot chicks, big biceps,glitter shirts, lots of yelling WITH COMPLETE STRANGERS. And i met a girl who i later had boo boo time with.

Now “what if I hadn’t approached” …..I would of drank a little bit more at the bar and then went home and falling asleep, completely empty handed.

I remembered a time when I was leaving a club after making at LEAST 30 approaches…NONE of them clicked at all. ZERO phone numbers. I’m walkin out and am like ****…. bars closing, I’m in a hurry, I don’t even have time to meet a girl….

Out of the corner of my eye I spy this smoking hot blonde with her friend. I think “**** it, might as well” I walk up basically immune to blowouts or even carng and say simply.

“Hey, Alex alex whats up.” she greets me and because I’m confident opens up ” I say hey you seem cool, I literally don’t have time to talk to though since I have to catch my friend outside. I know this is random, but give me your number and lets try something sometime.” She thinks about it for a sec as I confidently stare at her…Smiles and agrees.
This hot blond ended up being one of the coolest girls I’ve ever met and was my GF for around 2 monthes before she had to move. Amazing girl though. From that completely random half ass approach.

Now, what if I had let the night beat me down ” What if I hadn’t approached”
I would of gone home, completey empty handed, and missed out on one of the coolest hot girls I’ve ever met

I remembered the time I was at a bar on my 22nd b-day, so smashed I couldn’t even talk to a girl. I was very aware of this. I said **** it, and approached some girl sitting with her friends. We instantly just “click” and start making out. We go home and have sex. Later on she becomes my infamous GF “sniffles” from my field reports. Over the next year me and this girl ended up going to bars and picking up girls for threesomes. Hell she found girls by herself, for US. Girls that were hotter than her even lol

“What if I hadn’t approached”

I would of gone home **** faced and past out on my couch. The End.

I’m out for new years eve, rumbling around a bar, nothing I’m saying to girls is even making sense. Like girls are running from me. I see one of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen walks by wearing like thigh high boot and a short black dress. Brunette and a body you would literally kill for.

I’ve never kissed a girl on the stroke of new years eve, so I’m like “**** this, even if I’ve gotten semi decent with girls, I still can’t even get this one tiny thing done. ”

My will to approach is killed.

My friend who will go by Xerxes (about to start guest posting here) Is like NO **** THIS. Grabs me and literally throws me through the air into a group of girls. My first urge is to be like “sorry my bad and walk off”

But somewhere inside of me came the thought “**** it lets do this”

I half hazardly pull in the closest girl to me and start yelling whatever the **** is on my mind at the girls. I then decide to check out the girl I pulled in.

Its that girl I was talking about earlier..holy ****… I tell her shes gonna be my new years make out buddy and shes down.

So new years hits and while all my friends (who are amazing with girls by the way…it sickening) are stumbling around ****face and screaming, I’m up there with them making out with this insanely super model like girl for new years.

We didn’t end up hazn sex, but I’ll always remember that. ( A few minutes later I was hit the face by a full plate of sour cream and ended up running around the bar trying to get girls to kiss my completely covered sour face)

What would of happened if I hadn’t pushed myself

I would of been upstairs with my friends, again kissless on new years fingering my butthole in depression

I then remember the time I approached some girl who I was terrified of approaching. Got her number off a fluke. She ignored me. Then 6 months later came over and had crazy sex with me when I understood women better. THEN INTRODUCED ME TO HER FRIEND..WHO WAS ALSO HOT…bada bing…

What if i hadn’t approached
I remember the time I saw a girl walking through a crowded dance floor and I sprinted over, grabbed her and told her I loved her. The Legendary Happy Yogurt tradition was born a few minutes later.

What if I hadn’t approached

I remember the time I’m walking outside of a club with a friend. I see a open limo door and bolt in it. LOADS of hot girls, its a bachelorette party. A rich guy comes in and I hide under the girls. He notices me half way there but its to late so he doesnt care. I end up at a strip club with a ton of hot girls and all drinks covered…

What if

What if , what if, what if

All these amazing ****ing memories and adventures because I approached. Picture all the times you’ve chosen to stay in your comfort zone. I guarantee you have already missed out on some of the most epic stories of your life because of it.



Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Pretty much everything in my journal wouldn't exist now if I didn't approach. Bumping this.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
jerrykemic99 said:
Can you write details about,what If I don't approach?
first you will die a virgin lol

now tell me how you will really meet new people if you don't aproach? talk over internet and hope for someone as lonely as you be willing to jsut talk there and meet when obth are pretty segure with each other? or never at all?

pretty much the reason are for you to come up with, your mind will do the trick